| ACE_Priority_Reactor (ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0) |
| Initialize ACE_Priority_Reactor with the default size. More...
| ACE_Priority_Reactor (size_t size, bool restart=false, ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0) |
| Initialize ACE_Priority_Reactor with size size. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Priority_Reactor (void) |
| Close down the select_reactor and release all of its resources. More...
void | dump (void) const |
| Dump the state of an object. More...
| ACE_Select_Reactor_T (ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, int disable_notify_pipe=ACE_DISABLE_NOTIFY_PIPE_DEFAULT, ACE_Reactor_Notify *notify=0, bool mask_signals=true, int s_queue=ACE_SELECT_TOKEN::FIFO) |
| ACE_Select_Reactor_T (size_t size, bool restart=false, ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, int disable_notify_pipe=ACE_DISABLE_NOTIFY_PIPE_DEFAULT, ACE_Reactor_Notify *notify=0, bool mask_signals=true, int s_queue=ACE_SELECT_TOKEN::FIFO) |
virtual int | open (size_t max_number_of_handles=DEFAULT_SIZE, bool restart=false, ACE_Sig_Handler *=0, ACE_Timer_Queue *=0, int disable_notify_pipe=ACE_DISABLE_NOTIFY_PIPE_DEFAULT, ACE_Reactor_Notify *=0) |
virtual int | current_info (ACE_HANDLE, size_t &size) |
| Returns -1 (not used in this implementation);. More...
virtual int | set_sig_handler (ACE_Sig_Handler *signal_handler) |
| Use a user specified signal handler instead. More...
virtual int | timer_queue (ACE_Timer_Queue *tq) |
| Set a user-specified timer queue. More...
virtual ACE_Timer_Queue * | timer_queue (void) const |
| Return the current ACE_Timer_Queue. More...
virtual int | close (void) |
| Close down the select_reactor and release all of its resources. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Select_Reactor_T (void) |
| Close down the select_reactor and release all of its resources. More...
virtual int | work_pending (const ACE_Time_Value &max_wait_time=ACE_Time_Value::zero) |
virtual int | deactivated (void) |
virtual void | deactivate (int do_stop) |
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, ACE_HANDLE event_handle=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
| Not implemented. More...
virtual int | register_handler (ACE_HANDLE event_handle, ACE_HANDLE io_handle, ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Not implemented. More...
virtual int | register_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Register eh with all the handles in the <Handle_Set>. More...
virtual int | register_handler (int signum, ACE_Event_Handler *new_sh, ACE_Sig_Action *new_disp=0, ACE_Event_Handler **old_sh=0, ACE_Sig_Action *old_disp=0) |
virtual int | register_handler (const ACE_Sig_Set &sigset, ACE_Event_Handler *new_sh, ACE_Sig_Action *new_disp=0) |
virtual int | remove_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handle_set, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler (int signum, ACE_Sig_Action *new_disp, ACE_Sig_Action *old_disp=0, int sigkey=-1) |
virtual int | remove_handler (const ACE_Sig_Set &sigset) |
| Calls <remove_handler> for every signal in sigset. More...
virtual int | suspend_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh) |
| Temporarily suspend the <Event_Handler> associated with eh. More...
virtual int | suspend_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Temporarily suspend the Event_Handler associated with handle. More...
virtual int | suspend_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles) |
| Suspend all handles in handle set temporarily. More...
virtual int | suspend_handlers (void) |
| Suspend all the <Event_Handlers> in the Select_Reactor. More...
virtual int | resume_handler (ACE_Event_Handler *eh) |
virtual int | resume_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
virtual int | resume_handler (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles) |
| Resume all handles in handle set. More...
virtual int | resume_handlers (void) |
| Resume all the <Event_Handlers> in the Select_Reactor. More...
virtual bool | uses_event_associations (void) |
virtual long | schedule_timer (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, const void *arg, const ACE_Time_Value &delay, const ACE_Time_Value &interval=ACE_Time_Value::zero) |
virtual int | reset_timer_interval (long timer_id, const ACE_Time_Value &interval) |
virtual int | cancel_timer (ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler, int dont_call_handle_close=1) |
virtual int | cancel_timer (long timer_id, const void **arg=0, int dont_call_handle_close=1) |
virtual int | schedule_wakeup (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| ADD the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the eh and the mask. More...
virtual int | schedule_wakeup (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| ADD the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the handle and the mask. More...
virtual int | cancel_wakeup (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| CLR the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the eh and the mask. More...
virtual int | cancel_wakeup (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| CLR the dispatch MASK "bit" bound with the handle and the mask. More...
virtual int | notify (ACE_Event_Handler *=0, ACE_Reactor_Mask=ACE_Event_Handler::EXCEPT_MASK, ACE_Time_Value *=0) |
virtual void | max_notify_iterations (int) |
virtual int | max_notify_iterations (void) |
virtual bool | restart (void) |
| Get the existing restart value. More...
virtual bool | restart (bool r) |
| Set a new value for restart and return the original value. More...
virtual void | requeue_position (int) |
virtual int | requeue_position (void) |
virtual int | mask_ops (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, int ops) |
virtual int | mask_ops (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, int ops) |
virtual int | ready_ops (ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, int ops) |
| GET/SET/ADD/CLR the ready "bit" bound with the eh and mask. More...
virtual int | ready_ops (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask, int ops) |
| GET/SET/ADD/CLR the ready "bit" bound with the handle and mask. More...
virtual void | wakeup_all_threads (void) |
| Wake up all threads in waiting in the event loop. More...
virtual int | owner (ACE_thread_t n_id, ACE_thread_t *o_id=0) |
| Set the new owner of the thread and return the old owner. More...
virtual int | owner (ACE_thread_t *) |
| Return the current owner of the thread. More...
virtual ACE_Event_Handler * | find_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
virtual int | handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, ACE_Event_Handler **eh=0) |
virtual int | handler (int signum, ACE_Event_Handler **=0) |
virtual bool | initialized (void) |
| Returns true if we've been successfully initialized, else false. More...
virtual size_t | size (void) const |
virtual ACE_Lock & | lock (void) |
virtual int | handle_events (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
virtual int | alertable_handle_events (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
virtual int | handle_events (ACE_Time_Value &max_wait_time) |
virtual int | alertable_handle_events (ACE_Time_Value &max_wait_time) |
| ACE_Select_Reactor_Impl (bool mask_signals=true) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual int | purge_pending_notifications (ACE_Event_Handler *=0, ACE_Reactor_Mask=ACE_Event_Handler::ALL_EVENTS_MASK) |
virtual int | resumable_handler (void) |
virtual | ~ACE_Reactor_Impl (void) |
| Close down and release all resources. More...
virtual int | dispatch_io_set (int number_of_active_handles, int &number_dispatched, int mask, ACE_Handle_Set &dispatch_mask, ACE_Handle_Set &ready_mask, ACE_EH_PTMF callback) |
virtual int | register_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
virtual int | register_handler_i (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles, ACE_Event_Handler *handler, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
| Register a set of handles. More...
virtual int | remove_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
virtual int | remove_handler_i (const ACE_Handle_Set &handles, ACE_Reactor_Mask) |
| Remove a set of handles. More...
virtual int | suspend_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Suspend the <Event_Handler> associated with handle. More...
virtual int | is_suspended_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
virtual int | resume_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Resume the <Event_Handler> associated with handle. More...
virtual ACE_Event_Handler * | find_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle) |
| Implement the public handler method. More...
virtual int | handler_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask, ACE_Event_Handler **=0) |
| Implement the public handler method. More...
virtual int | handler_i (int signum, ACE_Event_Handler **=0) |
| Implement the public handler method. More...
virtual int | any_ready (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &handle_set) |
virtual int | any_ready_i (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &handle_set) |
virtual int | handle_error (void) |
| Take corrective action when errors occur. More...
virtual int | check_handles (void) |
| Make sure the handles are all valid. More...
virtual int | wait_for_multiple_events (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &, ACE_Time_Value *) |
| Wait for events to occur. More...
virtual int | dispatch (int nfound, ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &) |
virtual int | dispatch_timer_handlers (int &number_dispatched) |
virtual int | dispatch_notification_handlers (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &dispatch_set, int &number_of_active_handles, int &number_of_handlers_dispatched) |
virtual int | dispatch_io_handlers (ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &dispatch_set, int &number_of_active_handles, int &number_of_handlers_dispatched) |
virtual void | notify_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, ACE_Handle_Set &, ACE_Event_Handler *eh, ACE_EH_PTMF callback) |
virtual void | renew (void) |
int | release_token (void) |
| Release the token lock when a Win32 structured exception occurs. More...
int | handle_events_i (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
| Stops the VC++ compiler from bitching about exceptions and destructors. More...
virtual int | bit_ops (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask, ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &handle_set, int ops) |
| Allow manipulation of the <wait_set_> mask and <ready_set_> mask. More...
virtual void | clear_dispatch_mask (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask) |
int | supress_notify_renew (void) |
void | supress_notify_renew (int sr) |
Implements priority based dispatching.
This class refines the dispatching mechanism for the Select_Reactor by taking advantage of the priority method on ACE_Event_Handler.