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CIAO::RTConfiguration::RTORB_Resource_Info Struct Reference

RT-related resources global to a component server. More...

import "RTConfiguration.idl";

List of all members.

Public Attributes

ThreadPool_Configurations tp_configs
ThreadPoolLanes_Configurations tpl_configs
PriorityBands_Configurations pb_configs

Detailed Description

RT-related resources global to a component server.

These are Real-time related resources that are global within an RT component server. They can be shared by several containers.

Member Data Documentation

PriorityBands_Configurations CIAO::RTConfiguration::RTORB_Resource_Info::pb_configs

ThreadPool_Configurations CIAO::RTConfiguration::RTORB_Resource_Info::tp_configs

ThreadPoolLanes_Configurations CIAO::RTConfiguration::RTORB_Resource_Info::tpl_configs

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