Lookup command object looks up the event type of the given event in the consumer map and send the event to each proxysupplier.
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup_Queueable (const TAO_Notify_Event::Ptr &event, TAO_Notify_ProxyConsumer *proxy_consumer) |
| Constructor from event. More...
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup_Queueable (TAO_Notify::Delivery_Request_Ptr &request, TAO_Notify_ProxyConsumer *proxy_consumer) |
| Constructor from delivery request. More...
virtual | ~TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup_Queueable () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual int | execute (void) |
| Execute the Request. More...
virtual | ~TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual | ~TAO_ESF_Worker (void) |
virtual void | set_size (size_t size) |
virtual void | work (Object *object)=0 |
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Event (const TAO_Notify_Event *) |
| Construct from event. More...
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Event (const TAO_Notify::Delivery_Request_Ptr &delivery_request) |
| Construct from a delivery request. More...
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Event (const TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Event &rhs, const TAO_Notify_Event *event) |
virtual | ~TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Event () |
| Destructor. More...
const TAO_Notify_Event * | event () const |
void | complete () |
unsigned long | sequence () |
bool | should_retry () |
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Queueable () |
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Queueable (const TAO_Notify_Event *event) |
TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Queueable * | copy (void) |
void | init (const TAO_Notify_Event *event) |
const ACE_Time_Value & | creation_time (void) const |
| The creation time of the event to which this request corresponds. More...
| ACE_Message_Block (ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator=0) |
| ACE_Message_Block (ACE_Data_Block *data_block, Message_Flags flags=0, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator=0) |
| ACE_Message_Block (const char *data, size_t size=0, unsigned long priority=ACE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BLOCK_PRIORITY) |
| ACE_Message_Block (size_t size, ACE_Message_Type type=MB_DATA, ACE_Message_Block *cont=0, const char *data=0, ACE_Allocator *allocator_strategy=0, ACE_Lock *locking_strategy=0, unsigned long priority=ACE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BLOCK_PRIORITY, const ACE_Time_Value &execution_time=ACE_Time_Value::zero, const ACE_Time_Value &deadline_time=ACE_Time_Value::max_time, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator=0, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator=0) |
| ACE_Message_Block (const ACE_Message_Block &mb, size_t align) |
int | init (const char *data, size_t size=0) |
int | init (size_t size, ACE_Message_Type type=MB_DATA, ACE_Message_Block *cont=0, const char *data=0, ACE_Allocator *allocator_strategy=0, ACE_Lock *locking_strategy=0, unsigned long priority=ACE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BLOCK_PRIORITY, const ACE_Time_Value &execution_time=ACE_Time_Value::zero, const ACE_Time_Value &deadline_time=ACE_Time_Value::max_time, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator=0, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator=0) |
virtual | ~ACE_Message_Block (void) |
ACE_Message_Type | msg_type (void) const |
void | msg_type (ACE_Message_Type type) |
int | is_data_msg (void) const |
ACE_Message_Type | msg_class (void) const |
Message_Flags | set_flags (Message_Flags more_flags) |
Message_Flags | clr_flags (Message_Flags less_flags) |
Message_Flags | flags (void) const |
Message_Flags | set_self_flags (ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags more_flags) |
Message_Flags | clr_self_flags (ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags less_flags) |
Message_Flags | self_flags (void) const |
unsigned long | msg_priority (void) const |
void | msg_priority (unsigned long priority) |
const ACE_Time_Value & | msg_execution_time (void) const |
void | msg_execution_time (const ACE_Time_Value &et) |
const ACE_Time_Value & | msg_deadline_time (void) const |
void | msg_deadline_time (const ACE_Time_Value &dt) |
virtual ACE_Message_Block * | clone (Message_Flags mask=0) const |
virtual ACE_Message_Block * | duplicate (void) const |
virtual ACE_Message_Block * | release (void) |
int | copy (const char *buf, size_t n) |
int | copy (const char *buf) |
int | crunch (void) |
void | reset (void) |
void | access_allocators (ACE_Allocator *&allocator_strategy, ACE_Allocator *&data_block_allocator, ACE_Allocator *&message_block_allocator) |
void | reset_allocators (ACE_Allocator *allocator_strategy=0, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator=0, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator=0) |
char * | base (void) const |
void | base (char *data, size_t size, Message_Flags=DONT_DELETE) |
char * | end (void) const |
char * | mark (void) const |
char * | rd_ptr (void) const |
void | rd_ptr (char *ptr) |
void | rd_ptr (size_t n) |
char * | wr_ptr (void) const |
void | wr_ptr (char *ptr) |
void | wr_ptr (size_t n) |
ACE_Data_Block * | data_block (void) const |
void | data_block (ACE_Data_Block *) |
ACE_Data_Block * | replace_data_block (ACE_Data_Block *) |
ACE_Message_Block * | cont (void) const |
void | cont (ACE_Message_Block *) |
ACE_Message_Block * | next (void) const |
void | next (ACE_Message_Block *) |
ACE_Message_Block * | prev (void) const |
void | prev (ACE_Message_Block *) |
ACE_Lock * | locking_strategy (void) |
ACE_Lock * | locking_strategy (ACE_Lock *) |
int | reference_count (void) const |
void | dump (void) const |
size_t | length (void) const |
void | length (size_t n) |
size_t | total_length (void) const |
size_t | total_size (void) const |
void | total_size_and_length (size_t &mb_size, size_t &mb_length) const |
size_t | size (void) const |
int | size (size_t length) |
size_t | total_capacity (void) const |
size_t | capacity (void) const |
size_t | space (void) const |
virtual | ~TAO_Notify_Method_Request (void) |
| Destructor. More...
enum | { persistence_code = 2
} |
| an arbitrary code (Octet) to identify this type of request in persistent storage More...
enum | { PRIORITY_BASE = 32768
} |
typedef int | ACE_Message_Type |
typedef unsigned long | Message_Flags |
TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup_Queueable * | unmarshal (TAO_Notify::Delivery_Request_Ptr &delivery_request, TAO_Notify_EventChannelFactory &ecf, TAO_InputCDR &cdr) |
| Static method used to reconstruct a Method Request Dispatch. More...
static ACE_Message_Block * | duplicate (const ACE_Message_Block *mb) |
static ACE_Message_Block * | release (ACE_Message_Block *mb) |
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup (const TAO_Notify_Event *event, TAO_Notify_ProxyConsumer *proxy) |
| Constructor. More...
| TAO_Notify_Method_Request_Lookup (const TAO_Notify::Delivery_Request_Ptr &delivery, TAO_Notify_ProxyConsumer *proxy) |
| Constructor. More...
int | execute_i (void) |
| Execute the dispatch operation. More...
virtual void | work (TAO_Notify_ProxySupplier *proxy_supplier) |
| = TAO_ESF_Worker method More...
| ACE_Message_Block (size_t size, ACE_Message_Type type, ACE_Message_Block *cont, const char *data, ACE_Allocator *allocator_strategy, ACE_Lock *locking_strategy, Message_Flags flags, unsigned long priority, const ACE_Time_Value &execution_time, const ACE_Time_Value &deadline_time, ACE_Data_Block *db, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator) |
int | release_i (ACE_Lock *lock) |
int | init_i (size_t size, ACE_Message_Type type, ACE_Message_Block *cont, const char *data, ACE_Allocator *allocator_strategy, ACE_Lock *locking_strategy, Message_Flags flags, unsigned long priority, const ACE_Time_Value &execution_time, const ACE_Time_Value &deadline_time, ACE_Data_Block *db, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator) |
TAO_Notify_ProxyConsumer * | proxy_consumer_ |
| The Proxy. More...
const TAO_Notify_Event * | event_ |
| The Event. More...
TAO_Notify::Delivery_Request_Ptr | delivery_request_ |
| Pointer to the routing slip's delivery request (if any) More...
size_t | rd_ptr_ |
size_t | wr_ptr_ |
unsigned long | priority_ |
ACE_Message_Block * | cont_ |
ACE_Message_Block * | next_ |
ACE_Message_Block * | prev_ |
ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags | flags_ |
ACE_Data_Block * | data_block_ |
ACE_Allocator * | message_block_allocator_ |
Lookup command object looks up the event type of the given event in the consumer map and send the event to each proxysupplier.