Specialization of ACE_Select_Reactor to support thread-pool based event dispatching.
| ACE_TP_Reactor (ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, bool mask_signals=true, int s_queue=ACE_Select_Reactor_Token::FIFO) |
| Initialize ACE_TP_Reactor with the default size. More...
| ACE_TP_Reactor (size_t max_number_of_handles, bool restart=false, ACE_Sig_Handler *sh=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *tq=0, bool mask_signals=true, int s_queue=ACE_Select_Reactor_Token::FIFO) |
virtual int | handle_events (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
virtual int | handle_events (ACE_Time_Value &max_wait_time) |
virtual int | resumable_handler (void) |
virtual int | owner (ACE_thread_t n_id, ACE_thread_t *o_id=0) |
virtual int | owner (ACE_thread_t *t_id) |
| Return the thread ID of the current Leader. More...
| ACE_Select_Reactor_T (ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, int disable_notify_pipe=ACE_DISABLE_NOTIFY_PIPE_DEFAULT, ACE_Reactor_Notify *notify=0, bool mask_signals=true, int s_queue=ACE_SELECT_TOKEN::FIFO) |
| ACE_Select_Reactor_T (size_t size, bool restart=false, ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, int disable_notify_pipe=ACE_DISABLE_NOTIFY_PIPE_DEFAULT, ACE_Reactor_Notify *notify=0, bool mask_signals=true, int s_queue=ACE_SELECT_TOKEN::FIFO) |
virtual int | open (size_t max_number_of_handles=DEFAULT_SIZE, bool restart=false, ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, int disable_notify_pipe=ACE_DISABLE_NOTIFY_PIPE_DEFAULT, ACE_Reactor_Notify *=0) |
virtual int | current_info (ACE_HANDLE, size_t &size) |
| Returns -1 (not used in this implementation);. More...
virtual int | set_sig_handler (ACE_Sig_Handler *signal_handler) |
| Use a user specified signal handler instead. More...
virtual int | timer_queue (ACE_Timer_Queue *tq) |
| Set a user-specified timer queue. More...
virtual ACE_Timer_Queue * | timer_queue (void) const |
| Return the current ACE_Timer_Queue. More...
virtual int | close (void) |
| Close down the select_reactor and release all of its resources. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Select_Reactor_T (void) |
| Close down the select_reactor and release all of its resources. More...
virtual int | work_pending (const ACE_Time_Value &max_wait_time=ACE_Time_Value::zero) |
virtual int | deactivated (void) |
virtual void | deactivate (int do_stop) |
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, ACE_HANDLE event_handle=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
| Not implemented. More...
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_HANDLE event_handle, ACE_HANDLE io_handle, ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Not implemented. More...
virtual int | register_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Register eh with all the handles in the <Handle_Set>. More...
virtual int | register_handler (int signum, ACE_Event_Handler *new_sh, ACE_Sig_Action *new_disp=0, ACE_Event_Handler **old_sh=0, ACE_Sig_Action *old_disp=0) |
virtual int | register_handler (const ACE_Sig_Set &sigset, ACE_Event_Handler *new_sh, ACE_Sig_Action *new_disp=0) |
virtual int | remove_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handle_set, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler (int signum, ACE_Sig_Action *new_disp, ACE_Sig_Action *old_disp=0, int sigkey=-1) |
virtual int | remove_handler (const ACE_Sig_Set &sigset) |
| Calls <remove_handler> for every signal in sigset. More...
virtual int | suspend_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh) |
| Temporarily suspend the <Event_Handler> associated with eh. More...
virtual int | suspend_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Temporarily suspend the Event_Handler associated with handle. More...
virtual int | suspend_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles) |
| Suspend all handles in handle set temporarily. More...
virtual int | suspend_handlers (void) |
| Suspend all the <Event_Handlers> in the Select_Reactor. More...
virtual int | resume_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh) |
virtual int | resume_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
virtual int | resume_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles) |
| Resume all handles in handle set. More...
virtual int | resume_handlers (void) |
| Resume all the <Event_Handlers> in the Select_Reactor. More...
virtual bool | uses_event_associations (void) |
virtual long | schedule_timer (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, const void *arg, const ACE_Time_Value &delay, const ACE_Time_Value &interval=ACE_Time_Value::zero) |
virtual int | reset_timer_interval (long timer_id, const ACE_Time_Value &interval) |
virtual int | cancel_timer (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, int dont_call_handle_close=1) |
virtual int | cancel_timer (long timer_id, const void **arg=0, int dont_call_handle_close=1) |
virtual int | schedule_wakeup (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| ADD the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the eh and the mask. More...
virtual int | schedule_wakeup (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| ADD the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the handle and the mask. More...
virtual int | cancel_wakeup (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| CLR the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the eh and the mask. More...
virtual int | cancel_wakeup (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| CLR the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the handle and the mask. More...
virtual int | notify (ACE_Event_Handler *=0, ACE_Reactor_Mask=ACE_Event_Handler::EXCEPT_MASK, ACE_Time_Value *=0) |
virtual void | max_notify_iterations (int) |
virtual int | max_notify_iterations (void) |
virtual bool | restart (void) |
| Get the existing restart value. More...
virtual bool | restart (bool r) |
| Set a new value for restart and return the original value. More...
virtual void | requeue_position (int) |
virtual int | requeue_position (void) |
virtual int | mask_ops (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, int ops) |
virtual int | mask_ops (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, int ops) |
virtual int | ready_ops (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, int ops) |
| GET/SET/ADD/CLR the ready "bit" bound with the eh and mask. More...
virtual int | ready_ops (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask, int ops) |
| GET/SET/ADD/CLR the ready "bit" bound with the handle and mask. More...
virtual void | wakeup_all_threads (void) |
| Wake up all threads in waiting in the event loop. More...
virtual ACE_Event_Handler * | find_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
virtual int | handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, ACE_Event_Handler **eh=0) |
virtual int | handler (int signum, ACE_Event_Handler **=0) |
virtual bool | initialized (void) |
| Returns true if we've been successfully initialized, else false. More...
virtual size_t | size (void) const |
virtual ACE_Lock & | lock (void) |
virtual void | dump (void) const |
| Dump the state of an object. More...
virtual int | alertable_handle_events (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
virtual int | alertable_handle_events (ACE_Time_Value &max_wait_time) |
| ACE_Select_Reactor_Impl (bool mask_signals=true) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual int | purge_pending_notifications (ACE_Event_Handler *=0, ACE_Reactor_Mask=ACE_Event_Handler::ALL_EVENTS_MASK) |
virtual | ~ACE_Reactor_Impl (void) |
| Close down and release all resources. More...
virtual void | clear_dispatch_mask (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Template method from the base class. More...
int | dispatch_i (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time, ACE_TP_Token_Guard &guard) |
| Dispatch just 1 signal, timer, notification handlers. More...
int | get_event_for_dispatching (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | handle_timer_events (int &event_count, ACE_TP_Token_Guard &g) |
| Handle timer events. More...
int | handle_notify_events (int &event_count, ACE_TP_Token_Guard &g) |
| Handle notify events. More...
int | handle_socket_events (int &event_count, ACE_TP_Token_Guard &g) |
| handle socket events More...
virtual void | notify_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, ACE_Handle_Set &, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_EH_PTMF callback) |
| This method shouldn't get called. More...
virtual int | register_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | register_handler_i (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles, ACE_Event_Handler *handler, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Register a set of handles. More...
virtual int | remove_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler_i (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
| Remove a set of handles. More...
virtual int | suspend_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Suspend the <Event_Handler> associated with handle. More...
virtual int | is_suspended_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
virtual int | resume_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Resume the <Event_Handler> associated with handle. More...
virtual ACE_Event_Handler * | find_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Implement the public handler method. More...
virtual int | handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask, ACE_Event_Handler **=0) |
| Implement the public handler method. More...
virtual int | handler_i (int signum, ACE_Event_Handler **=0) |
| Implement the public handler method. More...
virtual int | any_ready (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &handle_set) |
virtual int | any_ready_i (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &handle_set) |
virtual int | handle_error (void) |
| Take corrective action when errors occur. More...
virtual int | check_handles (void) |
| Make sure the handles are all valid. More...
virtual int | wait_for_multiple_events (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &, ACE_Time_Value *) |
| Wait for events to occur. More...
virtual int | dispatch (int nfound, ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &) |
virtual int | dispatch_timer_handlers (int &number_dispatched) |
virtual int | dispatch_notification_handlers (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &dispatch_set, int &number_of_active_handles, int &number_of_handlers_dispatched) |
virtual int | dispatch_io_handlers (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &dispatch_set, int &number_of_active_handles, int &number_of_handlers_dispatched) |
virtual int | dispatch_io_set (int number_of_active_handles, int &number_of_handlers_dispatched, int mask, ACE_Handle_Set &dispatch_mask, ACE_Handle_Set &ready_mask, ACE_EH_PTMF callback) |
virtual void | renew (void) |
int | release_token (void) |
| Release the token lock when a Win32 structured exception occurs. More...
int | handle_events_i (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
| Stops the VC++ compiler from bitching about exceptions and destructors. More...
virtual int | bit_ops (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &handle_set, int ops) |
| Allow manipulation of the <wait_set_> mask and <ready_set_> mask. More...
int | supress_notify_renew (void) |
void | supress_notify_renew (int sr) |
Specialization of ACE_Select_Reactor to support thread-pool based event dispatching.
One of the shortcomings of the ACE_Select_Reactor is that it does not support a thread pool-based event dispatching model, similar to the one in ACE_WFMO_Reactor. In ACE_Select_Reactor, only thread can call handle_events() at any given time. ACE_TP_Reactor removes this short-coming.
ACE_TP_Reactor is a specialization of ACE_Select_Reactor to support thread pool-based event dispatching. This reactor takes advantage of the fact that events reported by select()
are persistent if not acted upon immediately. It works by remembering the event handler which was just activated, suspending it for further I/O activities, releasing the internal lock (so that another thread can start waiting in the event loop) and then dispatching the event's handler outside the scope of the reactor lock. After the event handler has been dispatched the event handler is resumed for further I/O activity.
This reactor implementation is best suited for situations when the callbacks to event handlers can take arbitrarily long and/or a number of threads are available to run the event loop. Note that I/O-processing callback code in event handlers (e.g. handle_input()) does not have to be modified or made thread-safe for this reactor. This is because before an I/O event is dispatched to an event handler, the handler is suspended; it is resumed by the reactor after the upcall completes. Therefore, multiple I/O events will not be made to one event handler multiple threads simultaneously. This suspend/resume protection does not apply to either timers scheduled with the reactor or to notifications requested via the reactor. When using timers and/or notifications you must provide proper protection for your class in the context of multiple threads.