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Components::SessionSynchronization Interface Reference

import "Component_Base.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void after_begin () raises (CCMException)
void before_completion () raises (CCMException)
void after_completion (in boolean committed) raises (CCMException)
void after_begin () raises (CCMException)
void before_completion () raises (CCMException)
void after_completion (in boolean committed) raises (CCMException)

Member Function Documentation

void Components::SessionSynchronization::after_begin  )  raises (CCMException)

void Components::SessionSynchronization::after_begin  )  raises (CCMException)

void Components::SessionSynchronization::after_completion in boolean  committed  )  raises (CCMException)

void Components::SessionSynchronization::after_completion in boolean  committed  )  raises (CCMException)

void Components::SessionSynchronization::before_completion  )  raises (CCMException)

void Components::SessionSynchronization::before_completion  )  raises (CCMException)

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