#include <RepositoryManager_Impl.h>
Cached information about the installed Component Interfaces A map which associates Component supportedType with the names of packages which implement this component type Key: Component supportedType Value: Unbounded set of the names of installed packages which implement this component type Based on the synchronization needed we can parametrize this with either ACE_Null_Mutex or ACE_RW_Mutex
Cached information about the installed PackageConfigurations A separate map for the installation names and their UUID's Key: PackageConfiguration name or its UUID (CString type) Value: The location of the local copy of the package Based on the synchronization needed we can parametrize this with either ACE_Null_Mutex or ACE_RW_Mutex
DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::~RepositoryManagerDaemon_i |
( |
void |
| ) |
virtual |
Function to extract the type of the component from the PackageConfiguration and update the interface map
- Return values
void DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::deletePackage |
( |
const ACE_TCHAR * |
installationName | ) |
virtual |
void DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::dump |
( |
void |
| ) |
protected |
int DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::extract_descriptor_files |
( |
package, |
ACE_CString & |
pcd_name |
) |
| |
protected |
Function to extract all necessary files for parsing the PackageConfiguration descriptor and populating the idl struct.
- Return values
- Note
- ACE_CString& pcd_name is an out parameter
Find out what the name of the PackageConfiguration file is.
CORBA::StringSeq * DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::findNamesByType |
( |
const ACE_TCHAR * |
type | ) |
CORBA::StringSeq * DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::getAllNames |
( |
| ) |
CORBA::StringSeq * DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::getAllTypes |
( |
| ) |
Function to retrieve a file via HTTP stores the file in the passed preallocated ACE_Message_Block
- Return values
int DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::remove_descriptor_files |
( |
package | ) |
protected |
Function to remove the files extracted for parsing the PackageConfiguration descriptor and populating the idl struct. It reads the names of the files from the package. They correspond to the names on disk.
- Return values
int DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::remove_extracted_package |
( |
const ACE_TCHAR * |
package_path | ) |
protected |
Function to remove the files extracted from the package upon istallation It reads the names of the files from the package. They correspond to the names on disk. It deletes each file, then it deletes the directories that contain them.
- Note
- extraction location is path/*archive_name
Function to remove the interface type of the component being removed from the interface map
- Return values
Function to parse and return the PackageConfiguration from the already extracted descriptor files
Function to parse and return the PackageConfiguration from a specified package
void DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::save |
( |
void |
| ) |
protected |
void DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::shutdown |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
ACE_TCHAR DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::cwd_[TEMP_LEN] |
private |
Will hold the current working directory.
ACE_CString DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::HTTP_server_ |
private |
ACE_CString DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::install_path |
private |
Directory where the packages will be stored locally.
ACE_CString DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::install_root_ |
private |
Full path for the install directory.
PCMap DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::names_ |
private |
A hash map that associates the names of PackageConfigurations with their location
CIMap DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::types_ |
private |
a hash map which associates Component Interface UUIDs with their implementations
PCMap DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i::uuids_ |
private |
a hash map that associates the UUIDs of PackageConfigurations with their location
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: