ACE_Equal_To< CORBA::String_var > | |
 ACE_Event_Handler [external] | |
  ACE_Service_Object [external] | |
   TAO_Object_Loader [external] | |
    TAO_Trading_Loader | |
 ACE_Hash< CORBA::String_var > | |
 ACE_Less_Than< CORBA::String_var > | |
 ACE_Shared_Object [external] | |
  ACE_Service_Object [external] | |
 ACE_Unbounded_Queue< TAO_Literal_Constraint > [external] | |
  TAO_Constraint_Evaluator::Operand_Queue | |
 Admin | |
  TAO_Import_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Admin > | |
   TAO_Admin< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Admin IDL interface |
  TAO_Link_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Admin > | |
   TAO_Admin< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Admin IDL interface |
  TAO_Support_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Admin > | |
   TAO_Admin< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Admin IDL interface |
  TAO_Trader_Components< POA_CosTrading::Admin > | |
   TAO_Admin< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Admin IDL interface |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::AlreadyMasked | |
 CosTrading::Link::DefaultFollowTooPermissive | |
 CosTradingDynamic::DPEvalFailure | |
 CosTrading::Link::DuplicateLinkName | |
 CosTrading::DuplicatePolicyName | |
 CosTrading::DuplicatePropertyName | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::DuplicateServiceTypeName | |
 CosTradingDynamic::DynamicProp | |
 DynamicPropEval | |
  TAO_Dynamic_Property | Little helper class that you can extend to have your dynamic property handler construct CosTradingDynamic::DynamicProp structs |
 CosTradingDynamic::DynamicPropEval | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::HasSubTypes | |
 CosTrading::IllegalConstraint | |
 CosTrading::Link::IllegalLinkName | |
 CosTrading::IllegalOfferId | |
 CosTrading::Lookup::IllegalPolicyName | |
 CosTrading::Lookup::IllegalPreference | |
 CosTrading::IllegalPropertyName | |
 CosTrading::Proxy::IllegalRecipe | |
 CosTrading::IllegalServiceType | |
 CosTrading::Register::IllegalTraderName | |
 CosTrading::ImportAttributes | |
  CosTrading::Admin | |
  CosTrading::Lookup | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::IncarnationNumber | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::InterfaceTypeMismatch | |
 CosTrading::Register::InterfaceTypeMismatch | |
 CosTrading::InvalidLookupRef | |
 CosTrading::Register::InvalidObjectRef | |
 CosTrading::Lookup::InvalidPolicyValue | |
 CosTrading::Link::LimitingFollowTooPermissive | |
 Link | |
  TAO_Link_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Link > | |
  TAO_Support_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Link > | |
  TAO_Trader_Components< POA_CosTrading::Link > | |
 CosTrading::LinkAttributes | |
  CosTrading::Admin | |
  CosTrading::Link | |
 CosTrading::Link::LinkInfo | |
 Lookup | |
  TAO_Import_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Lookup > | |
   TAO_Lookup< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Lookup IDL interface |
  TAO_Support_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Lookup > | |
   TAO_Lookup< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Lookup IDL interface |
  TAO_Trader_Components< POA_CosTrading::Lookup > | |
   TAO_Lookup< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Lookup IDL interface |
 CosTrading::Register::MandatoryProperty | |
 CosTrading::MissingMandatoryProperty | |
 CosTrading::Register::NoMatchingOffers | |
 CosTrading::NotImplemented | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::NotMasked | |
 CosTrading::Proxy::NotProxyOfferId | |
 CosTrading::Offer | |
 TAO_Offer_Database< LOCK_TYPE >::Offer_Map_Entry | |
 CosTrading::OfferIdIterator | |
 OfferIdIterator | |
  TAO_Offer_Id_Iterator | |
 CosTrading::Register::OfferInfo | |
 OfferIterator | |
  TAO_Offer_Iterator | |
   TAO_Query_Only_Offer_Iterator | |
   TAO_Register_Offer_Iterator< MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | An implementation of CosTrading::OfferIterator IDL interface appropriate when trader has Register functionality |
  TAO_Offer_Iterator_Collection | |
 CosTrading::OfferIterator | |
 CosTrading::Policy | |
 CosTrading::Lookup::PolicyTypeMismatch | |
 TAO_Preference_Interpreter::Preference_Info | |
 CosTrading::Property | |
 CosTrading::PropertyTypeMismatch | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::PropStruct | |
 Proxy | |
  TAO_Support_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Proxy > | |
  TAO_Trader_Components< POA_CosTrading::Proxy > | |
 CosTrading::Proxy::ProxyInfo | |
 CosTrading::Register::ProxyOfferId | |
 CosTrading::ReadonlyDynamicProperty | |
 CosTrading::Register::ReadonlyProperty | |
 Register | |
  TAO_Support_Attributes< POA_CosTrading::Register > | |
   TAO_Register< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Register IDL interface |
  TAO_Trader_Components< POA_CosTrading::Register > | |
   TAO_Register< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class implements CosTrading::Register IDL interface |
 CosTrading::Register::RegisterNotSupported | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::ServiceTypeExists | |
 ServiceTypeRepository | |
  TAO_Service_Type_Repository | This class implements CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository IDL interface |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository | |
 CosTrading::Lookup::SpecifiedProps | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::SpecifiedServiceTypes | |
 CosTrading::SupportAttributes | |
  CosTrading::Admin | |
  CosTrading::Link | |
  CosTrading::Lookup | |
  CosTrading::Proxy | |
  CosTrading::Register | |
 TAO_Constraint | TAO_Constraint is the base class of all nodes on the constraint expression tree |
  TAO_Binary_Constraint | TAO_Binary_Constraint represents an operation with left and right operands |
  TAO_Literal_Constraint | TAO_Literal_Constraint represents a literal occuring in the constraint expression tree |
  TAO_Noop_Constraint | A node that represents an operation with no operands |
  TAO_Property_Constraint | TAO_Property_Constraint represents a property whose value is determined by the offer being evaluated |
  TAO_Unary_Constraint | TAO_Unary_Constraint represents an operation with only one operand |
 TAO_Constraint_Visitor | This is the base class for all visitors who wish to preform some operation from the state of the expression tree. Using double dispatching, subclasses of Constraint expression call back to the InterpreterVisitor subclass from the accept method |
  TAO_Constraint_Evaluator | TAO_Constraint_Evaluator traverse a constraint expression tree, and determines whether an offer fits the constraints represented by the tree |
   TAO_Trader_Constraint_Evaluator | |
  TAO_Constraint_Validator | TAO_Constraint_Validator ensures that in an expression tree passed to it, the operands of each operation match the correct types |
   TAO_Trader_Constraint_Validator | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< ELEMENT_TYPE > | Function object for determining if the sequence element at the current position of the dynamic sequence any parameter is equal to the element parameter |
 TAO_Element_Equal< const char * > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::Boolean > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::Double > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::Float > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::Long > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::LongLong > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::Short > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::ULong > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::ULongLong > | |
 TAO_Element_Equal< CORBA::UShort > | |
 TAO_Import_Attributes_i | This class stores, allows access to and modification of trader's import attributes |
 TAO_Interpreter | TAO_Interpreter is the superclass for all interpreters. Its build tree method invokes the yacc parser to parse a constraint or preference string |
  TAO_Constraint_Interpreter | TAO_Constraint_Interpreter will, given a constraint string whose syntax and semantics comply with the trader specification for the constraint language, determine if a CosTrading::Offer meets the constraints |
  TAO_Preference_Interpreter | The TAO_Preference_Interpreter will, given a valid preference string and offers, will order the offers based on the offers' compliance with the preferences |
 TAO_Lex_String_Input | Have Lex read from a string and not from stdin. Essentially, the interpreter needs to call yylex() until EOF, and call TAO_Lex_String_Input::reset() with the new string, prior to calling yyparse |
 TAO_Link_Attributes_i | This class stores, allows access to and modification of trader's link attributes |
 TAO_Lockable | |
  TAO_Trader_Base | TAO_Trader inherits from this "helper" class. The sole purpose of this class is to factor some of TAO_Trader's data members out, so that they would not have to be templatized and be be aware of the type of lock they use |
   TAO_Trader< TRADER_LOCK_TYPE, MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | This class packages together all the various pieces that provide functionality specified in COS Trading specification |
 TAO_Offer_Database< LOCK_TYPE > | |
 TAO_Offer_Database< MAP_LOCK_TYPE > | |
 TAO_Offer_Filter | The purpose of this class is to ensure that offers that shouldn't be considered by the TAO_Constraint_Interpreter aren't |
 TAO_Offer_Modifier | This class deletes, modifies, and adds properties to a given offer according to the rules of the modify method on the Register interface |
 TAO_Policies | This class ensures that policies submitted to Lookup make sense, have the correct value types, and don't exceed the maximums set through the Admin Interface |
 TAO_Policy_Creator | This class is a utility for clients using the CosTrading::Lookup interface that helps them build a policy sequence without violating syntax rules and having to mess with typecodes |
 TAO_Property_Evaluator | This class abstracts away the details of obtaining property values and property types. Since the procedure for obtaining the value or type of a dynamic property is disparate from the method for a static property, TAO_Property_Evaluator provides methods that will unify the two approaches under a single interface. Since dynamic properties aren't necessarily supported by a trader, this class accounts for that contingency. The use of indexed lookups allows them to occur in constant time on the CORBA sequences, but requires that the client know the layout of properties ahead of time |
  TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name | This class extends the TAO_Property_Evaluator to allow lookups based on the property name of interest. Since the property information is contained within an integer indexed array, lookups may occur in O(n) time, where n is the length of the array. To make lookups by name more efficient, TAO_Property_Evaluator_By_Name creates a mapping of property names to integer indicies, upon which lookups are guaranteed to be O(lg n) |
 TAO_Property_Filter | The Ace_Property_Filter copies those properties specified in a CosTrading::Lookup::SpecifiedProps from a source CosTrading::Offer to a destination CosTrading::Offer |
 TAO_Sequence_Extracter_Base | |
 TAO_Service_Offer_Iterator< LOCK_TYPE > | TAO_Service_Offer_Iterator iterates over the set of exported offers for a given type. Handily, it takes care of all the necessary locking, acquiring them in the constructor, and releasing them in the destructor |
 TAO_Support_Attributes_i | This class stores, allows access to and modification of trader's support attributes |
 TAO_Trader_Factory | Uses command line arguments to construct a trader instance with the correct interface support, locking, and policy settings |
 TAO_Trading_Components_i | Set/get methods for references to various interfaces of the trader |
 CosTrading::TraderComponents | |
  CosTrading::Admin | |
  CosTrading::Link | |
  CosTrading::Lookup | |
  CosTrading::Proxy | |
  CosTrading::Register | |
 TAO_Service_Type_Repository::Type_Info | Storage structure for information pertinent to the type |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::TypeStruct | |
 CosTrading::Link::UnknownLinkName | |
 CosTrading::UnknownMaxLeft | |
 CosTrading::UnknownOfferId | |
 CosTrading::Register::UnknownPropertyName | |
 CosTrading::UnknownServiceType | |
 CosTrading::Register::UnknownTraderName | |
 CosTradingRepos::ServiceTypeRepository::ValueTypeRedefinition | |
 yy_buffer_state | |
 IF | |
  TAO_Import_Attributes< IF > | |
  TAO_Link_Attributes< IF > | |
  TAO_Support_Attributes< IF > | |
  TAO_Trader_Components< IF > | |