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Deployment::DomainApplicationManager Interface Reference

import "Deployment.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

DeploymentPlan getPlan ()
void startLaunch (in Properties configProperty, in boolean start) raises (ResourceNotAvailable, StartError, InvalidProperty)
void finishLaunch (in boolean start) raises (StartError, InvalidConnection)
void start () raises (StartError)
void destroyApplication () raises (StopError)
void destroyManager () raises (StopError)
void perform_redeployment (in DeploymentPlan new_plan) raises (PlanError, InstallationFailure, UnknownImplId, ImplEntryPointNotFound, InvalidConnection, InvalidProperty, ::Components::RemoveFailure)

Detailed Description

CIAO 's DomainApplicationManager interface differs spec-defined interface in the same that it also integrates the spec-defined interface for DomainApplication into itself

Member Function Documentation

void Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::destroyApplication  )  raises (StopError)

void Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::destroyManager  )  raises (StopError)

void Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::finishLaunch in boolean  start  )  raises (StartError, InvalidConnection)

DeploymentPlan Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::getPlan  ) 

void Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::perform_redeployment in DeploymentPlan  new_plan  )  raises (PlanError, InstallationFailure, UnknownImplId, ImplEntryPointNotFound, InvalidConnection, InvalidProperty, ::Components::RemoveFailure)

void Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::start  )  raises (StartError)

void Deployment::DomainApplicationManager::startLaunch in Properties  configProperty,
in boolean  start
raises (ResourceNotAvailable, StartError, InvalidProperty)

CIAO specific version of startLaunch implementation, this one differs with spec-defined operation in the sense that it doesn't return DomainApplication object reference.

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Generated on Wed Dec 21 00:02:39 2005 for CIAO by  doxygen