Functor.cpp File Reference

#include "ace/Functor_T.h"
#include "ace/Functor.h"

Include dependency graph for Functor.cpp:

Detailed Description

Functor.cpp 77027 2007-02-12 14:45:25Z johnnyw

Non-inlinable method definitions for non-templatized classes and template specializations implementing the GOF Command Pattern, and STL-style functors.

Chris Gill <>
Based on Command Pattern implementations originally done by

Carlos O'Ryan <> Douglas C. Schmidt <> Sergio Flores-Gaitan <>

and on STL-style functor implementations originally done by

Irfan Pyarali <>

Generated on Mon Jun 25 16:19:16 2007 for ACE by  doxygen 1.5.2-2