POA_CORBA::_get_component_Policy_Upcall_Command | |
POA_CORBA::_get_policy_type_Policy | |
POA_CORBA::_is_a_Policy_Upcall_Command | |
POA_CORBA::_non_existent_Policy_Upcall_Command | |
POA_CORBA::_TAO_Policy_Direct_Proxy_Impl | |
POA_CORBA::_TAO_Policy_Strategized_Proxy_Broker | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Active_Policy_Strategies | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Adapter_Activator | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Cached_Policies | |
POA_CORBA::copy_Policy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Creation_Time | |
POA_CORBA::destroy_Policy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdAssignmentPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdAssignmentStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdAssignmentStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdAssignmentStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdAssignmentStrategySystem | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdAssignmentStrategyUser | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessStrategyMultiple | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessStrategyUnique | |
TAO::Portable_Server::IdUniquenessStrategyUniqueFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImplicitActivationPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImplicitActivationStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImplicitActivationStrategyExplicit | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImplicitActivationStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImplicitActivationStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImplicitActivationStrategyImplicit | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ImR_Client_Adapter | IFR_Client_Adapter |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategyPersistent | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategyPersistentFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategyTransient | |
TAO::Portable_Server::LifespanStrategyTransientFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Non_Servant_Upcall | This class helps us with a recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the non-servant (i.e., adapter activator and servant activator) upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing the lock, other threads will not be able to make progress since <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been set |
Operation_Skeleton_Ptr | A logical aggregation of all the operation skeleton pointers in use |
TAO::Portable_Server::POA_Current | |
TAO::Portable_Server::POA_Current_Impl | Implementation of the PortableServer::Current object |
TAO::Portable_Server::POA_Guard | POA_Guard |
POA_CORBA::Policy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Policy_Strategy | |
POA_CORBA::Policy_tie< T > | |
PortableServer::RefCountServantBase | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyAOMOnly | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyAOMOnlyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyDefaultServant | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyDefaultServantFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyServantActivator | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyServantActivatorFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyServantLocator | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyServantLocatorFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::RequestProcessingStrategyServantManager | |
TAO::Portable_Server::Servant_Upcall | This class finds out the POA and the servant to perform an upcall. It can only be instantiated without the object adapter's lock held. For each upcall a new instance of this class is created |
TAO::Portable_Server::Servant_Upcall::Pre_Invoke_State | This struct keeps track of state related to pre- and post-invoke operations |
PortableServer::Servant_var< T > | Provides a type safe counted reference to servants |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategyNonRetain | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategyNonRetainFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategyRetain | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ServantRetentionStrategyRetainFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::StrategyFactory | |
TAO::Basic_SArg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy > | Template class for skeleton argument traits of basic IDL types |
TAO::BD_String_SArg_Traits_T< T_var, BOUND, Insert_Policy > | |
TAO::Collocated_Arguments_Converter | Collocated_Arguments_Converter |
TAO::Collocated_Object_Proxy_Broker | Collocated_Object_Proxy_Broker |
TAO::Direct_Collocation_Upcall_Wrapper | Wraps the activities direct collocation upcall |
TAO::Fixed_Array_SArg_Traits_T< T_var, T_forany, Insert_Policy > | |
TAO::Fixed_Size_SArg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy > | Template class for argument traits of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::In_Basic_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for IN skeleton argument of basic IDL types |
TAO::In_BD_String_SArgument_T< S_var, BOUND, Insert_Policy > | Template class for IN skeleton bd (w)string argument |
TAO::In_Fixed_Array_SArgument_T< S_forany, Insert_Policy > | IN skeleton argument of fixed size element array |
TAO::In_Fixed_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Skeleton class template for operation "IN" arguments of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::In_Object_SArgument_T< S_ptr, S_var, Insert_Policy > | Template class for IN skeleton object argument |
TAO::In_Special_Basic_SArgument_T< S, to_S, from_S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for IN skeleton argument of (w)char/boolean/octet |
TAO::In_UB_String_SArgument_T< S, S_var > | Template class for IN skeleton UB (w)string argument |
TAO::In_Var_Array_SArgument_T< S_forany, Insert_Policy > | IN skeleton argument of variable size element array |
TAO::In_Var_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for IN skeleton argument of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::Inout_Basic_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton argument of basic IDL types |
TAO::Inout_BD_String_SArgument_T< S_var, BOUND, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton bd (w)string argument |
TAO::Inout_Fixed_Array_SArgument_T< S_forany, Insert_Policy > | INOUT skeleton argument of fixed size element array |
TAO::Inout_Fixed_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton arg of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::Inout_Object_SArgument_T< S_ptr, S_var, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton object argument |
TAO::Inout_Special_Basic_SArgument_T< S, to_S, from_S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT (w)char/boolean/octet skeleton argument |
TAO::Inout_UB_String_SArgument_T< S, S_var > | Template class for INOUT skeleton UB (w)string argument |
TAO::Inout_Var_Array_SArgument_T< S_forany, Insert_Policy > | INOUT skeleton argument of variable size element array |
TAO::Inout_Var_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton arg of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::Object_SArg_Traits_T< T_ptr, T_var, T_out, Insert_Policy > | Template class for skeleton argument traits of objects |
TAO::Operation_Skeletons | |
TAO::ORT_Adapter | ORT_Adapter |
TAO::ORT_Adapter_Factory | ORT_Adapter_Factory |
TAO::Out_Basic_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for OUT skeleton argument of basic IDL types |
TAO::Out_BD_String_SArgument_T< S_var, BOUND, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton bd (w)string argument |
TAO::Out_Fixed_Array_SArgument_T< S_forany, Insert_Policy > | OUT skeleton argument of fixed size element array |
TAO::Out_Fixed_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for OUT skeleton argument of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::Out_Object_SArgument_T< S_ptr, S_var, S_out, Insert_Policy > | Template class for INOUT skeleton object argument |
TAO::Out_Special_Basic_SArgument_T< S, to_S, from_S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for OUT skeleton argument of (w)char/boolean/octet |
TAO::Out_UB_String_SArgument_T< S, S_var > | Template class for INOUT skeleton UB (w)string argument |
TAO::Out_Var_Array_SArgument_T< S_var, S_forany, Insert_Policy > | OUT skeleton argument of variable size element array |
TAO::Out_Var_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for OUT skeleton argument of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::Ret_Basic_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for return skeleton value of basic IDL types |
TAO::Ret_BD_String_SArgument_T< S_var, BOUND, Insert_Policy > | Template class for return skeleton value of bd (w)string |
TAO::Ret_Fixed_Array_SArgument_T< S_var, S_forany, Insert_Policy > | Skeleton value of fixed size element array |
TAO::Ret_Fixed_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for return skeleton value of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::Ret_Object_SArgument_T< S_ptr, S_var, Insert_Policy > | Template class for return skeleton value of object |
TAO::Ret_Special_Basic_SArgument_T< S, to_S, from_S, Insert_Policy > | |
TAO::Ret_UB_String_SArgument_T< S, S_var > | Template class for return skeleton value of UB (w)string |
TAO::Ret_Var_Array_SArgument_T< S_var, S_forany, Insert_Policy > | Skeleton value of variable size element array |
TAO::Ret_Var_Size_SArgument_T< S, Insert_Policy > | Template class for return skeleton value of fixed size IDL types |
TAO::SArg_Traits< T > | Base class for all skeleton arg traits specializations |
TAO::SArg_Traits< ACE_InputCDR::to_boolean > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< ACE_InputCDR::to_char > | Specializations for (w)char, octet and boolean |
TAO::SArg_Traits< ACE_InputCDR::to_octet > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< ACE_InputCDR::to_wchar > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Any > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Char * > | Specializatons for unbounded (w)strings |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Double > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Float > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Long > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::LongDouble > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::LongLong > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Object > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Policy > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::Short > | Specializations for basic skeleton arg types, except (w)char/boolean/octet |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::TypeCode > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::ULong > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::ULongLong > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::UShort > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< CORBA::WChar * > | |
TAO::SArg_Traits< void > | Specialization for void return type |
TAO::Special_Basic_SArg_Traits_T< T, to_T, from_T, Insert_Policy > | Template class for skeleton argument traits of (w)char/boolean/octet |
TAO::UB_String_SArg_Traits_T< T, T_var, T_out > | Template class for argument traits of unbounded (w)strings |
TAO::Upcall_Command | "ABC" that all operation-specific command objects must subclass |
TAO::Upcall_Wrapper | Wraps the activities of the _skel operations |
TAO::Var_Array_SArg_Traits_T< T_out, T_forany, Insert_Policy > | Argument traits of variable size element array |
TAO::Var_Size_SArg_Traits_T< T, Insert_Policy > | Template class for skeleton argument traits of variable size IDL types |
TAO_Acceptor_Filter_Factory | Default class for factories providing the endpoint acceptor filter objects |
TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy | Active hint strategy |
TAO_Active_Object_Map | Map of object ids to servants |
TAO_Active_Object_Map_Entry | Value field of the active object map |
TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable | Helper class for using binary search operatin lookup strategy in the server skeletons |
TAO_CORBA_Policy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable | |
TAO_Default_Acceptor_Filter | Default Acceptor_Filter |
TAO_Default_Servant_Dispatcher | Concrete instantiation of the Servant_Dispatcher strategy |
TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable | Dynamic Hashing scheme for CORBA IDL operation name lookup |
TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy | Id uniqueness strategy |
TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy | Id uniqueness strategy |
TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy | Id uniqueness strategy |
TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter | A key adapter (encode/decode) class |
TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator | Defines a key generator |
TAO_Lifespan_Strategy | Lifespan strategy |
TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable | Operation table lookup strategy based on linear search. Not efficient, but it works |
TAO_Local_ServantBase | Base class for local servants |
TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy | Multiple id strategy |
TAO_Network_Priority_Hook | |
TAO_No_Hint_Strategy | No hint strategy |
TAO_Object_Adapter | Defines the Object Adapter abstraction |
TAO_Object_Adapter::Active_Hint_Strategy | This class uses active demux hint for POA active hint strategy |
TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy | Base class for POA active hint strategy |
TAO_Object_Adapter::iteratable_poa_name | This class allows iteration over a folded poa name |
TAO_Object_Adapter::No_Hint_Strategy | This class doesn't use any hints for POA active hint strategy |
TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator | Iterator for a folded poa name |
TAO_Object_Adapter_Factory | |
TAO_ObjectId_Hash | Hashing class for Object Ids |
TAO_operation_db_entry | Define a table entry that holds an operation name and its corresponding skeleton. A table of such entries is used to initialize the different lookup strategies |
TAO_Operation_Table | Abstract class for maintaining and lookup of CORBA IDL operation names |
TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable | Helper class for use of perfect hashing operation lookup strategy |
TAO_Persistent_Strategy | Persistent strategy |
TAO_POA_Current_Factory | |
TAO_POA_Default_Policy_Validator | |
TAO_POA_Initializer | |
TAO_POA_Manager | |
TAO_POA_Policy_Set | |
TAO_POA_Static_Resources | The static (global) resoures of all POA's |
TAO_POAManager_Factory | |
TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter | A key adapter (encode/decode) class |
TAO_Regular_POA | Implementation of the PortableServer::POA interface |
TAO_Root_POA | Implementation of the PortableServer::POA interface |
TAO_Root_POA::Key_To_Object_Params | |
TAO_Servant_Dispatcher | Interface for POA servant dispatching strategies |
TAO_Servant_Hash | |
TAO_ServantBase | Base class for skeletons and servants |
TAO_System_Id_With_Multiple_Id_Strategy | System id strategy |
TAO_System_Id_With_Unique_Id_Strategy | System id strategy |
TAO_Transient_Strategy | Transient strategy |
TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy | Unique id strategy |
TAO_User_Id_Strategy | User id strategy |
TAO::Portable_Server::Temporary_Creation_Time | Special creation time only useful in the lifetime of the upcall |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadPolicy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadStrategy | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadStrategyFactory | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadStrategyFactoryImpl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadStrategyORBControl | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadStrategySingle | |
TAO::Portable_Server::ThreadStrategySingleFactoryImpl | |