#include "ace/config-lite.h"
#include "ace/OS_NS_math.h"
#include "ace/Flag_Manip.h"
#include "ace/Handle_Ops.h"
#include "ace/Lib_Find.h"
#include "ace/Init_ACE.h"
#include "ace/Sock_Connect.h"
#include "ace/Default_Constants.h"
#include "ace/ACE.inl"
Namespaces | |
namespace | ACE |
The namespace containing the ACE framework itself. |
Macros | |
#define | ACE_EXPORT_MACRO ACE_Export |
Functions | |
u_int | ACE::major_version (void) |
e.g., the "5" in ACE 5.1.12. | |
u_int | ACE::minor_version (void) |
e.g., the "1" in ACE 5.1.12. | |
u_int | ACE::beta_version (void) |
const ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::compiler_name (void) |
E.g., the "SunPro C++" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0. | |
u_int | ACE::compiler_major_version (void) |
E.g., the "4" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0. | |
u_int | ACE::compiler_minor_version (void) |
E.g., the "32" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0. | |
u_int | ACE::compiler_beta_version (void) |
E.g., the "0" in SunPro C++ 4.32.0. | |
int | ACE::out_of_handles (int error) |
bool | ACE::wild_match (const char *s, const char *pattern, bool case_sensitive=true, bool character_classes=false) |
int | ACE::handle_timed_accept (ACE_HANDLE listener, ACE_Time_Value *timeout, bool restart) |
ACE_HANDLE | ACE::handle_timed_complete (ACE_HANDLE listener, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int is_tli=0) |
int | ACE::set_handle_limit (int new_limit=-1, int increase_limit_only=0) |
int | ACE::max_handles (void) |
ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::strenvdup (const ACE_TCHAR *str) |
const char * | ACE::strend (const char *s) |
char * | ACE::strnew (const char *s) |
void | ACE::strdelete (char *s) |
Delete the memory allocated by strnew . | |
char * | ACE::strndup (const char *str, size_t n) |
char * | ACE::strnnew (const char *str, size_t n) |
bool | ACE::isdotdir (const char *s) |
Determine if a specified pathname is "dot dir" (ie. "." or ".."). | |
const wchar_t * | ACE::strend (const wchar_t *s) |
wchar_t * | ACE::strnew (const wchar_t *s) |
void | ACE::strdelete (wchar_t *s) |
wchar_t * | ACE::strndup (const wchar_t *str, size_t n) |
wchar_t * | ACE::strnnew (const wchar_t *str, size_t n) |
bool | ACE::isdotdir (const wchar_t *s) |
const ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::execname (const ACE_TCHAR *pathname) |
const ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::basename (const ACE_TCHAR *pathname, ACE_TCHAR delim=ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR) |
const ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::dirname (const ACE_TCHAR *pathname, ACE_TCHAR delim=ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR) |
ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::timestamp (const ACE_Time_Value &time_value, ACE_TCHAR date_and_time[], size_t time_len, bool return_pointer_to_first_digit=false) |
ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::timestamp (ACE_TCHAR date_and_time[], size_t time_len, bool return_pointer_to_first_digit=false) |
pid_t | ACE::fork (const ACE_TCHAR *program_name=ACE_TEXT("<unknown>"), int avoid_zombies=0) |
int | ACE::daemonize (const ACE_TCHAR pathname[]=ACE_TEXT("/"), bool close_all_handles=ACE_DEFAULT_CLOSE_ALL_HANDLES, const ACE_TCHAR program_name[]=ACE_TEXT("<unknown>")) |
size_t | ACE::round_to_pagesize (size_t len) |
Rounds the request to a multiple of the page size. | |
size_t | ACE::round_to_allocation_granularity (size_t len) |
Rounds the request to a multiple of the allocation granularity. | |
size_t | ACE::format_hexdump (const char *buffer, size_t size, ACE_TCHAR *obuf, size_t obuf_sz) |
u_long | ACE::hash_pjw (const char *str) |
Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine. | |
u_long | ACE::hash_pjw (const char *str, size_t len) |
Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine. | |
u_long | ACE::hash_pjw (const wchar_t *str) |
Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine. | |
u_long | ACE::hash_pjw (const wchar_t *str, size_t len) |
Computes the hash value of {str} using the "Hash PJW" routine. | |
ACE_UINT16 | ACE::crc_ccitt (const char *str) |
Computes CRC-CCITT for the string. | |
ACE_UINT16 | ACE::crc_ccitt (const void *buf, size_t len, ACE_UINT16 crc=0) |
Computes CRC-CCITT for the buffer. | |
ACE_UINT16 | ACE::crc_ccitt (const iovec *iov, int len, ACE_UINT16 crc=0) |
Computes CRC-CCITT for the @ len iovec buffers. | |
ACE_UINT32 | ACE::crc32 (const char *str) |
Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the string. | |
ACE_UINT32 | ACE::crc32 (const void *buf, size_t len, ACE_UINT32 crc=0) |
Computes the ISO 8802-3 standard 32 bits CRC for the buffer. | |
ACE_UINT32 | ACE::crc32 (const iovec *iov, int len, ACE_UINT32 crc=0) |
u_long | ACE::gcd (u_long x, u_long y) |
Euclid's greatest common divisor algorithm. | |
u_long | ACE::minimum_frame_size (u_long period1, u_long period2) |
Calculates the minimum enclosing frame size for the given values. | |
u_long | ACE::is_prime (const u_long n, const u_long min_factor, const u_long max_factor) |
int | ACE::map_errno (int error) |
const ACE_TCHAR * | ACE::sock_error (int error) |
bool | ACE::is_sock_error (int error) |
int | ACE::process_active (pid_t pid) |
int | ACE::terminate_process (pid_t pid) |
void | ACE::unique_name (const void *object, ACE_TCHAR *name, size_t length) |
u_long | ACE::log2 (u_long num) |
Computes the base 2 logarithm of {num}. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | ACE::is_equal (const T &a, const T &b) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | ACE::is_inequal (const T &a, const T &b) |
ACE_TCHAR | ACE::nibble2hex (u_int n) |
Hex conversion utility. | |
u_char | ACE::hex2byte (ACE_TCHAR c) |
Convert a hex character to its byte representation. | |
bool | ACE::debug (void) |
void | ACE::debug (bool onoff) |
int | ACE::select (int width, ACE_Handle_Set *readfds, ACE_Handle_Set *writefds=0, ACE_Handle_Set *exceptfds=0, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Wrapper facade for select that uses ACE_Handle_Sets . | |
int | ACE::select (int width, ACE_Handle_Set &readfds, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
int | ACE::handle_read_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout) |
int | ACE::handle_write_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout) |
int | ACE::handle_exception_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout) |
int | ACE::handle_ready (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int read_ready, int write_ready, int exception_ready) |
int | ACE::enter_recv_timedwait (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int &val) |
int | ACE::enter_send_timedwait (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, int &val) |
void | ACE::record_and_set_non_blocking_mode (ACE_HANDLE handle, int &val) |
void | ACE::restore_non_blocking_mode (ACE_HANDLE handle, int val) |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len) |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::t_rcv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::t_rcv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::recvv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::recvv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::send_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len) |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::t_snd_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::t_snd_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::sendv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
ssize_t | ACE::sendv_n_i (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout, size_t *bytes_transferred) |
I/O operations | |
Notes on common parameters: handle is the connected endpoint that will be used for I/O. buf is the buffer to write from or receive into. len is the number of bytes to transfer. The timeout parameter in the following methods indicates how long to blocking trying to transfer data. If timeout == 0, then the call behaves as a normal send/recv call, i.e., for blocking sockets, the call will block until action is possible; for non-blocking sockets, If timeout != 0, the call will wait until the relative time specified in *timeout elapses. The "_n()" I/O methods keep looping until all the data has been transferred. These methods also work for sockets in non-blocking mode i.e., they keep looping on The return values for the "*_n()" methods match the return values from the non "_n()" methods and are specified as follows:
On partial transfers, i.e., if any data is transferred before timeout / error / Methods with iovec parameter are I/O vector variants of the I/O operations. Methods with the extra flags argument will always result in | |
ssize_t | ACE::recv (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::t_rcv (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recv (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recvmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, struct msghdr *msg, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recvfrom (ACE_HANDLE handle, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::t_rcv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, int *flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recv (ACE_HANDLE handle, size_t n,...) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recvv (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recvv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::recv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Message_Block *message_block, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::send (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::t_snd (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::send (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::sendmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::sendto (ACE_HANDLE handle, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::t_snd_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::send (ACE_HANDLE handle, size_t n,...) |
Varargs variant. | |
ssize_t | ACE::sendv (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::sendv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::send_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
ssize_t | ACE::read_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::write_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::write_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
ssize_t | ACE::readv_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. | |
ssize_t | ACE::writev_n (ACE_HANDLE handle, const iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t *bytes_transferred=0) |
Receive into a variable number of pieces. |
This file contains value added ACE functions that extend the behavior of the UNIX and Win32 OS calls.
All these ACE static functions are consolidated in a single place in order to manage the namespace better. These functions are put here rather than in ACE_OS
in order to separate concerns.
#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO ACE_Export |