TAO_AV  3.0.0
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAVStreamsIDL for Control and Management of Audio/Video Streams Revised Submission
 CQoSThis structure represents QoS for a given type. E.g. {"video_qos", <"video_framerate", 26>, <"video_depth", 9>}
 CSFPStatusThis structure is defined for SFP1.0 Subsequent versions of the protocol may specify new structures
 CflowStatusUsed to store the status of a flow
 CBasic_StreamCtrlBase class for StreamCtrl, implements basic stream start and stop functionality
 CNegotiatorThis interface is used to negotiate QoS between two stream endpoints
 CStreamCtrlImplementation the A/V StreamCtrl class. this class is used to control the stream. It should be subclassed by applications that want to provide more control features
 CMCastConfigIfInterface for multicasting operations
 CStreamEndPoint_AThe "A" side of a streamendpoint
 CStreamEndPoint_BThe "B" side of a streamendpoint
 CVDevImplements the VDev interface. One of these is created per connection, and represents device-specific parameters
 CMMDeviceImplements a factory to create Endpoints and VDevs
 CMediaControlMediaControl interface is similar to ControlledStream interface in MSS. It can be inherited by flow endpoints or FlowConnection interfaces