Generic factory for actively connecting clients and creating service handlers (SVC_HANDLERs).
| ACE_Connector (ACE_Reactor *r=ACE_Reactor::instance(), int flags=0) |
virtual int | open (ACE_Reactor *r=ACE_Reactor::instance(), int flags=0) |
virtual | ~ACE_Connector (void) |
| Shutdown a connector and release resources. More...
virtual int | connect (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &remote_addr, const ACE_Synch_Options &synch_options=ACE_Synch_Options::defaults, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &local_addr=reinterpret_cast< const peer_addr_type & >(peer_addr_type::sap_any), int reuse_addr=0, int flags=O_RDWR, int perms=0) |
virtual int | connect (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler_hint, SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &remote_addr, const ACE_Synch_Options &synch_options=ACE_Synch_Options::defaults, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &local_addr=reinterpret_cast< const peer_addr_type & >(peer_addr_type::sap_any), int reuse_addr=0, int flags=O_RDWR, int perms=0) |
virtual int | connect_n (size_t n, SVC_HANDLER *svc_handlers[], typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR remote_addrs[], ACE_TCHAR *failed_svc_handlers=0, const ACE_Synch_Options &synch_options=ACE_Synch_Options::defaults) |
virtual int | cancel (SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler) |
virtual int | close (void) |
virtual PEER_CONNECTOR & | connector (void) const |
| Return the underlying PEER_CONNECTOR object. More...
virtual void | initialize_svc_handler (ACE_HANDLE handle, SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler) |
| Initialize Svc_Handler. More...
virtual void | reactor (ACE_Reactor *reactor) |
| Set Reactor. More...
virtual ACE_Reactor * | reactor (void) const |
| Get Reactor. More...
void | dump (void) const |
| Dump the state of an object. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Connector_Base (void) |
| ACE_Service_Object (ACE_Reactor *=0) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Service_Object (void) |
| Destructor. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Event_Handler (void) |
| Destructor is virtual to enable proper cleanup. More...
virtual ACE_HANDLE | get_handle (void) const |
| Get the I/O handle. More...
virtual void | set_handle (ACE_HANDLE) |
| Set the I/O handle. More...
virtual int | priority (void) const |
virtual void | priority (int priority) |
| Set the priority of the Event_Handler. More...
virtual int | handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
| Called when input events occur (e.g., connection or data). More...
virtual int | handle_output (ACE_HANDLE fd=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
virtual int | handle_exception (ACE_HANDLE fd=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
| Called when an exceptional events occur (e.g., SIGURG). More...
virtual int | handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value ¤t_time, const void *act=0) |
virtual int | handle_exit (ACE_Process *) |
| Called when a process exits. More...
virtual int | handle_close (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Reactor_Mask close_mask) |
virtual int | handle_signal (int signum, siginfo_t *=0, ucontext_t *=0) |
virtual int | resume_handler (void) |
virtual int | handle_qos (ACE_HANDLE=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
virtual int | handle_group_qos (ACE_HANDLE=ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) |
ACE_Reactor_Timer_Interface * | reactor_timer_interface (void) const |
| Get only the reactor's timer related interface. More...
virtual Reference_Count | add_reference (void) |
| Increment reference count on the handler. More...
virtual Reference_Count | remove_reference (void) |
| Decrement reference count on the handler. More...
Reference_Counting_Policy & | reference_counting_policy (void) |
| Current Reference_Counting_Policy. More...
| ACE_Shared_Object (void) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~ACE_Shared_Object (void) |
| Destructor. More...
virtual int | make_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&sh) |
virtual int | connect_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &remote_addr, ACE_Time_Value *timeout, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &local_addr, int reuse_addr, int flags, int perms) |
virtual int | connect_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, SVC_HANDLER *&sh_copy, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &remote_addr, ACE_Time_Value *timeout, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &local_addr, int reuse_addr, int flags, int perms) |
virtual int | activate_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler) |
int | nonblocking_connect (SVC_HANDLER *, const ACE_Synch_Options &) |
| Creates and registers ACE_NonBlocking_Connect_Handler. More...
virtual int | connect_i (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, SVC_HANDLER **sh_copy, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &remote_addr, const ACE_Synch_Options &synch_options, const typename PEER_CONNECTOR::PEER_ADDR &local_addr, int reuse_addr, int flags, int perms) |
| Implementation of the connect methods. More...
ACE_Unbounded_Set< ACE_HANDLE > & | non_blocking_handles (void) |
virtual int | init (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) |
virtual int | fini (void) |
| Calls handle_close() to shutdown the Connector gracefully. More...
virtual int | info (ACE_TCHAR **strp, size_t length) const |
| Default version returns address info in buf. More...
virtual int | suspend (void) |
virtual int | resume (void) |
| ACE_Event_Handler (ACE_Reactor *=0, int priority=ACE_Event_Handler::LO_PRIORITY) |
| Force ACE_Event_Handler to be an abstract base class. More...
template<typename SVC_HANDLER, typename PEER_CONNECTOR>
Generic factory for actively connecting clients and creating service handlers (SVC_HANDLERs).
Implements the strategy for actively establishing connections with clients. Both blocking and non-blocking connects are supported. Moreover, non-blocking connects support timeouts.
An ACE_Connector is parameterized by concrete types that conform to the interfaces of SVC_HANDLER and PEER_CONNECTOR described below.
- Template Parameters
SVC_HANDLER | The name of the concrete type that performs the application-specific service. The SVC_HANDLER typically inherits from ACE_Svc_Handler. |
- See Also
- Svc_Handler.h.
- Template Parameters
PEER_CONNECTOR | The name of the class that implements the PEER_CONNECTOR endpoint (e.g., ACE_SOCK_Connector) to passively establish connections. A PEER_CONNECTOR implementation must provide a PEER_STREAM and PEER_ADDR trait to identify the type of stream (e.g., ACE_SOCK_Stream) and type of address (e.g., ACE_INET_Addr) used by the endpoint. |
template<typename SVC_HANDLER , typename PEER_CONNECTOR >
int ACE_Connector< SVC_HANDLER, PEER_CONNECTOR >::activate_svc_handler |
( |
svc_handler | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Bridge method for activating a svc_handler with the appropriate concurrency strategy. The default behavior of this method is to activate the SVC_HANDLER by calling its <open> method (which allows the SVC_HANDLER to define its own concurrency strategy). However, subclasses can override this strategy to do more sophisticated concurrency activations (such as creating the SVC_HANDLER as an "active object" via multi-threading or multi-processing).
Reimplemented in ACE_Strategy_Connector< SVC_HANDLER, PEER_CONNECTOR >.
template<typename SVC_HANDLER , typename PEER_CONNECTOR >
int ACE_Connector< SVC_HANDLER, PEER_CONNECTOR >::make_svc_handler |
( |
sh | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Bridge method for creating a SVC_HANDLER. The default is to create a new SVC_HANDLER only if sh == 0, else sh is unchanged. However, subclasses can override this policy to perform SVC_HANDLER creation in any way that they like (such as creating subclass instances of SVC_HANDLER, using a singleton, dynamically linking the handler, etc.). Returns -1 if failure, else 0.
Reimplemented in ACE_Strategy_Connector< SVC_HANDLER, PEER_CONNECTOR >.