Classes |
struct | QoS |
| This structure represents QoS for a given type. E.g. {"video_qos", <"video_framerate", 26>, <"video_depth", 9>}. More...
struct | SFPStatus |
| This structure is defined for SFP1.0 Subsequent versions of the protocol may specify new structures. More...
struct | flowStatus |
| Used to store the status of a flow. More...
exception | notSupported |
exception | PropertyException |
exception | FPError |
exception | streamOpFailed |
exception | streamOpDenied |
exception | noSuchFlow |
exception | QoSRequestFailed |
interface | Basic_StreamCtrl |
| Base class for StreamCtrl, implements basic stream start and stop functionality. More...
interface | Negotiator |
| This interface is used to negotiate QoS between two stream endpoints. More...
interface | StreamCtrl |
| Implementation the A/V StreamCtrl class. this class is used to control the stream. It should be subclassed by applications that want to provide more control features. More...
interface | MCastConfigIf |
| Interface for multicasting operations. More...
interface | StreamEndPoint |
interface | StreamEndPoint_A |
| The "A" side of a streamendpoint. More...
interface | StreamEndPoint_B |
| The "B" side of a streamendpoint. More...
interface | VDev |
| Implements the VDev interface. One of these is created per connection, and represents device-specific parameters. More...
interface | MMDevice |
| Implements a factory to create Endpoints and VDevs. More...
exception | protocolNotSupported |
exception | formatNotSupported |
exception | formatMismatch |
exception | FEPMismatch |
exception | alreadyConnected |
exception | invalidSettings |
exception | notConnected |
exception | deviceQosMismatch |
exception | failedToConnect |
exception | failedToListen |
interface | FlowConnection |
interface | FlowEndPoint |
interface | FlowProducer |
interface | FlowConsumer |
interface | FDev |
struct | Position |
exception | PostionKeyNotSupported |
exception | InvalidPosition |
interface | MediaControl |
| MediaControl interface is similar to ControlledStream interface in MSS. It can be inherited by flow endpoints or FlowConnection interfaces. More...
Typedefs |
typedef sequence< QoS > | streamQoS |
| The QoS of a stream is a sequence of QoS structs (defined above)
typedef sequence< string > | flowSpec |
typedef sequence< string > | protocolSpec |
typedef sequence< octet > | key |
| Used as a key for public-key encryption.
CosPropertyService::Property | streamEvent |
| Used to convey events, in Basic_StreamCtrl::push_event.
typedef sequence< FlowConnection > | FlowConnection_seq |
typedef sequence
< StreamEndPoint_A > | StreamEndPoint_A_seq |
typedef sequence
< StreamEndPoint_B > | StreamEndPoint_B_seq |
typedef sequence< FlowEndPoint > | FlowEndPoint_seq |
typedef sequence< Object > | Object_seq |
Enumerations |
enum | flowState { stopped,
} |
| Represents the state of a flow. More...
enum | dirType { dir_in,
} |
| The direction of a flow. More...
enum | PositionOrigin { AbsolutePosition,
} |
enum | PositionKey { ByteCount,
} |
IDL for Control and Management of Audio/Video Streams Revised Submission.