Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.h File Reference

#include "ace/Default_Constants.h"
#include "ace/Functor_T.h"
#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"
#include "ace/Unbounded_Set.h"
#include "ace/Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.inl"
#include "ace/Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.cpp"

Include dependency graph for Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.h:

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Entry< EXT_ID, INT_ID >
 Define an entry in the hash table. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Define a multi-map abstraction that efficiently associates the keys with their different values. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Iterator_Base< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Base iterator for the ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Const_Iterator_Base< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Base const iterator for the ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Iterator< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Forward iterator for the ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Const_Iterator< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Const forward iterator for the ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Bucket_Iterator< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Forward iterator for the ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager which only traverses a particular bucket. The particular bucket is specified by the EXT_ID parameter specified in the constructor. More...
class  ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Reverse_Iterator< EXT_ID, INT_ID, HASH_KEY, COMPARE_KEYS, ACE_LOCK >
 Reverse iterator for the ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager. More...

Detailed Description

Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.h 80826 2008-03-04 14:51:23Z wotte

The code in Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.* was based on the code in Hash_Map_Manager_T.*.

ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager maps a key type to more than one value types. The template takes the key and value types as parameters. The bind and unbind operations can take a key and the value or the set of the values that is to be associated with that key. The find operation can take a key or a key and the value that is associated with the key.

ACE_Hash_Multi_Map_Manager uses ACE_Unbounded_Set to store differet values with the same key.

Shanshan Jiang <shanshan.jiang@vanderbilt.edu>

Generated on Mon Jul 13 16:03:33 2009 for ACE by  doxygen 1.5.8