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SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator Interface Reference

import "SecurityLevel2.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Security::AuthenticationMethodList get_supported_authen_methods (in Security::MechanismType mechanism)
Security::AuthenticationStatus authenticate (in Security::AuthenticationMethod method, in Security::MechanismType mechanism, in Security::SecurityName security_name, in any auth_data, in Security::AttributeList privileges, out Credentials creds, out any continuation_data, out any auth_specific_data)
Security::AuthenticationStatus continue_authentication (in any response_data, in Credentials creds, out any continuation_data, out any auth_specific_data)

Member Function Documentation

Security::AuthenticationStatus SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::authenticate in Security::AuthenticationMethod  method,
in Security::MechanismType  mechanism,
in Security::SecurityName  security_name,
in any  auth_data,
in Security::AttributeList  privileges,
out Credentials  creds,
out any  continuation_data,
out any  auth_specific_data

Security::AuthenticationStatus SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::continue_authentication in any  response_data,
in Credentials  creds,
out any  continuation_data,
out any  auth_specific_data

Security::AuthenticationMethodList SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::get_supported_authen_methods in Security::MechanismType  mechanism  ) 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Feb 10 20:59:51 2005 for TAO_Security by  doxygen