CIAO::Config_Handler::Any_Handler | Handler class for <Deployment:Any> type |
CIAO::Component_Packager::Base_Package | Base class for ComponentPackager |
CIAO::Component_Packager::Base_Packager | |
Basic_Handler | The base class for all the Handler classes |
CAD_Handler | Handler class for <componentassemblydescription> type |
CAP_Handler | Handler class for <capability> type |
CIAO::Config_Handler::CEPE_Handler | |
CIAO_RepositoryManagerDaemon_i | |
CompImplDesc_Handler | Handler class for <componentimplementationdescription> type |
CompIntrDesc_Handler | |
CompPkgDesc_Handler | Handler class for <componentpackagedescription> type |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Config_Error_Handler | |
CIAO::Container_Impl | Servant implementation for the interface Deployment::Container |
CIAO::Container_Infos_Map | Implementation of a map of ContainerImplementationInfo sequences |
CIAO::Containers_Info_Map | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::CPK_Handler | Handler class for <ccmcomponentportkind> type |
CIAO::Component_Packager::CPK_Package | This class defines operations for creating DAnCE component package |
CIAO::Component_Packager::CPK_Packager | |
CPR_Handler | Handler class for <componentpackagereference> type |
CIAO::Execution_Manager::DAM_Map | Map of DomainApplicationManager to ACE_CStrings |
CIAO::Deployment_Configuration | A class that provides strategies on deployment topology |
CIAO::Deployment_Configuration::_node_manager_info | |
Deployment::DnC_Dump | This class defines a set of overloaded "dump" methods to print the contents of various IDL data types, which passed as input |
Domain_Handler | Handler class for <domain> type |
CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_Impl | A servant for the Deployment::DomainApplicationManager interface. The DomainApplicationManager is responsible for deploying an application on the domain level, i.e. across nodes. It specializes the ApplicationManager abstract interface |
CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_Impl::_chained_artifacts | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::DT_Handler | Handler class for <type> tag |
Deployment::Dump_Obj | |
Deployment::Dump_Obj::Node_Exist | |
Deployment::Dump_Obj::Node_Not_Exist | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::ERE_Handler | Handler class for <externalreferenceendpoint> tag |
CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl | This class implements the ExecutionManger. ExecutionManager starts the execution process after the planning stage |
CIAO::ExecutionManagerDaemon | CIAO Execution Manager Program |
HTTP_Client | |
HTTP_Handler | |
HTTP_Reader | |
IAD_Handler | Handler class for <implementationartifactdescription> tag |
CIAO::Config_Handler::ID_Handler | Handler class for <componentexternalportendpoint> type |
IR_Handler | Handler class for <implementationrequirement> type |
MID_Handler | Handler class for <monolithicimplementationdescription> type |
CIAO::NAM_Map | Implementation of a map of NodeApplicationManagers |
NIA_Handler | Handler class for <namedimplementationartifact> type |
CIAO::NodeApp_Configurator | This class defines and implements the default NodeApp_Configurator base class that's needed for configuring the NodeApplication process |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Core | An ACE_Task subclass that allow the ORB thread to be run as separate thread when RT behaviors are needed |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Impl | |
NodeApplication_Impl | This class implements the NodeApplication interface. This interface is semantically very simillar to container in the old DnC spec. However this class will also be used as a Server for hosting home/component. This way we reduce the complexity of the framework by omitting the componentserver layer |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Options | An class for managing and extracting command line options for NodeApplication |
CIAO::NodeApplication_task | An ACE_Task subclass that manages the RT-ORB therad |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Task | |
CIAO::NodeApplication_Task::_options | |
CIAO::NodeApplicationManager_Impl | |
CIAO::NodeApplicationManager_Impl_Base | |
CIAO::NodeImplementationInfoHandler | |
CIAO::NodeManager | CIAO daemon process control program |
CIAO::NodeManager_Impl | Servant implementation CIAO's daemon process control interface |
CIAO::NodeManager_Impl_Base | |
CIAO::NoOP_Configurator | The NoOp_Configurator doesn't do anything |
CIAO::NoOp_Configurator | |
Options | |
CIAO::Component_Packager::packageplan | |
parser_error | |
PC_Handler | Handler class for <packageconfiguration> type |
PC_Updater | |
PCI_Handler | Handler class for <packagedcomponentimplementation> type |
CIAO::Component_Packager::PDL_Handler | Handler class for PackageDescriptionList |
Plan_Handler | Handler class for <deploymentplan> type |
CIAO::Plan_Launcher::Plan_Launcher_i | This class launches and manages deployment plans |
CIAO::Plan_Launcher::Plan_Launcher_i::Deployment_Failure | |
Process_Function< DATA > | |
Process_Member_Function< OBJ, DATA > | |
Process_Member_Function_Remote< OBJ, DATA > | |
Process_Static_Function< DATA > | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Property_Handler | Handler class for <property> type |
CIAO::RepositoryManagerDaemon | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Requirement_Handler | Handler class for <implementationdependency> type |
RM_Helper | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::RS_Handler | Handler class for <requirementsatisfier> type |
CIAO::RTNodeApp_Configurator | This class implements a concrete NodeApp_Configurator for setting up the NodeApplication process for RT support |
CIAO::RTServer::RTNodeApplication | Real-time extention servant implementation of Deployment::NodeApplication |
CIAO::RTServer::RTNodeApplication_Impl | |
CIAO::RTResource_Config_Manager | RTResource_Config_Manager maintains a collection of RTCORBA related resources |
CIAO::Config_Handler::RUK_Handler | Handler class for <resourceusagekind> type |
CIAO::Config_Handler::SP_Handler | Handler class for <satisfierproperty> type |
CIAO::Config_Handler::SPK_Handler | Handler class for <satisfierpropertykind> type |
CIAO::Static_NodeApplicationManager_Impl | |
CIAO::Static_NodeManager_Impl | |
TPD_Handler | Handler class for <toplevelpackageconfiguration> type |
URL_Parser | |
CIAO::Config_Handler::Utils | Utility class for parsing basic types such as string float double etc |
Worker | |
Config_Handler::XStr | |
ZIP_File_Info | =================================================================== |
ZIP_Wrapper | =================================================================== |