CIAO Namespace Reference


namespace  Utility


interface  Swap_Exec
interface  UpgradeableContext
class  Container
 Common container interface definition. More...
class  Context_Impl_Base
 Non-template base class for Context_Impl. More...
class  Context_Impl
 Mixin base class for generated context. More...
class  Cookie_Impl
 A cookie implementation using an unsigned integer big enough to hold an address, even on a 64-bit machine. More...
class  Cookie_Impl_init
 Valuefactory implementation for Cookie_Impl. More...
class  Dynamic_Component_Activator
 Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants. More...
class  Dynamic_Component_Servant_Base
class  Dynamic_Component_Servant
class  ExtensionContext_Impl
class  Home_Servant_Impl_Base
 Non-template base class for Home_Servant_Impl. More...
class  Home_Servant_Impl
 Mixin base class for generated home servant. More...
class  Object_Set
 A helper template class for maintaining and managing a set of object reference. More...
class  Port_Activator
 Base class for port activations. More...
class  Port_Activator_T
 Concrete class that implements the strategy for creating the right type of servant for the ports in question. More...
class  Servant_Activator
 Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants. More...
class  Servant_Impl_Base
 Non-template base class for Servant_Impl. More...
class  Servant_Impl
 Mixin base class for generated servant. More...
struct  Static_Config_EntryPoints_Maps
class  Session_Container
class  StandardConfigurator_Impl
 Servant implementation for Components::StandardConfigurator. More...
class  Swapping_Container
class  Swapping_Home_Servant_Impl_Base
class  Swapping_Home_Servant_Impl
class  Upgradeable_Context_Impl


< ACE_CString,
CORBA::PolicyList, ACE_Hash
< ACE_CString >, ACE_Equal_To
< ACE_CString >
, ACE_Null_Mutex
typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator
< ACE_CString,
HomeFactory )(void)
typedef ::PortableServer::Servant(* ServantFactory )(::Components::HomeExecutorBase_ptr p,::CIAO::Session_Container *c, const char *ins_name)
< ACE_CString, HomeFactory,
ACE_Hash< ACE_CString >
, ACE_Equal_To< ACE_CString >
, ACE_Null_Mutex
< ACE_CString, ServantFactory,
ACE_Hash< ACE_CString >
, ACE_Equal_To< ACE_CString >
, ACE_Null_Mutex


CIAO_CLIENT_Export int debug_level (void)
CIAO_CLIENT_Export int Client_init (CORBA::ORB_ptr o)
int Server_init (CORBA::ORB_ptr o)

Typedef Documentation

typedef ::Components::HomeExecutorBase_ptr(* CIAO::HomeFactory)(void)

typedef ::PortableServer::Servant(* CIAO::ServantFactory)(::Components::HomeExecutorBase_ptr p,::CIAO::Session_Container *c, const char *ins_name)

Function Documentation

int CIAO::Client_init ( CORBA::ORB_ptr  o  ) 

The initialize routine for any clients that need to access component. This routine now simply registers various valuetype factories defined in CIAO_Component.pidl. Currently, this method should be call right after ORB initialization but we should try to register these stuff automatically.

int CIAO::debug_level ( void   ) 

Return the debug level. The debug level of CIAO is control by an environment variable "CIAO_DEBUG_LEVEL". It should be an int value. If it is not defined, the default debug level is 0. The value of debug value is evaluated on its first use and the value is then cached. The actual implementation of this function is in Client_init.cpp.

Some recommendation for using the debug_level

> 0 : For component users. Component developers are encouraged to develop their own > 10 : For CIAO tools > 20 : For CIAO core.

CIAO_SERVER_Export int CIAO::Server_init ( CORBA::ORB_ptr  o  ) 

The initialize routine for any server that need to access component. This routine now simply registers various valuetype factories defined in CIAO_Component.pidl. Currently, this method should be call right after ORB initialization but we should try to register these stuff automatically.

Generated on Mon Feb 9 21:27:15 2009 for CIAO by  doxygen 1.5.8