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Components::CCMObject Interface Reference

import "Component_Base.idl";

Inheritance diagram for Components::CCMObject:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Components::CCMObject:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

CORBA::IRObject get_component_def ()
CCMHome get_ccm_home ()
PrimaryKeyBase get_primary_key () raises (NoKeyAvailable)
void ciao_preactivate () raises (InvalidConfiguration)
void ciao_activate () raises (InvalidConfiguration)
void ciao_postactivate () raises (InvalidConfiguration)
void configuration_complete () raises (InvalidConfiguration)
void remove () raises (RemoveFailure)
ComponentPortDescription get_all_ports ()
CORBA::IRObject get_component_def ()
CCMHome get_ccm_home ()
PrimaryKeyBase get_primary_key () raises (NoKeyAvailable)
void configuration_complete () raises (InvalidConfiguration)
void remove () raises (RemoveFailure)
ComponentPortDescription get_all_ports ()

Member Function Documentation

void Components::CCMObject::ciao_activate  )  raises (InvalidConfiguration)

void Components::CCMObject::ciao_postactivate  )  raises (InvalidConfiguration)

void Components::CCMObject::ciao_preactivate  )  raises (InvalidConfiguration)

This is all from our work on ARMS where we needed to know whether every component has been configured, say for example to use logging in the assembly which could in turn be provided by a component. To get around all this we are adding some methods on this till we think of some standard way to do this. The problem is that the deployer should be able to call this as opposed to the home calling it as soon as the component is created.

All these operations are called in the order mentioned, ie. the deployer calls ciao_preactivate () on all components, then ciao_activate and then ciao_postactivate (). The speciality is that these operations would be invoked on every target object before the next call is made. It is similar to the way portable interceptors work, trying to get everything onto the flow stack, but differ in the intention.

void Components::CCMObject::configuration_complete  )  raises (InvalidConfiguration)

void Components::CCMObject::configuration_complete  )  raises (InvalidConfiguration)

ComponentPortDescription Components::CCMObject::get_all_ports  ) 

ComponentPortDescription Components::CCMObject::get_all_ports  ) 

CCMHome Components::CCMObject::get_ccm_home  ) 

CCMHome Components::CCMObject::get_ccm_home  ) 

CORBA::IRObject Components::CCMObject::get_component_def  ) 

CORBA::IRObject Components::CCMObject::get_component_def  ) 

PrimaryKeyBase Components::CCMObject::get_primary_key  )  raises (NoKeyAvailable)

PrimaryKeyBase Components::CCMObject::get_primary_key  )  raises (NoKeyAvailable)

void Components::CCMObject::remove  )  raises (RemoveFailure)

void Components::CCMObject::remove  )  raises (RemoveFailure)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Aug 6 03:56:28 2005 for CIAO by  doxygen