ACE_TTY_IO::Serial_Params Struct Reference

#include <TTY_IO.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Serial_Params (void)

Public Attributes

int baudrate
int xonlim
int xofflim
unsigned int readmincharacters
int readtimeoutmsec
bool parityenb
const char * paritymode
bool ctsenb
unsigned char rtsenb
bool xinenb
bool xoutenb
bool modem
bool rcvenb
bool dsrenb
bool dtrdisable
unsigned char databits
unsigned char stopbits

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_TTY_IO::Serial_Params::Serial_Params ( void   ) 

Member Data Documentation

Specifies the baudrate at which the communnication port operates.

Specifies the minimum number of bytes in input buffer before XON char is sent. Negative value indicates that default value should be used (Win32).

Specifies the maximum number of bytes in input buffer before XOFF char is sent. Negative value indicates that default value should be used (Win32).

Specifies the minimum number of characters for non-canonical read (POSIX).

Specifies the time to wait before returning from read. Negative value means infinite timeout.

Note that this member is going away in a subsequent release. Use paritymode = "none" to disable parity checking.
Enable/disable parity checking.

Specifies the parity mode. POSIX supports "none", "even" and "odd" parity. Additionally Win32 supports "mark" and "space" parity modes.

Enable & set CTS mode. Note that RTS & CTS are enabled/disabled together on some systems (RTS/CTS is enabled if either ctsenb or rtsenb is set).

Enable & set RTS mode. Note that RTS & CTS are enabled/disabled together on some systems (RTS/CTS is enabled if either ctsenb or rtsenb is set).

  • 0 = Disable RTS.
  • 1 = Enable RTS.
  • 2 = Enable RTS flow-control handshaking (Win32).
  • 3 = Specifies that RTS line will be high if bytes are available for transmission. After transmission RTS will be low (Win32).

Enable/disable software flow control on input.

Enable/disable software flow control on output.

Specifies if device is a modem (POSIX). If not set modem status lines are ignored.

Enable/disable receiver (POSIX).

Controls whether DSR is disabled or enabled (Win32).

Controls whether DTR is disabled or enabled.

Data bits. Valid values 5, 6, 7 and 8 data bits. Additionally Win32 supports 4 data bits.

Stop bits. Valid values are 1 and 2.

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Generated on Wed Apr 23 02:42:54 2008 for ACE by  doxygen 1.5.5