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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCACE_Accept_Strategy< SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_2 > [external]
|\CTAO_Accept_Strategy< TAO::SSLIOP::Connection_Handler, ACE_SSL_SOCK_Acceptor > [external]
| \CTAO::SSLIOP::Accept_StrategySSLIOP-specific accept strategy that builds on the TAO_Accept_Strategy implementation
oCACE_Copy_Disabled [external]
|oCTAO_Connection_Handler [external]
||oCTAO::SSLIOP::Connection_HandlerHandles requests on a single connection
||\CTAO_IIOP_Connection_Handler [external]
|| \CTAO::IIOP_SSL_Connection_HandlerIIOP connection handler designed to be "SSL aware," i.e. it is aware of the existence of the SSLIOP connection handler. It makes sure that SSL session state from a previous connection is not associated with the non-SSL connection handled by this handler
|\CTAO_Transport [external]
| oCTAO::SSLIOP::Transport
| \CTAO_IIOP_Transport [external]
|  \CTAO::IIOP_SSL_TransportIIOP Transport designed to be "SSL aware," i.e. it is aware of the existence of the SSLIOP Transport. It makes sure that SSL session state from a previous connection is not associated with the non-SSL connection handled by this handler
oCACE_Event_Handler [external]
|\CACE_Service_Object [external]
| oCACE_Task_Base [external]
| |\CACE_Task< ACE_SYNCH_USE > [external]
| | oCACE_Svc_Handler< class, class > [external]
| | |\CTAO::SSLIOP::Connection_HandlerHandles requests on a single connection
| | \CACE_Svc_Handler< ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH > [external]
| |  \CTAO_IIOP_Connection_Handler [external]
| \CTAO_Protocol_Factory [external]
|  \CTAO::SSLIOP::Protocol_FactorySSLIOP-specific protocol factory implementation
oCACE_Shared_Object [external]
|\CACE_Service_Object [external]
oCCredentialsAcquirerFactory [external]Abstract base class for all concrete CredentialsAcquirerFactory implementations
|\CTAO::SSLIOP::CredentialsAcquirerFactorySSLIOP-specific TAO::SL3::CredentialsAcquirerFactory implementation
oCSSLIOP::CurrentThe following are TAO extensions
|\CTAO::SSLIOP::CurrentImplementation of the TAO SSLIOP::Current extension
oCEndpointSSLIOP-specific implementation of PP Framework Endpoint interface
oCTAO::Null_SSL_State_GuardThis class sets up null TSS SSL state upon instantiation, and restores the previous TSS SSL state when that instance goes out of scope
oCCORBA::Object [external]
|\CCORBA::LocalObject [external]
| oCTAO::SSLIOP::CredentialsAcquirerSSLIOP-specific SecurityLevel3::CredentialsAcquirer implementation
| oCTAO::SSLIOP::CurrentImplementation of the TAO SSLIOP::Current extension
| oCTAO::SSLIOP::ORBInitializer
| oCTAO::SSLIOP::Server_Invocation_InterceptorSecure invocation server request interceptor
| \CTAO::SSLIOP_CredentialsSSLIOP-specific implementation of the SecurityLevel3::Credentials interface
|  oCTAO::SSLIOP::ClientCredentials
|  oCTAO::SSLIOP::OwnCredentialsCredentials representing our identity, not our peer's identity
|  \CTAO::SSLIOP::TargetCredentialsSSLIOP-specific implementation of the SecurityLevel3::TargetCredentials interface
oColicyFactorySecurityLevel3 PolicyFactory
oCTAO::SSLIOP::OpenSSL_st_var< T >"_var" class for the OpenSSL
oCOpenSSL_traitsTemplate traits structure for OpenSSL data structures
oCTAO::SSLIOP::OpenSSL_traits< ::EVP_PKEY >
oCTAO::SSLIOP::OpenSSL_traits< ::SSL >
oCTAO::SSLIOP::OpenSSL_traits< ::X509 >
oCProfileThis class defines the protocol specific attributes required for locating ORBs over a TCP/IP network, using either IIOP or IIOP/SSL for communication
oCSecurityCurrent_Impl [external]Base class for the TSS portion of any underlying security mechanism
|\CTAO::SSLIOP::Current_ImplTSS portion of the TAO SSLIOP::Current extension, and the SSLIOP-specific SecurityLevel3::SecurityCurrent object
oCSSLIOP_Synthetic_EndpointSSLIOP-specific implementation of PP Framework Endpoint interface, representing synthetic endpoints. An endpoints is synthetic whenever there is insuficient data to fully initialize an SSLIOP endpoint: qop, trust, credentials, etc. Such as when creating an SSLIOP endpoint in response of a Listen Point List or accepting a connection
oCTAO::SSLIOP::State_GuardThis Class that sets up TSS SSL states upon instantiation, and tears down the TSS SSL state when that instance goes out of scope
oCTAO_Acceptor [external]
|\CTAO_IIOP_Acceptor [external]
| \CTAO::IIOP_SSL_AcceptorAn SSL aware IIOP acceptor
|  \CTAO::SSLIOP::AcceptorThe SSLIOP-specific bridge class for the concrete acceptor
oCTAO_Connector [external]
|\CTAO_IIOP_Connector [external]
| \CTAO::IIOP_SSL_ConnectorIIOP-specific Connector (SSL aware) bridge for pluggable protocols
|  \CTAO::SSLIOP::ConnectorSSLIOP-specific Connector bridge for pluggable protocols
oCTAO_Endpoint [external]
| \CTAO_SSLIOP_Synthetic_Endpoint
oCTAO_LF_Event [external]
|\CTAO_LF_CH_Event [external]
| \CTAO_Connection_Handler [external]
oCTAO_Profile [external]
|\CTAO_IIOP_Profile [external]
| \CTAO_SSLIOP_Profile
\CTAO::SSLIOP::UtilClass that provides utility/helper methods for several classes in the SSLIOP pluggable protocol