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Service_Callbacks.h File Reference

#include "ace/CORBA_macros.h"
#include "tao/TAO_Export.h"
#include "tao/Basic_Types.h"
#include "tao/Invocation_Utils.h"

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namespace  CORBA
namespace  IOP


class  TAO_Service_Callbacks
 An Abstract Base class for the hooks in the ORB. More...

Detailed Description

Service_Callbacks.h,v 1.16 2005/04/12 10:57:01 jwillemsen Exp

This is a generic interface that would be used to override many of the default functionalities that the ORB provides by the services if they have been loaded in to the ORB_Core

Bala Natarajan <>

Generated on Thu Jun 9 00:13:17 2005 for TAO by  doxygen