CIAO::Port_Activator Class Reference

Base class for port activations. More...

#include <Port_Activator.h>

Inheritance diagram for CIAO::Port_Activator:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Type { Facet, Sink }

Public Member Functions

 Port_Activator (const char *oid, const char *name, Type t)
virtual ~Port_Activator (void)
const char * oid (void) const
 Return the oid of port that this activator encapulates.
void oid (const char *oid)
 Set the oid.
const char * name (void) const
 Return the oid of port that this activator encapulates.
virtual PortableServer::Servant activate (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid)=0
 Activate the servant reponsible for this port.
virtual void deactivate (const PortableServer::Servant servant)=0

Protected Attributes

CORBA::String_var oid_
CORBA::String_var name_
 Name of the port.
Type const t_
 What type of port is it, a consumer or facet.

Detailed Description

Base class for port activations.

This is a ABC for the Port_Activator_T <> template class where the bulk of the work is done. This class is simply a place holder so that we could use the pointer to this class to achieve polymorphism for facet and consumer servant activations.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CIAO::Port_Activator::Port_Activator ( const char *  oid,
const char *  name,
Type  t 

CIAO::Port_Activator::~Port_Activator ( void   )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual PortableServer::Servant CIAO::Port_Activator::activate ( const PortableServer::ObjectId oid  )  [pure virtual]

Activate the servant reponsible for this port.

There are intentionally no throw specifications. It is the caller's responsibility to handle CORBA and C++ specifications.

Implemented in CIAO::Port_Activator_T< SERV, EXEC, CONTEXT, COMP_SERV >.

virtual void CIAO::Port_Activator::deactivate ( const PortableServer::Servant  servant  )  [pure virtual]

ACE_INLINE const char * CIAO::Port_Activator::name ( void   )  const

Return the oid of port that this activator encapulates.

ACE_INLINE void CIAO::Port_Activator::oid ( const char *  oid  ) 

Set the oid.

ACE_INLINE const char * CIAO::Port_Activator::oid ( void   )  const

Return the oid of port that this activator encapulates.

Member Data Documentation

Name of the port.

The object ID that is used to activate the servant within the POA.

Type const CIAO::Port_Activator::t_ [protected]

What type of port is it, a consumer or facet.

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Generated on Mon Feb 9 21:27:26 2009 for CIAO by  doxygen 1.5.8