Classes |
interface | CIAO::Cookie |
class | CIAO::Container |
| Common container interface definition. More...
struct | CIAO::Static_Config_EntryPoints_Maps |
class | CIAO::Session_Container |
interface | CIAO::SessionContainer |
class | CIAO::Container_Impl |
| Servant implementation for the interface Deployment::Container. More...
class | CIAO::Context_Impl_Base |
| Non-template base class for Context_Impl. More...
class | CIAO::Context_Impl< BASE_CTX, SVNT, COMP, COMP_VAR > |
| Mixin base class for generated context. More...
class | CIAO::Map_Key_Cookie |
| A internal cookie valuetype implementation. More...
class | CIAO::Map_Key_Cookie_init |
| Valuefactory implementation for Cookies. More...
class | CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Activator |
| Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants. More...
class | CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Servant_Base |
class | CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Servant< COMP_SVNT, COMP_EXEC, COMP_EXEC_VAR, EXEC, EXEC_VAR, COMP > |
class | CIAO::Home_Servant_Impl_Base |
| Non-template base class for Home_Servant_Impl. More...
| Mixin base class for generated home servant. More...
class | CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl |
| A call back interface for NodeApplication Here is no need to be thread safe since for every nodeapplication we will have an unique callback object. --Tao. More...
interface | CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback |
class | CIAO::NodeApplication_Impl |
class | CIAO::Object_Set< T, T_var > |
| A helper template class for maintaining and managing a set of object reference. More...
class | CIAO::Port_Activator |
| Base class for port activations. More...
class | CIAO::Port_Activator_T< SERV, EXEC, CONTEXT, COMP_SERV > |
| Concrete class that implements the strategy for creating the right type of servant for the ports in question. More...
class | CIAO::Servant_Activator |
| Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants. More...
class | CIAO::Servant_Impl_Base |
| Non-template base class for Servant_Impl. More...
class | CIAO::Servant_Impl< BASE_SKEL, EXEC, EXEC_VAR, CONTEXT > |
| Mixin base class for generated servant. More...
class | CIAO::StandardConfigurator_Impl |
| Servant implementation for Components::StandardConfigurator. More...
interface | CIAO::Swap_Exec |
class | CIAO::Swapping_Container |
class | CIAO::Swapping_Home_Servant_Impl_Base |
class | CIAO::Upgradeable_Context_Impl< BASE_CTX, SVNT, COMP, COMP_VAR > |
interface | CIAO::UpgradeableContext |
class | CIAO::Deployment_Configuration |
| A class that provides strategies on deployment topology. More...
struct | CIAO::Deployment_Configuration::_node_manager_info |
class | CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_Impl |
| A servant for the Deployment::DomainApplicationManager interface. The DomainApplicationManager is responsible for deploying an application on the domain level, i.e. across nodes. It specializes the ApplicationManager abstract interface. More...
struct | CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_Impl::_chained_artifacts |
interface | CIAO::ExecutionManagerDaemon |
| CIAO Execution Manager Program. More...
class | CIAO::ExecutionManager_Impl |
interface | CIAO::new_RepositoryManagerDaemon |
interface | CIAO::RepositoryManagerDaemon |
class | CIAO::NodeApplicationManager_Impl |
class | CIAO::NAM_Map |
| Implementation of a map of NodeApplicationManagers. More...
interface | CIAO::NodeDaemon |
| CIAO daemon process control program. More...
class | CIAO::NodeDaemon_Impl |
| Servant implementation CIAO's daemon process control interface. More...
class | CIAO::RepositoryManager_Impl |
class | CIAO::Null_Dom_Document |
class | CIAO::NodeApplication_Task |
struct | CIAO::NodeApplication_Task::_options |
class | CIAO::Swapping_Servant_Impl |
| Mixin base class for generated home servant. More...
class | CIAO::NodeApplication_task |
| An ACE_Task subclass that manages the RT-ORB therad. More...
Typedefs |
typedef ::Components::HomeExecutorBase_ptr(* | HomeFactory )(void) |
typedef ::PortableServer::Servant(* | ServantFactory )(::Components::HomeExecutorBase_ptr p,::CIAO::Session_Container *c, const char *ins_name) |
typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<
ACE_CString, HomeFactory,
ACE_Hash< ACE_CString >,
ACE_Equal_To< ACE_CString >,
typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<
ACE_CString, ServantFactory,
ACE_Hash< ACE_CString >,
ACE_Equal_To< ACE_CString >,
typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<
ACE_TString, int, ACE_Null_Mutex > | REF_MAP |
typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<
int, int, ACE_Null_Mutex > | ART_REF_MAP |
Functions |
CIAO_CLIENT_Export int | debug_level (void) |
CIAO_CLIENT_Export int | Client_init (CORBA::ORB_ptr o) |
CIAO_SERVER_Export int | Server_init (CORBA::ORB_ptr o) |
bool | operator<< (Deployment::NodeImplementationInfo &node_info, const Deployment::DeploymentPlan &plan) |
void | traverse_package (PackageConfiguration *&pc, DeploymentPlan &plan, REF_MAP &ref_map, REF_MAP &primary_ref_map) |
void | traverse_assembly (ComponentAssemblyDescription &assembly, DeploymentPlan &plan, REF_MAP &ref_map, REF_MAP &primary_ref_map, REF_MAP &plan_ref_map) |
void | traverse_assembly_connection (ComponentAssemblyDescription &assembly, AssemblyConnectionDescription &assembly_connection, DeploymentPlan &plan) |
void | traverse_interface (SubcomponentInstantiationDescription &instance, PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint &pspe) |
void | traverse_assembly_instance (SubcomponentInstantiationDescription &instance, DeploymentPlan &plan, int l, REF_MAP &ref_map, REF_MAP &primary_ref_map, REF_MAP &plan_ref_map) |
void | update_artifacts (MonolithicImplementationDescription &mid, DeploymentPlan &plan, InstanceDeploymentDescription &instance, REF_MAP &ref_map, REF_MAP &primary_ref_map, ART_REF_MAP &art_ref_map, REF_MAP &plan_ref_map, MonolithicDeploymentDescription &mdd) |
void | update_common_artifact_and_art_ref (ImplementationArtifactDescription &pack_iad, REF_MAP &primary_ref_map, REF_MAP &ref_map, ART_REF_MAP &art_ref_map, REF_MAP &plan_ref_map, MonolithicDeploymentDescription &mid, DeploymentPlan &plan, InstanceDeploymentDescription &instance) |
void | update_config_property (SubcomponentInstantiationDescription &sub_instance, InstanceDeploymentDescription &instance) |
void | update_impl_config_property (PackagedComponentImplementation &impl, MonolithicDeploymentDescription &mid, InstanceDeploymentDescription &instance) |
void | update_impl_art_ref (MonolithicDeploymentDescription &mid, int arti_len) |
void | update_artifact_location (ImplementationArtifactDescription &pack_iad, ArtifactDeploymentDescription &plan_artifact) |
void | update_artifact_property (ImplementationArtifactDescription &pack_iad, ArtifactDeploymentDescription &plan_artifact) |
Variables |
typeprefix Components wustl | edu |