Public Types |
enum | CS_States {
} |
Public Member Functions |
| RTConfig_Handler (ACEXML_XMLReader *parser, RTConfiguration::RTORB_Resource_Info &rtr, RTConfiguration::Policy_Sets &ps ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
virtual | ~RTConfig_Handler (void) |
virtual void | endElement (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
virtual void | startElement (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName, ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
Protected Member Functions |
void | parse_threadpool_attrs (ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| parse the threadpool attributes
void | parse_threadpoollanes_attrs (ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| parse the threadpoolwithlanes attributes
void | add_threadpoollane (ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| parse and add the threadpoollane attributes
void | add_priorityband (ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| parse and add the priorityband attributes
void | create_new_policyset (ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| parse and create a new policyset from attributes
void | parse_priority_model_config (ACEXML_Attributes *atts, RTConfiguration::Priority_Model_Config &config ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| parse and set up the priority model configuration information
Protected Attributes |
CS_States | state_ |
| Internal state of the handler.
Private Attributes |
RTConfiguration::ThreadPoolLanes_Configuration_var | tpl_config_ |
RTConfiguration::PriorityBands_Configuration_var | bands_config_ |
RTConfiguration::Policy_Set_var | policy_set_ |
RTConfiguration::RTORB_Resource_Info & | rtresources |
RTConfiguration::Policy_Sets & | policysets |