Public Member Functions |
TAO_Active_Object_Map * | get_active_object_map () const |
PortableServer::POA_ptr | create_POA (const char *adapter_name, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, const CORBA::PolicyList &policies) |
PortableServer::POA_ptr | find_POA (const char *adapter_name, CORBA::Boolean activate_it) |
void | destroy (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects, CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion) |
PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr | create_thread_policy (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value) |
PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr | create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value) |
PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr | create_id_uniqueness_policy (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value) |
PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr | create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value) |
PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr | create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value) |
PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr | create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value) |
PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr | create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value) |
char * | the_name (void) |
PortableServer::POA_ptr | the_parent (void) |
PortableServer::POAList * | the_children (void) |
PortableServer::POAManager_ptr | the_POAManager (void) |
PortableServer::POAManagerFactory_ptr | the_POAManagerFactory (void) |
PortableInterceptor::AdapterName * | adapter_name (void) |
void | save_ior_component (const IOP::TaggedComponent &component) |
void | save_ior_component_and_profile_id (const IOP::TaggedComponent &component, IOP::ProfileId profile_id) |
PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr | the_activator (void) |
void | the_activator (PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr adapter_activator) |
PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr | get_servant_manager (void) |
void | set_servant_manager (PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr imgr) |
PortableServer::Servant | get_servant (void) |
void | set_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant) |
PortableServer::ObjectId * | activate_object (PortableServer::Servant p_servant) |
void | activate_object_with_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, PortableServer::Servant p_servant) |
void | deactivate_object (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | create_reference (const char *intf) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | create_reference_with_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid, const char *intf) |
PortableServer::ObjectId * | servant_to_id (PortableServer::Servant p_servant) |
PortableServer::ObjectId * | servant_to_user_id (PortableServer::Servant p_servant) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | servant_to_reference (PortableServer::Servant p_servant) |
PortableServer::Servant | reference_to_servant (CORBA::Object_ptr reference) |
PortableServer::ObjectId * | reference_to_id (CORBA::Object_ptr reference) |
PortableServer::Servant | id_to_servant (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | id_to_reference (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
CORBA::OctetSeq * | id (void) |
TAO_POA_Policy_Set & | policies (void) |
| Accessor for POA policies.
CORBA::Policy_ptr | get_policy (CORBA::PolicyType policy) |
| Get the set policy of the given type.
virtual CORBA::PolicyList * | client_exposed_policies (CORBA::Short object_priority) |
| TAO_Root_POA (const String &name, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, const TAO_POA_Policy_Set &policies, TAO_Root_POA *parent, ACE_Lock &lock, TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock, TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core, TAO_Object_Adapter *object_adapter) |
virtual | ~TAO_Root_POA (void) |
TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name & | folded_name (void) const |
TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name & | system_name (void) const |
TAO_ORB_Core & | orb_core (void) const |
| ORB Core for POA.
TAO::Portable_Server::Cached_Policies & | cached_policies (void) |
| obtain a reference to the cached_profiles
TAO_Network_Priority_Hook * | network_priority_hook (void) |
| obtain a handle to the network priority hooks
TAO::Portable_Server::Cached_Policies::PriorityModel | priority_model (void) const |
CORBA::Boolean | cleanup_in_progress (void) |
TAO_Object_Adapter & | object_adapter (void) |
ACE_Lock & | lock (void) |
TAO_Stub * | key_to_stub (const TAO::ObjectKey &key, const char *type_id, CORBA::Short priority) |
PortableInterceptor::AdapterState | get_adapter_state (void) |
| Accessor methods to POA state.
virtual void * | thread_pool (void) const |
virtual CORBA::Policy * | server_protocol (void) |
CORBA::ULong | outstanding_requests (void) const |
const ACE_CString & | name (void) const |
CORBA::Boolean | waiting_destruction (void) const |
CORBA::Object_ptr | invoke_key_to_object (void) |
CORBA::Boolean | system_id (void) |
CORBA::ULong | waiting_servant_deactivation (void) const |
TAO_POA_Manager & | tao_poa_manager () |
| Return the POA Manager related to this POA.
bool | is_poa_generated (CORBA::Object_ptr reference, PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id) |
bool | is_servant_activation_allowed (PortableServer::Servant servant, bool &wait_occurred_restart_call) |
int | rebind_using_user_id_and_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant, const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id, const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id, TAO::Portable_Server::Servant_Upcall &servant_upcall) |
CORBA::Boolean | servant_has_remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant) |
bool | allow_implicit_activation (void) const |
bool | allow_multiple_activations (void) const |
int | is_servant_active (PortableServer::Servant servant, bool &wait_occurred_restart_call) |
void | deactivate_object_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
CORBA::Boolean | is_persistent (void) const |
CORBA::Short | server_priority (void) const |
bool | has_system_id (void) const |
PortableServer::Servant | find_servant (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id) |
TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION | servant_present (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id, PortableServer::Servant &servant) |
PortableServer::Servant | find_servant (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id, TAO::Portable_Server::Servant_Upcall &servant_upcall, TAO::Portable_Server::POA_Current_Impl &poa_current_impl) |
int | find_servant_priority (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id, CORBA::Short &priority) |
int | unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id) |
void | cleanup_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant, const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id) |
void | post_invoke_servant_cleanup (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id, const TAO::Portable_Server::Servant_Upcall &servant_upcall) |
bool | validate_lifespan (CORBA::Boolean is_persistent, const TAO::Portable_Server::Temporary_Creation_Time &creation_time) const |
PortableServer::ObjectId * | activate_object_i (PortableServer::Servant p_servant, CORBA::Short priority, bool &wait_occurred_restart_call) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | id_to_reference_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid, bool indirect) |
PortableServer::ObjectId * | servant_to_id_i (PortableServer::Servant servant) |
TAO_SYNCH_CONDITION & | servant_deactivation_condition (void) |
int | is_poa_generated_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id) |
void | check_state (void) |
| Check the state of this POA.
int | delete_child (const String &child) |
PortableServer::Servant | user_id_to_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
virtual CORBA::ORB_ptr | _get_orb (void) |
virtual void | poa_activated_hook () |
| Hook - The POA has been (or is being) activated.
virtual void | poa_deactivated_hook () |
| Hook - The POA has been deactivated.
virtual void | servant_activated_hook (PortableServer::Servant servant, const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
| Hook - A servant has been activated.
virtual void | servant_deactivated_hook (PortableServer::Servant servant, const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
| Hook - A servant has been deactivated.
CORBA::Object_ptr | invoke_key_to_object_helper_i (const char *repository_id, const PortableServer::ObjectId &id) |
virtual | ~LocalObject (void) |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | _non_existent (void) |
virtual char * | _repository_id (void) |
virtual CORBA::InterfaceDef_ptr | _get_interface (void) |
virtual CORBA::Object_ptr | _get_component (void) |
virtual void | _create_request (CORBA::Context_ptr ctx, const char *operation, CORBA::NVList_ptr arg_list, CORBA::NamedValue_ptr result, CORBA::Request_ptr &request, CORBA::Flags req_flags) |
virtual void | _create_request (CORBA::Context_ptr ctx, const char *operation, CORBA::NVList_ptr arg_list, CORBA::NamedValue_ptr result, CORBA::ExceptionList_ptr exclist, CORBA::ContextList_ptr ctxtlist, CORBA::Request_ptr &request, CORBA::Flags req_flags) |
virtual CORBA::Request_ptr | _request (const char *operation) |
CORBA::Policy_ptr | _get_policy (CORBA::PolicyType type) |
CORBA::Policy_ptr | _get_cached_policy (TAO_Cached_Policy_Type type) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | _set_policy_overrides (const CORBA::PolicyList &policies, CORBA::SetOverrideType set_add) |
CORBA::PolicyList * | _get_policy_overrides (const CORBA::PolicyTypeSeq &types) |
CORBA::Boolean | _validate_connection (CORBA::PolicyList_out inconsistent_policies) |
virtual CORBA::ULong | _hash (CORBA::ULong maximum) |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | _is_equivalent (CORBA::Object_ptr other_obj) |
virtual TAO::ObjectKey * | _key (void) |
virtual | ~Object (void) |
virtual TAO_Abstract_ServantBase * | _servant (void) const |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | _is_collocated (void) const |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | _is_local (void) const |
| Object (TAO_Stub *p, CORBA::Boolean collocated=false, TAO_Abstract_ServantBase *servant=0, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core=0) |
| Object (IOP::IOR *ior, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core) |
virtual TAO_Stub * | _stubobj (void) const |
virtual TAO_Stub * | _stubobj (void) |
virtual void | _proxy_broker (TAO::Object_Proxy_Broker *proxy_broker) |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | marshal (TAO_OutputCDR &cdr) |
CORBA::Boolean | is_evaluated (void) const |
IOP::IOR * | steal_ior (void) |
const IOP::IOR & | ior (void) const |
virtual bool | can_convert_to_ior (void) const |
virtual char * | convert_to_ior (bool use_omg_ior_format, const char *ior_prefix) const |
void | _decr_refcount (void) |
virtual void | _add_ref (void) |
virtual void | _remove_ref (void) |
virtual CORBA::ULong | _refcount_value (void) const |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | _is_a (const char *logical_type_id) |
virtual const char * | _interface_repository_id (void) const |
Protected Member Functions |
int | enter (void) |
int | exit (void) |
virtual TAO_Root_POA * | new_POA (const String &name, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, const TAO_POA_Policy_Set &policies, TAO_Root_POA *parent, ACE_Lock &lock, TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock, TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core, TAO_Object_Adapter *object_adapter) |
| Template method for creating new POA's of this type.
PortableServer::POA_ptr | create_POA_i (const char *adapter_name, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, const CORBA::PolicyList &policies) |
PortableServer::POA_ptr | create_POA_i (const String &adapter_name, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, const TAO_POA_Policy_Set &policies) |
TAO_Root_POA * | find_POA_i (const ACE_CString &child_name, CORBA::Boolean activate_it) |
void | destroy_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects, CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion) |
void | complete_destruction_i (void) |
PortableServer::POAList * | the_children_i (void) |
PortableInterceptor::AdapterName * | adapter_name_i (void) |
void | adapter_state_changed (const TAO::ORT_Array &array_obj_ref_template, PortableInterceptor::AdapterState state) |
void | add_ior_component (TAO_MProfile &mprofile, const IOP::TaggedComponent &component) |
| Add the given tagged component to all profiles.
void | add_ior_component_to_profile (TAO_MProfile &mprofile, const IOP::TaggedComponent &component, IOP::ProfileId profile_id) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | key_to_object (const TAO::ObjectKey &key, const char *type_id, TAO_ServantBase *servant, CORBA::Boolean collocated, CORBA::Short priority, bool indirect) |
virtual TAO_Stub * | key_to_stub_i (const TAO::ObjectKey &key, const char *type_id, CORBA::Short priority) |
| Like key_to_stub() but assume that the ORB is not shutting down.
TAO_Stub * | create_stub_object (const TAO::ObjectKey &object_key, const char *type_id, CORBA::PolicyList *policy_list, TAO_Acceptor_Filter *filter, TAO_Acceptor_Registry &acceptor_registry) |
PortableServer::Servant | get_servant_i (void) |
void | activate_object_with_id_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, PortableServer::Servant p_servant, CORBA::Short priority, bool &wait_occurred_restart_call) |
virtual void | remove_from_parent_i (void) |
void | deactivate_all_objects_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects) |
void | deactivate_all_objects_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects, CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion) |
void | wait_for_completions (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | create_reference_i (const char *intf, CORBA::Short priority) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | create_reference_with_id_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid, const char *intf, CORBA::Short priority) |
PortableServer::Servant | reference_to_servant_i (CORBA::Object_ptr reference) |
CORBA::Object_ptr | servant_to_reference_i (PortableServer::Servant p_servant) |
PortableServer::Servant | id_to_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid) |
void | establish_components (void) |
void | components_established (PortableInterceptor::IORInfo_ptr info) |
void | set_folded_name (TAO_Root_POA *parent) |
void | set_id (TAO_Root_POA *parent) |
TAO::ObjectKey * | create_object_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id) |
PortableInterceptor::ObjectReferenceTemplate * | get_adapter_template (void) |
| Accessor methods to ObjectReferenceTemplate.
PortableInterceptor::ObjectReferenceTemplate * | get_adapter_template_i (void) |
| Accessor methods to ObjectReferenceTemplate, non locked version.
PortableInterceptor::ObjectReferenceFactory * | get_obj_ref_factory (void) |
| Accessor methods to PortableInterceptor::ObjectReferenceFactory.
void | set_obj_ref_factory (PortableInterceptor::ObjectReferenceFactory *current_factory) |
| Set the object reference factory.
TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION | locate_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, PortableServer::Servant &servant) |
PortableServer::Servant | locate_servant_i (const char *operation, const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, TAO::Portable_Server::Servant_Upcall &servant_upcall, TAO::Portable_Server::POA_Current_Impl &poa_current_impl, bool &wait_occurred_restart_call) |
TAO::ORT_Adapter * | ORT_adapter (void) |
TAO::ORT_Adapter * | ORT_adapter_i (void) |
CORBA::Boolean | persistent (void) |
virtual CORBA::Boolean | root (void) const |
virtual char | root_key_type (void) |
CORBA::ULong | increment_outstanding_requests (void) |
CORBA::ULong | decrement_outstanding_requests (void) |
| LocalObject (void) |
| Object (int dummy=0) |
TAO::Object_Proxy_Broker * | proxy_broker () const |
Implementation of the PortableServer::POA interface.