class | ACE_TPQ_Entry |
| Token Proxy Queue entry. Used in the ACE_Token_Proxy_Queue. More...
class | ACE_TSS_TPQ_Entry |
| ACE_TSS_TPQ_Entry. More...
class | ACE_TPQ_Iterator |
| Iterates through ACE_Token_Proxy_Queues. More...
class | ACE_Token_Proxy_Queue |
| Token waiter list. More...
class | ACE_Tokens |
| Abstract representation of ACE tokens. More...
class | ACE_Mutex_Token |
| Class that acquires, renews, and releases a process-local synchronization token. More...
class | ACE_RW_Token |
| Class that acquires, renews, and releases a process-local synchronization token. More...
class | ACE_Token_Name |
| Allows Token_Manger to identify tokens. More...
class | ACE_Token_Proxy |
| Abstract representation of ACE tokens. More...
class | ACE_Null_Token |
| No op class for nonthreaded platform protocols. More...
class | ACE_Local_Mutex |
| Class that acquires, renews, and releases a synchronization token local to the process. More...
class | ACE_Local_RLock |
| Class that acquires, renews, and releases a readers lock that is local to the process. More...
class | ACE_Local_WLock |
| Class that acquires, renews, and releases a writer lock that is local to the process. More...
- Id:
- Local_Tokens.h 96985 2013-04-11 15:50:32Z huangh
- Author
- Karl-Heinz Dorn kdorn.nosp@m.@erl.nosp@m.h.sie.nosp@m.mens.nosp@m..de
Douglas C. Schmidt schmi.nosp@m.dt@c.nosp@m.s.wus.nosp@m.tl.e.nosp@m.du
Tim Harrison harri.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.cs.wu.nosp@m.stl..nosp@m.edu
This file contains definitions for the following classes:
- ACE_Token_Proxy
- ACE_Null_Token : public ACE_Token_Proxy
- ACE_Local_Mutex : public ACE_Token_Proxy *. ACE_Local_RLock : public ACE_Local_Mutex &. ACE_Local_WLock : public ACE_Local_Mutex private:
- ACE_TPQ_Entry b. ACE_TSS_TPQ_Entry c. ACE_TPQ_Iterator
- ACE_Token_Proxy_Queue
- ACE_Tokens
- ACE_Mutex_Token : public ACE_Tokens
- ACE_RW_Token : public ACE_Tokens a. ACE_Token_Name
Note that the locking classes defined in this file are not intended to be used as general-purpose synchronization mechanisms, such as mutexes or semaphores. Instead, you should use the ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ACE_Thread_Mutex, ACE_Thread_Semaphore, etc., that are defined in $ACE_ROOT/ace/Synch.h or the ACE_Token that's defined in $ACE_ROOT/ace/Token.h.