TAO_RTEvent  2.1.8
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNRtecBaseDefine types shared by the real-time scheduling and event services
oNRtecEventChannelAdminInterfaces and data structures provided by TAO's Real-time Event Service implementation
oNRtecEventCommInterfaces and data structures used by the event service clients
oNRtecUDPAdminDefine the data structures and interfaces used by UDP-based gateways
oCACE_ConsumerQOS_FactoryConsumer QOS Factory
oCRtecEventDataUser defined Event Data
oCTAO_EC_And_FilterThe 'logical and' filter
oCTAO_EC_Auto_CommandUtility class which executes COMMAND in its destructor
oCTAO_EC_Basic_FactoryThe factory for a simple event channel
oCTAO_EC_Basic_Filter_BuilderImplement a builder for the fundamental filters
oCTAO_EC_Basic_ObserverStrategyA simple observer strategy
oCTAO_EC_Bitmask_FilterThe bitmask filter
oCTAO_EC_Channel_DestroyerHelper class to destroy event channel
oCTAO_EC_Channel_Destroyer_FunctorImplements a functor for the TAO_EC_Channel_Destroyer class
oCTAO_EC_Conjunction_FilterThe conjunction filter
oCTAO_EC_Consumer_Proxy_Disconnect_FunctorImplements a functor for the TAO_EC_Consumer_Proxy_Disconnector class
oCTAO_EC_Consumer_Proxy_DisconnectorHelper class to disconnect a PushSupplier from the event channel
oCTAO_EC_ConsumerAdminImplements the ConsumerAdmin interface, i.e. the factory for TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier objects
oCTAO_EC_ConsumerControl_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reactive ConsumerControl
oCTAO_EC_Deactivated_ObjectObject deactivation utility (mix-in) class
oCTAO_EC_Default_FactoryA generic factory for EC experimentation
oCTAO_EC_Default_ProxyPushConsumerImplements RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer interface
oCTAO_EC_Default_ProxyPushSupplierImplement the ReliableEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier interface
oCTAO_EC_Disjunction_FilterThe disjunction filter
oCTAO_EC_DispatchingAbstract base class for the dispatching strategies
oCTAO_EC_Dispatching_TaskImplement the dispatching queues for FIFO and Priority dispatching
oCTAO_EC_Event_ChannelThe RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel implementation
oCTAO_EC_Event_Channel_AttributesDefines the construction time attributes for the Event Channel
oCTAO_EC_Event_Channel_BaseThe RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel implementation
oCTAO_EC_Event_Channel_HolderUtility for automatically destroying the Event Channel
oCTAO_EC_FactoryAbstract base class for the Event Channel components
oCTAO_EC_FilterAbstract base class for the filter hierarchy
oCTAO_EC_Filter_BuilderAbstract base class for the filter builders
oCTAO_EC_GatewayEvent Channel Gateway
oCTAO_EC_Gateway_IIOPEvent Channel Gateway using IIOP
oCTAO_EC_Gateway_IIOP_FactoryFactory for the EC_Gateway_IIOP settings
oCTAO_EC_Gateway_SchedExtend the EC_Gateway_IIOP interface to support scheduling
oCTAO_EC_Group_SchedulingA scheduling strategy that preserves event groups
oCTAO_EC_Kokyu_DispatchingDispatching strategy that minimizes priority inversion
oCTAO_EC_Kokyu_FactoryExtend the default factory to support scheduling
oCTAO_EC_Kokyu_FilterDecorate a filter with scheduling information
oCTAO_EC_Kokyu_Filter_BuilderImplement a builder for the fundamental filters
oCTAO_EC_Kokyu_SchedulingA scheduling strategy that uses TAO's real-time scheduler
oCTAO_EC_Masked_Type_FilterA masked type filter
oCTAO_EC_MT_DispatchingDispatching strategy that minimizes mt inversion
oCTAO_EC_Negation_FilterThe negation filter
oCTAO_EC_Null_FactoryThe factory for a simple event channel
oCTAO_EC_Null_FilterA null filter
oCTAO_EC_Null_Filter_BuilderA simple implementation of the filter builder
oCTAO_EC_Null_ObserverStrategyA null observer strategy
oCTAO_EC_Null_SchedulingA scheduling strategy that separates event groups and delivers one event at a time
oCTAO_EC_Object_DeactivatorUtility for deactivating servants from POA
oCTAO_EC_ObserverStrategyThe strategy to handle observers for the Event Channel subscriptions and publication
oCTAO_EC_ORB_HolderUtility for automatically destroying the ORB
oCTAO_EC_Per_Supplier_FilterFilter the events on each supplier
oCTAO_EC_Per_Supplier_Filter_BuilderCreate Per_Supplier_Filter objects
oCTAO_EC_Prefix_Filter_BuilderImplement a builder for the fundamental filters
oCTAO_EC_Priority_DispatchingDispatching strategy that minimizes priority inversion
oCTAO_EC_Priority_SchedulingA scheduling strategy that uses TAO's real-time scheduler
oCTAO_EC_ProxyPushConsumer_GuardA Guard for the ProxyPushConsumer reference count
oCTAO_EC_QOS_InfoA representation of QoS information for the event channel filters
oCTAO_EC_Reactive_DispatchingDispatch using the caller thread
oCTAO_EC_Reactive_ObserverStrategyA reactive observer strategy
oCTAO_EC_Reactive_Timeout_GeneratorA simple implementation of the Timeout_Generator based on the Reactor
oCTAO_EC_RTCORBA_DispatchingRTCORBA-based dispatching strategy
oCTAO_EC_RTCORBA_FactoryDecorate an EC_Factory to use the EC_RTCORBA_Dispatching module
oCTAO_EC_Sched_FactoryExtend the default factory to support scheduling
oCTAO_EC_Sched_FilterDecorate a filter with scheduling information
oCTAO_EC_Sched_Filter_BuilderImplement a builder for the fundamental filters
oCTAO_EC_Scheduling_StrategyDefine the interface for the scheduling strategy
oCTAO_EC_Simple_AddrServerTAO Real-time Event Service; a simple UDP address server
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_FilterThe strategy to filter close to the supplier
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_Filter_BuilderAbstract base class for the supplier filter builders
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_Proxy_Disconnect_FunctorImplements a functor for the TAO_EC_Supplier_Proxy_Disconnector class
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_Proxy_DisconnectorHelper class to disconnect a PushConsumer from the event channel
oCTAO_EC_SupplierAdminImplement the RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin interface
oCTAO_EC_SupplierControl_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reactive SupplierControl
oCTAO_EC_Thread_FlagsParse thread flags from string to a long
oCTAO_EC_Timeout_AdapterAdapt the EC_Filter interface as an Event_Handler
oCTAO_EC_Timeout_FilterA filter based on event type/source
oCTAO_EC_Timeout_GeneratorDefine the interface for the generators of timeout events
oCTAO_EC_TPC_DispatchingDispatching strategy that isolates deliveries to a consumer from any other
oCTAO_EC_TPC_FactoryA generic factory for EC experimentation
oCTAO_EC_Trivial_Supplier_FilterA null filtering strategy
oCTAO_EC_Trivial_Supplier_Filter_BuilderCreate a single Trivial_Supplier_Filter
oCTAO_EC_Type_FilterA filter based on event type/source
oCTAO_ECG_Address_Server_BaseAll implementations of RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer idl interface should inherit from this abstract base
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_Message_ReceiverReceives UDP and Multicast messages
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_Message_SenderSends CDR messages using UDP. NOT THREAD-SAFE
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_ProcessorInterface for callback objects used by TAO_ECG_CDR_Message_Receiver to propagate received data to its callers
oCTAO_ECG_Complex_Address_ServerImplementation of RtecUDPAdmin idl interface, which returns a different multicast address based on event source (or event type
oCTAO_ECG_Dgram_HandlerInterface used by mcast/udp handlers to notify interested components (usually Event Receivers) that there is data available on the dgram for reading, and to query them about event type to mcast group mappings
oCTAO_ECG_Handler_ShutdownInterface that should be implemented by multicast and udp handlers in EC gateways, so the handlers can be notified of shutdown (usually by Event Receivers)
oCTAO_ECG_Mcast_EHEvent Handler for Mcast messages. NOT THREAD-SAFE
oCTAO_ECG_Mcast_GatewayImplement the builder for setting up Event Channel multicast gateway. NOT THREAD-SAFE
oCTAO_ECG_Reactive_ConsumerEC_ControlConsumer event channel control
oCTAO_ECG_Reactive_ConsumerEC_Control_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reactive ConsumerControl
oCTAO_ECG_Reconnect_ConsumerEC_ControlConsumer event channel control
oCTAO_ECG_Reconnect_ConsumerEC_Control_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reconnect ConsumerControl
oCTAO_ECG_Simple_Address_ServerBasic implementation of RtecUDPAdmin idl interface
oCTAO_ECG_Simple_Mcast_EHSimple Event Handler for mcast messages. Listens for messages on a single mcast group. Useful in environments where event traffic is not separated into different groups. Calls handle_input (ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast dgram) on a specified TAO_ECG_Dgram_Handler to inform it about message arrival
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_EHEvent Handler for UDP messages
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Out_EndpointMaintains information about an outgoing endpoint
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_ReceiverReceive events from UDP or Multicast and push them to a "local" EC. NOT THREAD-SAFE
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver_Disconnect_CommandDisconnects supplier represented by proxy from the Event Channel
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Request_EntryKeeps information about an incomplete request
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_SenderSend events received from a "local" EC using UDP. NOT THREAD-SAFE. This class connect as a consumer to an EventChannel and forwards the events it receives from that EC using UDP
\CTAO_ECG_UDP_Sender_Disconnect_CommandDisconnects consumer represented by proxy from the Event Channel