ACE | |
CosEventChannelAdmin | Define the interfaces implemented by providers of the CORBA Event Service |
AlreadyConnected | Exception raised if the user tries to connect to an already connected proxy |
TypeError | Exception raised in Typed Event Services if there is a mismatch between the proxy and its peer (supplier or consumer.) |
ProxyPushConsumer | Interface used by push-style suppliers |
ProxyPushSupplier | Interface used by push-style consumers |
ProxyPullSupplier | Interface used by pull-style consumers |
ProxyPullConsumer | Interface used by pull-style suppliers |
ConsumerAdmin | Abstract Factory used to create proxies for pull-style and push-style consumers |
SupplierAdmin | Abstract Factory used to create proxies for pull-style and push-style suppliers |
EventChannel | Main interface for the Event Service |
CosEventComm | Define the interfaces implemented by users of the CORBA Event Service |
Disconnected | Exception raised when a client tries to communicate with the Event Service after it has disconnected |
PushConsumer | Define the interface implemented by push-style consumers |
PushSupplier | Define the interface implemented by push-style suppliers |
PullConsumer | Define the interface implemented by pull-style consumers |
PullSupplier | Define the interface implemented by pull-style suppliers |
TAO | |
details | |
TAO_CEC_ConsumerAdmin | ConsumerAdmin |
TAO_CEC_ConsumerControl | ConsumerControl |
TAO_CEC_ConsumerControl_Adapter | Forwards timeout events to the Reactive ConsumerControl |
TAO_CEC_Default_Factory | A generic factory for EC experimentation |
TAO_CEC_Dispatch_Command | |
TAO_CEC_Dispatching | Define the interface for the dispatching strategies |
TAO_CEC_Dispatching_Task | Implement the dispatching queues for FIFO and Priority dispatching |
TAO_CEC_DynamicImplementationServer | |
TAO_CEC_Event_Loader | Dynamically load an instance of the COS Event Service |
TAO_CEC_EventChannel | The CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel implementation |
ServantBaseHash | |
TAO_CEC_EventChannel_Attributes | Defines the construction time attributes for the Event Channel |
TAO_CEC_Factory | Abstract factory for the CosEventChannel components |
TAO_CEC_MT_Dispatching | Dispatching strategy that minimizes mt inversion |
TAO_CEC_Operation_Params | |
TAO_CEC_Param | |
TAO_CEC_Ping_Pull_Consumer | |
TAO_CEC_Ping_Pull_Supplier | |
TAO_CEC_Ping_Push_Consumer | |
TAO_CEC_Ping_Push_Supplier | |
TAO_CEC_Propagate_Event_Pull | |
TAO_CEC_Propagate_Event_Push | |
TAO_CEC_Propagate_Typed_Event | |
TAO_CEC_ProxyPullConsumer | ProxyPullConsumer |
TAO_CEC_ProxyPullSupplier | ProxyPullSupplier |
TAO_CEC_ProxyPushConsumer | ProxyPushConsumer |
TAO_CEC_ProxyPushConsumer_Guard | A Guard for the ProxyPushConsumer reference count |
TAO_CEC_ProxyPushSupplier | ProxyPushSupplier |
TAO_CEC_Pull_Event | |
TAO_CEC_Pulling_Strategy | Define the interface for the pulling strategies |
TAO_CEC_Pulling_Strategy_Adapter | Forwards timeout events to the Reactive Pulling Strategy |
TAO_CEC_Push_Command | |
TAO_CEC_Reactive_ConsumerControl | ConsumerControl |
TAO_CEC_Reactive_Dispatching | Dispatch using the caller thread |
TAO_CEC_Reactive_Pulling_Strategy | Dispatch using the caller thread |
TAO_CEC_Reactive_SupplierControl | SupplierControl |
TAO_CEC_Shutdown_Task_Command | |
TAO_CEC_SupplierAdmin | ProxyPushSupplier |
TAO_CEC_SupplierControl | SupplierControl |
TAO_CEC_SupplierControl_Adapter | Forwards timeout events to the Reactive SupplierControl |
TAO_CEC_TypedConsumerAdmin | |
TAO_CEC_TypedEvent | Defines the operation and args list for the TypedEvent |
TAO_CEC_TypedEventChannel | |
ServantBaseHash | |
TAO_CEC_TypedEventChannel_Attributes | Defines the construction time attributes for the Typed Event Channel |
TAO_CEC_TypedProxyPushConsumer | |
TAO_CEC_TypedProxyPushConsumer_Guard | A Guard for the TypedProxyPushConsumer reference count |
TAO_CEC_TypedSupplierAdmin |