| TAO_EC_Default_ProxyPushSupplier (TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Base *event_channel, int validate_connection) |
| Constructor... More...
virtual | ~TAO_EC_Default_ProxyPushSupplier (void) |
| Destructor... More...
void | activate (RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier_ptr &proxy) |
| Activate in the POA. More...
virtual void | connect_push_consumer (RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr push_consumer, const RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS &qos) |
| IDL methods. More...
virtual void | disconnect_push_supplier (void) |
| Disconnect this from. More...
virtual void | suspend_connection (void) |
virtual void | resume_connection (void) |
virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr | _default_POA (void) |
virtual void | _add_ref (void) |
virtual void | _remove_ref (void) |
| TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier (TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Base *event_channel, int validate_connection) |
| Constructor... More...
virtual | ~TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier (void) |
| Destructor... More...
virtual void | deactivate (void) throw () |
| Deactivate from the POA. More...
CORBA::Boolean | is_connected (void) const |
| Return false if no consumer is connected... More...
CORBA::Boolean | is_suspended (void) const |
| Return true if it is suspended. More...
RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr | consumer (void) const |
const RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS & | subscriptions (void) const |
| The QoS (subscription) used to connect to the EC. More...
virtual void | connected (TAO_EC_ProxyPushConsumer *consumer) |
virtual void | reconnected (TAO_EC_ProxyPushConsumer *consumer) |
virtual void | disconnected (TAO_EC_ProxyPushConsumer *consumer) |
virtual void | connected (TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier *supplier) |
virtual void | reconnected (TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier *supplier) |
virtual void | disconnected (TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier *supplier) |
virtual void | shutdown (void) |
| The event channel is shutting down. More...
void | push_to_consumer (RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr consumer, const RtecEventComm::EventSet &event) |
void | reactive_push_to_consumer (RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr consumer, const RtecEventComm::EventSet &event) |
CORBA::Boolean | consumer_non_existent (CORBA::Boolean_out disconnected) |
CORBA::ULong | _incr_refcnt (void) |
| Increment and decrement the reference count. More...
CORBA::ULong | _decr_refcnt (void) |
virtual int | filter (const RtecEventComm::EventSet &event, TAO_EC_QOS_Info &qos_info) |
virtual int | filter_nocopy (RtecEventComm::EventSet &event, TAO_EC_QOS_Info &qos_info) |
virtual void | push (const RtecEventComm::EventSet &event, TAO_EC_QOS_Info &qos_info) |
virtual void | push_nocopy (RtecEventComm::EventSet &event, TAO_EC_QOS_Info &qos_info) |
virtual void | clear (void) |
virtual CORBA::ULong | max_event_size (void) const |
| Returns the maximum size of the events pushed by this filter. More...
virtual int | can_match (const RtecEventComm::EventHeader &header) const |
virtual int | add_dependencies (const RtecEventComm::EventHeader &header, const TAO_EC_QOS_Info &qos_info) |
| TAO_EC_Filter (void) |
| constructor... More...
virtual | ~TAO_EC_Filter (void) |
| destructor... More...
TAO_EC_Filter * | parent (void) const |
| Obtain the parent of this filter. More...
void | adopt_child (TAO_EC_Filter *child) |
| Become the parent of child. More...
virtual ChildrenIterator | begin (void) const |
virtual ChildrenIterator | end (void) const |
virtual int | size (void) const |
virtual void | get_qos_info (TAO_EC_QOS_Info &qos_info) |
Implement the ReliableEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier interface.