Classes | |
struct | Property |
struct | FactoryInfo |
exception | InterfaceNotFound |
exception | ObjectGroupNotFound |
exception | MemberNotFound |
exception | ObjectNotFound |
exception | MemberAlreadyPresent |
exception | ObjectNotCreated |
exception | ObjectNotAdded |
exception | TypeConflict |
TAO Specific: TypeConfict exception. More... | |
exception | UnsupportedProperty |
exception | InvalidProperty |
exception | NoFactory |
exception | InvalidCriteria |
exception | CannotMeetCriteria |
interface | PropertyManager |
interface | ObjectGroupManager |
interface | GenericFactory |
interface | FactoryRegistry |
interface | TAO_UpdateObjectGroup |
exception | NotAGroupObject |
interface | GOA |
Typedefs | |
typedef sequence< octet > | GroupIIOPProfile |
typedef CORBA::RepositoryId | _TypeId |
typedef Object | ObjectGroup |
typedef sequence< ObjectGroup > | ObjectGroups |
typedef CosNaming::Name | Name |
typedef any | Value |
typedef sequence< Property > | Properties |
typedef Name | Location |
typedef sequence< Location > | Locations |
typedef Properties | Criteria |
typedef sequence< FactoryInfo > | FactoryInfos |
typedef long | MembershipStyleValue |
typedef FactoryInfos | FactoriesValue |
typedef unsigned short | InitialNumberMembersValue |
typedef unsigned short | MinimumNumberMembersValue |
typedef CORBA::Identifier | RoleName |
typedef sequence < PortableServer::ObjectId > | IDs |
Variables | |
typeprefix PortableGroup omg | org |
const string | PG_MEMBERSHIP_STYLE |
MembershipStyle. More... | |
InitialNumberMembers. More... | |
MinimumNumberMembers. More... | |
const string | PG_FACTORIES = "org.omg.PortableGroup.Factories" |
Factories. More... | |
const MembershipStyleValue | MEMB_APP_CTRL = 0 |
const MembershipStyleValue | MEMB_INF_CTRL = 1 |
const string | role_criterion = "org.omg.portablegroup.Role" |
const string | TAO_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP_METHOD_NAME = "tao_update_object_group" |
typedef Properties PortableGroup::Criteria |
typedef sequence<FactoryInfo> PortableGroup::FactoryInfos |
typedef sequence<octet> PortableGroup::GroupIIOPProfile |
typedef sequence<PortableServer::ObjectId> PortableGroup::IDs |
typedef unsigned short PortableGroup::InitialNumberMembersValue |
typedef Name PortableGroup::Location |
typedef sequence<Location> PortableGroup::Locations |
typedef long PortableGroup::MembershipStyleValue |
typedef unsigned short PortableGroup::MinimumNumberMembersValue |
typedef CosNaming::Name PortableGroup::Name |
typedef Object PortableGroup::ObjectGroup |
typedef sequence<ObjectGroup> PortableGroup::ObjectGroups |
typedef sequence<Property> PortableGroup::Properties |
a name for the role the object will play This allows multiple objects that implement the same interface (TypeId) to exist at a location as long as they play different roles.
typedef any PortableGroup::Value |
const MembershipStyleValue PortableGroup::MEMB_APP_CTRL = 0 |
const MembershipStyleValue PortableGroup::MEMB_INF_CTRL = 1 |
typeprefix PortableGroup omg PortableGroup::org |
const string PortableGroup::PG_FACTORIES = "org.omg.PortableGroup.Factories" |
const string PortableGroup::PG_INITIAL_NUMBER_MEMBERS |
const string PortableGroup::PG_MEMBERSHIP_STYLE |
const string PortableGroup::PG_MINIMUM_NUMBER_MEMBERS |
const string PortableGroup::role_criterion = "org.omg.portablegroup.Role" |
Reserved criteria name for specifing role.
const string PortableGroup::TAO_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP_METHOD_NAME = "tao_update_object_group" |