ACE Technical Papers and Documentation

The following papers present many aspects of the patterns and framework components related to ACE. For comprehensive coverage of the ACE patterns and pattern language, please see our books
  1. C++ Network Programming: Systematic Reuse with ACE & Frameworks
  2. C++ Network Programming: Mastering Complexity with ACE & Patterns
  3. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects

PDF for all ACE technical papers and documentation are available for downloading below. If you have trouble obtaining or printing these files see my troubleshooting tips.

I suggest reading the following papers papers first since they give an overview of the key components in ACE:

In addition, papers are available that document the patterns used in ACE and compare the performance and programming features of ACE and CORBA.

Chris Eich has created a complete mapping of all ACE files into class categories.

Documents on ACE Components

The following diagram illustrates the patterns available in ACE. Additional information about these components is available further below, grouped according to class category.

Overview of ACE

Interprocess Communication

Event Handing

Object and Service Initialization


Service Configuration

Streams Framework

Applications of ACE

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Last modified 18:06:18 CST 25 January 2019