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Deployment::ExecutionManager Interface Reference

import "Deployment.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

DomainApplicationManager preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan, in boolean commitResources) raises (ResourceNotAvailable, PlanError, StartError)
DomainApplicationManagers getManagers ()
void destroyManager (in DomainApplicationManager manager) raises (StopError)
void perform_redeployment (in DeploymentPlan new_plan) raises (PlanError, InstallationFailure, UnknownImplId, ImplEntryPointNotFound, InvalidConnection, InvalidProperty, ::Components::RemoveFailure)

Member Function Documentation

void Deployment::ExecutionManager::destroyManager in DomainApplicationManager  manager  )  raises (StopError)

DomainApplicationManagers Deployment::ExecutionManager::getManagers  ) 

void Deployment::ExecutionManager::perform_redeployment in DeploymentPlan  new_plan  )  raises (PlanError, InstallationFailure, UnknownImplId, ImplEntryPointNotFound, InvalidConnection, InvalidProperty, ::Components::RemoveFailure)

CIAO specific operation to handle dynamic system redeployment and reconfiguration This operation could handle dynamic redeployment, and this is the operation exposed to clients directly. Other "perform_redeployment" operation defined on DAM and NA are implementaion details within DAnCE.

DomainApplicationManager Deployment::ExecutionManager::preparePlan in DeploymentPlan  plan,
in boolean  commitResources
raises (ResourceNotAvailable, PlanError, StartError)

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Generated on Wed Dec 21 00:02:39 2005 for CIAO by  doxygen