IDL source for the DynamicAny module. More...
import "tao/Typecode_types.pidl";
import "tao/BooleanSeq.pidl";
import "tao/CharSeq.pidl";
import "tao/DoubleSeq.pidl";
import "tao/FloatSeq.pidl";
import "tao/LongDoubleSeq.pidl";
import "tao/LongLongSeq.pidl";
import "tao/LongSeq.pidl";
import "tao/OctetSeq.pidl";
import "tao/ShortSeq.pidl";
import "tao/ULongLongSeq.pidl";
import "tao/ULongSeq.pidl";
import "tao/UShortSeq.pidl";
import "tao/WCharSeq.pidl";
Classes | |
interface | DynamicAny::DynAny |
exception | DynamicAny::DynAny::InvalidValue |
exception | DynamicAny::DynAny::TypeMismatch |
interface | DynamicAny::DynFixed |
interface | DynamicAny::DynEnum |
struct | DynamicAny::NameValuePair |
struct | DynamicAny::NameDynAnyPair |
interface | DynamicAny::DynStruct |
interface | DynamicAny::DynUnion |
interface | DynamicAny::DynSequence |
interface | DynamicAny::DynArray |
interface | DynamicAny::DynValueCommon |
interface | DynamicAny::DynValue |
interface | DynamicAny::DynValueBox |
exception | DynamicAny::MustTruncate |
interface | DynamicAny::DynAnyFactory |
exception | DynamicAny::DynAnyFactory::InconsistentTypeCode |
Modules | |
module | DynamicAny |
Typedefs | |
typedef string | DynamicAny::FieldName |
typedef sequence< NameValuePair > | DynamicAny::NameValuePairSeq |
typedef sequence< NameDynAnyPair > | DynamicAny::NameDynAnyPairSeq |
typedef sequence< any > | DynamicAny::AnySeq |
typedef sequence< DynAny > | DynamicAny::DynAnySeq |
Variables | |
typeprefix DynamicAny omg | DynamicAny::org |
IDL source for the DynamicAny module.
It was obtained from the OMG website as part of the full CORBA IDL, the document reference number is: formal/04-03-01, or use the following URL: http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/corba_omg_idl_text_file.htm
We couldn't find a copyright notice in the document, but it is safe to assume that it is Copyright (C) 2004, OMG.