CIAO::Config_Handlers::ADD_Handler | |
Components::AlreadyConnected | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Any_Handler | Handler class for <Deployment:Any> type |
Deployment::Application | |
Deployment::ApplicationManager | |
Deployment::ArtifactDeploymentDescription | |
Deployment::AssemblyConnectionDescription | |
Deployment::AssemblyPropertyMapping | |
Components::BadComponentReference | |
Components::BadEventType | |
CIAO::Component_Packager::Base_Package | Base class for ComponentPackager |
CIAO::Component_Packager::Base_Packager | |
Basic_Handler | The base class for all the Handler classes |
Deployment::Bridge | |
CAD_Handler | Handler class for <componentassemblydescription> type |
CAP_Handler | Handler class for <capability> type |
Deployment::Capability | |
CosPersistentState::CatalogBase | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCD_Handler | |
Components::CCM2Context | |
Components::CCMContext | |
Components::CCMException | |
Components::CCMHome | |
Components::CCMObject | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::CEPE_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::CEPE_Handler | |
CIAO_new_RepositoryManagerDaemon_i | |
CIAO_RepositoryManagerDaemon_i | |
CompImplDesc_Handler | Handler class for <componentimplementationdescription> type |
CompIntrDesc_Handler | |
Deployment::Component_Info | |
Deployment::ComponentAssemblyDescription | |
Deployment::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint | |
Components::ComponentId | |
Deployment::ComponentImplementationDescription | |
Deployment::ComponentImplementationInfo | |
Deployment::ComponentInterfaceDescription | |
Deployment::ComponentPackageDescription | |
Deployment::ComponentPackageReference | |
Components::ComponentPortDescription | |
Deployment::ComponentPortDescription | |
Deployment::ComponentPropertyDescription | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentPropertyDescription_Handler | |
CompPkgDesc_Handler | Handler class for <componentpackagedescription> type |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Config_Error_Handler | |
Components::Configurator | |
Components::ConfigValue | |
Deployment::Connection | |
Components::ConnectionDescription | |
Deployment::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription | |
Components::ConsumerDescription | |
CIAO::Container | Common container interface definition |
Deployment::Container | |
CIAO::Container_Impl | Servant implementation for the interface Deployment::Container |
Deployment::ContainerImplementationInfo | |
CIAO::Context_Impl< BASE_CTX, SVNT, COMP, COMP_VAR > | Mixin base class for generated context |
CIAO::Context_Impl_Base | Non-template base class for Context_Impl |
CIAO::Cookie | |
Components::Cookie | |
Components::CookieRequired | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::CPD_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::CPK_Handler | Handler class for <ccmcomponentportkind> type |
CIAO::Component_Packager::CPK_Package | This class defines operations for creating DAnCE component package |
CIAO::Component_Packager::CPK_Packager | |
CPR_Handler | Handler class for <componentpackagereference> type |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::CRDD_Handler | |
Components::CreateFailure | |
CIAO::Execution_Manager::DAM_Map | Map of DomainApplicationManager to ACE_CStrings |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType_Handler | |
Components::DefaultEnumeration | |
CIAO::Deployment_Configuration | A class that provides strategies on deployment topology |
CIAO::Deployment_Configuration::_node_manager_info | |
Deployment::DeploymentPlan | |
Deployment::DnC_Dump | This class defines a set of overloaded "dump" methods to print the contents of various IDL data types, which passed as input |
Deployment::Domain | |
Domain_Handler | Handler class for <domain> type |
Deployment::DomainApplicationManager | |
CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_Impl | A servant for the Deployment::DomainApplicationManager interface. The DomainApplicationManager is responsible for deploying an application on the domain level, i.e. across nodes. It specializes the ApplicationManager abstract interface |
CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_Impl::_chained_artifacts | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::DP_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::DP_Handler::NoPlan | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::DP_PCD_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::DT_Handler | Handler class for <type> tag |
Deployment::Dump_Obj | |
Deployment::Dump_Obj::Node_Exist | |
Deployment::Dump_Obj::Node_Not_Exist | |
Components::DuplicateKeyValue | |
CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Activator | Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants |
CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Servant_Base | |
Components::EmitterDescription | |
Components::EnterpriseComponent | |
Components::Entity2Context | |
Components::EntityComponent | |
Components::EntityContext | |
Components::Enumeration | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::ERE_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::ERE_Handler | Handler class for <externalreferenceendpoint> tag |
Components::EventBase | |
Components::EventConsumerBase | |
Components::Events | |
Components::ExceededConnectionLimit | |
CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl | This class implements the ExecutionManger. ExecutionManager starts the execution process after the planning stage |
Deployment::ExecutionManager | |
CIAO::ExecutionManager_Impl | |
ExecutionManager_Impl | This class implements the ExecutionManger. ExecutionManager starts the execution process after the planning stage |
CIAO::ExecutionManagerDaemon | CIAO Execution Manager Program |
Components::ExecutorLocator | |
Deployment::ExternalReferenceEndpoint | |
Components::FacetDescription | |
Components::FinderFailure | |
Components::Transaction::HeuristicMixed | |
Components::Transaction::HeuristicRollback | |
CIAO::Home_Servant_Impl< BASE_SKEL, EXEC, EXEC_VAR, COMP, COMP_VAR, COMP_EXEC, COMP_EXEC_VAR, COMP_SVNT > | Mixin base class for generated home servant |
CIAO::Home_Servant_Impl_Base | Non-template base class for Home_Servant_Impl |
Components::HomeConfiguration | |
Components::HomeExecutorBase | |
Components::HomeFinder | |
Components::HomeNotFound | |
Components::HomeRegistration | |
IAD_Handler | Handler class for <implementationartifactdescription> tag |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::ID_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::ID_Handler | Handler class for <componentexternalportendpoint> type |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::IDD_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::IDREF_Base | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::IDREF_Handler | Base class for any handler that must process idrefs |
Components::IllegalState | |
Deployment::Implementation | |
Deployment::ImplementationArtifactDescription | |
Deployment::ImplementationDependency | |
Deployment::ImplementationRequirement | |
Deployment::ImplEntryPointNotFound | |
Deployment::InstallationFailure | |
Deployment::InstanceDeploymentDescription | |
Deployment::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription | |
Deployment::Interconnect | |
Components::InvalidConfiguration | |
Components::InvalidConnection | |
Deployment::InvalidConnection | |
Components::InvalidKey | |
Deployment::InvalidLocation | |
Components::InvalidName | |
Deployment::InvalidProperty | |
Deployment::InvalidReference | |
Components::InvalidStateIdData | |
Components::Transaction::InvalidToken | |
IR_Handler | Handler class for <implementationrequirement> type |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::IRDD_Handler | |
Components::KeylessCCMHome | |
Deployment::LastConfiguration | |
Deployment::Logger | |
CIAO::Map_Key_Cookie | A internal cookie valuetype implementation |
CIAO::Map_Key_Cookie_init | Valuefactory implementation for Cookies |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::MDD_Handler | |
MID_Handler | Handler class for <monolithicimplementationdescription> type |
Deployment::MonolithicDeploymentDescription | |
Deployment::MonolithicImplementationDescription | |
CIAO::NAM_Map | Implementation of a map of NodeApplicationManagers |
Deployment::NamedImplementationArtifact | |
Deployment::NameExists | |
Components::Navigation | |
Deployment::new_RepositoryManager | |
CIAO::new_RepositoryManagerDaemon | |
NIA_Handler | Handler class for <namedimplementationartifact> type |
Components::NoConnection | |
Deployment::Node | |
Deployment::NodeApplication | |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback | |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl | A call back interface for NodeApplication Here is no need to be thread safe since for every nodeapplication we will have an unique callback object. --Tao |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Impl | |
NodeApplication_Impl | This class implements the NodeApplication interface. This interface is semantically very simillar to container in the old DnC spec. However this class will also be used as a Server for hosting home/component. This way we reduce the complexity of the framework by omitting the componentserver layer |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Task | |
CIAO::NodeApplication_task | An ACE_Task subclass that manages the RT-ORB therad |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Task::_options | |
Deployment::NodeApplicationManager | |
CIAO::NodeApplicationManager_Impl | |
CIAO::NodeDaemon | CIAO daemon process control program |
CIAO::NodeDaemon_Impl | Servant implementation CIAO's daemon process control interface |
Deployment::NodeManager | |
Components::NoKeyAvailable | |
Deployment::NoPlan | |
Deployment::NoSuchName | |
Components::Transaction::NoTransaction | |
Components::Transaction::NotSupported | |
CIAO::Null_Dom_Document | |
CIAO::Object_Set< T, T_var > | A helper template class for maintaining and managing a set of object reference |
Options | |
CIAO::DAnCE::ORBResource | Collection of resources managed by the NodeApplication ORB |
CIAO::DAnCE::ORS_ConnectionBands | Define the information needed to create a BandedConnection policy. This info can be referred to via its name (Id) |
CIAO::DAnCE::ORS_PriorityBand | Define a priority band for BandedConnection policies |
CIAO::DAnCE::ORS_Threadpool | Define a threadpool resource that an ORB must provide |
CIAO::DAnCE::ORS_ThreadpoolLane | Defines the configuration of a threadpool lane. We need to redefine it here to avoid dependency to RTCORBA library |
CIAO::DAnCE::ORS_ThreadpoolWithLanes | Defines a Threadpool with Lanes resource that an ORB must provide |
Deployment::PackageConfiguration | |
Deployment::PackagedComponentImplementation | |
Deployment::PackageError | |
CIAO::Component_Packager::packageplan | |
parser_error | |
PC_Handler | Handler class for <packageconfiguration> type |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::PCD_Handler | |
PCI_Handler | Handler class for <packagedcomponentimplementation> type |
CIAO::Component_Packager::PDL_Handler | Handler class for PackageDescriptionList |
Components::PersistenceNotAvailable | |
Components::PersistentIdValue | |
Plan_Handler | Handler class for <deploymentplan> type |
CIAO::Plan_Launcher::Plan_Launcher_i | This class launches and manages deployment plans |
Deployment::PlanConnectionDescription | |
Deployment::PlanError | |
Deployment::PlanPropertyMapping | |
Deployment::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint | |
Deployment::PlanSubcomponentPropertyReference | |
CIAO::DAnCE::PolicyDef | |
Components::PolicyMismatch | |
CIAO::DAnCE::PolicySet | A policy set is named |
CIAO::Port_Activator | Base class for port activations |
CIAO::Port_Activator_T< SERV, EXEC, CONTEXT, COMP_SERV > | Concrete class that implements the strategy for creating the right type of servant for the ports in question |
Components::PortDescription | |
Components::PrimaryKeyBase | |
CIAO::DAnCE::PriorityBandedConnectionPolicyDef | Define data required for creating a PriorityBandedConnection policy |
CIAO::DAnCE::PriorityModelPolicyDef | Defines data required for creating a PriorityModel Policy |
Process_Function< DATA > | |
Process_Member_Function< OBJ, DATA > | |
Process_Member_Function_Remote< OBJ, DATA > | |
Process_Static_Function< DATA > | |
Deployment::Property | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Property_Handler | Handler class for <property> type |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property_Handler | |
Components::ProxyHomeNotSupported | |
Components::ProxyHomeRegistration | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::PSPE_Handler | |
Components::PublisherDescription | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::RDD_Handler | |
Components::ReceptacleDescription | |
Components::Receptacles | |
Components::RemoveFailure | |
Deployment::RepositoryManager | |
CIAO::RepositoryManager_Impl | |
CIAO::RepositoryManagerDaemon | |
ReposityManager_Impl | This class implements the RepositoryManager. RepositoryManager assists the execution process after the planning stage |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::Req_Handler | |
Deployment::Requirement | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Requirement_Handler | Handler class for <implementationdependency> type |
Deployment::RequirementSatisfier | |
Deployment::Resource | |
Deployment::ResourceDeploymentDescription | |
Deployment::ResourceNotAvailable | |
Components::Transaction::RollbackError | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::RS_Handler | Handler class for <requirementsatisfier> type |
CIAO::RTServer::RTNodeApplication | Real-time extention servant implementation of Deployment::NodeApplication |
CIAO::RTServer::RTNodeApplication_Impl | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::RUK_Handler | Handler class for <resourceusagekind> type |
Deployment::SatisfierProperty | |
Components::Transaction::Security | |
Components::SegmentDescr | |
CIAO::Servant_Activator | Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants |
CIAO::Servant_Impl< BASE_SKEL, EXEC, EXEC_VAR, CONTEXT > | Mixin base class for generated servant |
CIAO::Servant_Impl_Base | Non-template base class for Servant_Impl |
Components::Session2Context | |
CIAO::Session_Container | |
Components::SessionComponent | |
CIAO::SessionContainer | |
Components::SessionContext | |
Components::SessionSynchronization | |
Deployment::SharedResource | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::SP_Handler | Handler class for <satisfierproperty> type |
CIAO::Config_Handler::SPK_Handler | Handler class for <satisfierpropertykind> type |
Components::StandardConfigurator | |
CIAO::StandardConfigurator_Impl | Servant implementation for Components::StandardConfigurator |
Deployment::StartError | |
Components::StateIdFactory | |
Components::StateIdValue | |
CIAO::Static_Config_EntryPoints_Maps | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::STD_CID_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::STD_CPD_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::STD_IAD_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::STD_PC_Intf | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::STD_PCD_Handler | |
Deployment::StopError | |
Deployment::SubcomponentInstantiationDescription | |
Deployment::SubcomponentPortEndpoint | |
Deployment::SubcomponentPropertyReference | |
Components::SubscriberDescription | |
CIAO::Swap_Exec | |
CIAO::Swapping_Container | |
CIAO::Swapping_Home_Servant_Impl_Base | |
CIAO::Swapping_Servant_Impl | Mixin base class for generated home servant |
Components::Transaction::SystemError | |
Deployment::TargetManager | |
CIAO::DAnCE::ThreadpoolPolicyDef | Define data required for creating a Threadpool policy |
TPD_Handler | Handler class for <toplevelpackageconfiguration> type |
Components::UnknownActualHome | |
Deployment::UnknownImplId | |
Components::UnknownKeyValue | |
CIAO::Upgradeable_Context_Impl< BASE_CTX, SVNT, COMP, COMP_VAR > | |
CIAO::UpgradeableContext | |
Components::Transaction::UserTransaction | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Utils | Utility class for parsing basic types such as string float double etc |
Worker | |
Components::WrongComponentType | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::XML_Error_Hander | Error handler for XERCES |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::XML_Error_Handler | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::XML_File_Intf | |
CIAO::Config_Handlers::XML_Helper | Helper class for some routine XML stuff |
Config_Handler::XStr | |
ZIP_File_Info | =================================================================== |
ZIP_Wrapper | =================================================================== |