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Lock_Adapter_T.h File Reference

#include "ace/Lock.h"
#include "ace/Lock_Adapter_T.inl"
#include "ace/Lock_Adapter_T.cpp"

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class  ACE_Lock_Adapter< ACE_LOCKING_MECHANISM >
 This is an adapter that allows applications to transparently combine the <ace_lock> abstract base class (which contains pure virtual methods) with any of the other concrete ACE synchronization classes (e.g., <ace_mutex>, <ace_semaphore>, <ace_rw_mutex>, etc.). More...

Detailed Description

Lock_Adapter_T.h,v 4.2 2005/10/28 16:14:53 ossama Exp

Moved from Synch.h.

Douglas C. Schmidt <>

Generated on Thu Feb 16 03:04:34 2006 for ACE by  doxygen