| ACEXML_URL_Addr (void) |
| Initialization and termination methods.
| ACEXML_URL_Addr (const ACEXML_Char *host_name, const ACEXML_Char *path_name, unsigned short port=ACE_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) |
| Constructor.
| ACEXML_URL_Addr (const ACEXML_URL_Addr &addr) |
| Copy constructor.
int | set (const ACEXML_URL_Addr &addr) |
| Essentially the copy constructor.
virtual int | string_to_addr (const ACEXML_Char *address, int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
virtual int | addr_to_string (ACEXML_Char *s, size_t size, int ipaddr_format=1) const |
virtual const ACEXML_Char * | addr_to_string (int ipaddr_format=1) |
void | operator= (const ACEXML_URL_Addr &addr) |
| Assignment operator.
| ~ACEXML_URL_Addr (void) |
| Destructor.
bool | operator== (const ACEXML_URL_Addr &SAP) const |
bool | operator!= (const ACEXML_URL_Addr &SAP) const |
| Compare two addresses for inequality.
virtual u_long | hash (void) const |
| Computes and returns hash value.
const ACEXML_Char * | get_path_name (void) const |
| Return the path name.
int | destroy (void) |
| Commit suicide.
| ACE_INET_Addr (void) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const ACE_INET_Addr &) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const sockaddr_in *addr, int len) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (u_short port_number, const char host_name[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const char address[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (u_short port_number, ACE_UINT32 ip_addr=INADDR_ANY) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const char port_name[], const char host_name[], const char protocol[]="tcp") |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const char port_name[], ACE_UINT32 ip_addr, const char protocol[]="tcp") |
| ACE_INET_Addr (u_short port_number, const wchar_t host_name[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const wchar_t address[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const wchar_t port_name[], const wchar_t host_name[], const wchar_t protocol[]=ACE_TEXT_WIDE("tcp")) |
| ACE_INET_Addr (const wchar_t port_name[], ACE_UINT32 ip_addr, const wchar_t protocol[]=ACE_TEXT_WIDE("tcp")) |
| ~ACE_INET_Addr (void) |
int | set (const ACE_INET_Addr &) |
int | set (u_short port_number, const char host_name[], int encode=1, int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
int | set (u_short port_number, ACE_UINT32 ip_addr=INADDR_ANY, int encode=1, int map=0) |
int | set (const char port_name[], const char host_name[], const char protocol[]="tcp") |
int | set (const char port_name[], ACE_UINT32 ip_addr, const char protocol[]="tcp") |
int | set (const char addr[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
int | set (const sockaddr_in *, int len) |
int | set (u_short port_number, const wchar_t host_name[], int encode=1, int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
int | set (const wchar_t port_name[], const wchar_t host_name[], const wchar_t protocol[]=ACE_TEXT_WIDE("tcp")) |
int | set (const wchar_t port_name[], ACE_UINT32 ip_addr, const wchar_t protocol[]=ACE_TEXT_WIDE("tcp")) |
int | set (const wchar_t addr[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
virtual void * | get_addr (void) const |
int | get_addr_size (void) const |
virtual void | set_addr (void *, int len) |
virtual void | set_addr (void *, int len, int map) |
virtual int | addr_to_string (ACE_TCHAR buffer[], size_t size, int ipaddr_format=1) const |
virtual int | string_to_addr (const char address[], int address_family=AF_UNSPEC) |
void | set_port_number (u_short, int encode=1) |
int | set_address (const char *ip_addr, int len, int encode=1, int map=0) |
int | set_interface (const char *intf_name) |
u_short | get_port_number (void) const |
int | get_host_name (char hostname[], size_t hostnamelen) const |
int | get_host_name (wchar_t hostname[], size_t hostnamelen) const |
const char * | get_host_name (void) const |
const char * | get_host_addr (char *addr, int addr_size) const |
const char * | get_host_addr (void) const |
ACE_UINT32 | get_ip_address (void) const |
bool | is_any (void) const |
bool | is_loopback (void) const |
bool | is_multicast (void) const |
bool | is_linklocal (void) const |
bool | is_ipv4_mapped_ipv6 (void) const |
bool | is_ipv4_compat_ipv6 (void) const |
bool | operator< (const ACE_INET_Addr &rhs) const |
bool | operator== (const ACE_INET_Addr &SAP) const |
bool | operator!= (const ACE_INET_Addr &SAP) const |
bool | is_ip_equal (const ACE_INET_Addr &SAP) const |
void | dump (void) const |
| ACE_Addr (int type=-1, int size=-1) |
virtual | ~ACE_Addr (void) |
int | get_size (void) const |
void | set_size (int size) |
int | get_type (void) const |
void | set_type (int type) |
bool | operator== (const ACE_Addr &sap) const |
bool | operator!= (const ACE_Addr &sap) const |
void | base_set (int type, int size) |
void | dump (void) const |
| ACE_Addr (int type=-1, int size=-1) |
int | get_size (void) const |
void | set_size (int size) |
int | get_type (void) const |
void | set_type (int type) |
bool | operator== (const ACE_Addr &sap) const |
bool | operator!= (const ACE_Addr &sap) const |
void | base_set (int type, int size) |
void | dump (void) const |
Defines a URL address family address format.