Namespaces |
namespace | ACE_OS |
| This class is a wrapper for the XTI/TLI operations.
Defines |
#define | ACE_EXPORT_MACRO ACE_Export |
Typedefs |
typedef int(* | ACE_COMPARE_FUNC )(const void *, const void *) |
Functions |
ACE_INT64 | ace_strtoll_helper (const char *s, char **ptr, int base) |
ACE_INT64 | ace_strtoull_helper (const char *s, char **ptr, int base) |
Non-standard functions |
These functions aren't in the standard.
ACE_Export ACE_EXIT_HOOK | ACE_OS::exit_hook_ = 0 |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
void | ACE_OS::_exit (int status=0) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
void | ACE_OS::abort (void) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
int | ACE_OS::atexit (ACE_EXIT_HOOK func, const char *name=0) |
int | ACE_OS::atoi (const char *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
long | ACE_OS::atol (const char *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
double | ACE_OS::atof (const char *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
void * | ACE_OS::atop (const char *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
void * | ACE_OS::bsearch (const void *key, const void *base, size_t nel, size_t size, ACE_COMPARE_FUNC) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_Export void * | ACE_OS::calloc (size_t elements, size_t sizeof_elements) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_Export void | ACE_OS::exit (int status=0) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_Export void | ACE_OS::free (void *) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
char * | ACE_OS::getenv (const char *symbol) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_Export ACE_TCHAR * | ACE_OS::getenvstrings (void) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
char * | ACE_OS::itoa (int value, char *string, int radix) |
| Converts an integer to a string.
ACE_Export char * | ACE_OS::itoa_emulation (int value, char *string, int radix) |
| Emulated itoa - Converts an integer to a string.
ACE_Export void * | ACE_OS::malloc (size_t) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_HANDLE | ACE_OS::mkstemp (char *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
char * | ACE_OS::mktemp (char *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
int | ACE_OS::putenv (const char *string) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
void | ACE_OS::qsort (void *base, size_t nel, size_t width, ACE_COMPARE_FUNC) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
int | ACE_OS::setenv (const char *envname, const char *envval, int overwrite) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
int | ACE_OS::unsetenv (const char *name) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
int | ACE_OS::rand (void) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
int | ACE_OS::rand_r (ACE_RANDR_TYPE &seed) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_Export void * | ACE_OS::realloc (void *, size_t) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
char * | ACE_OS::realpath (const char *file_name, char *resolved_name) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_EXIT_HOOK | ACE_OS::set_exit_hook (ACE_EXIT_HOOK hook) |
| For use by ACE_Object_Manager only, to register its exit hook..
void | ACE_OS::srand (u_int seed) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
ACE_Export ACE_TCHAR * | ACE_OS::strenvdup (const ACE_TCHAR *str) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
double | ACE_OS::strtod (const char *s, char **endptr) |
| Converts a string to a double value (char version).
long | ACE_OS::strtol (const char *s, char **ptr, int base) |
| Converts a string to a long value (char version).
unsigned long | ACE_OS::strtoul (const char *s, char **ptr, int base) |
| Converts a string to an unsigned long value (char version).
ACE_INT64 | ACE_OS::strtoll (const char *s, char **ptr, int base) |
| Converts a string to a signed 64 bit int value (char version).
ACE_UINT64 | ACE_OS::strtoull (const char *s, char **ptr, int base) |
| Converts a string to a unsigned 64 bit int value (char version).
int | ACE_OS::system (const ACE_TCHAR *s) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
const char * | ACE_OS::getprogname () |
ACE_Export const char * | ACE_OS::getprogname_emulation () |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
void | ACE_OS::setprogname (const char *name) |
ACE_Export void | ACE_OS::setprogname_emulation (const char *name) |
| Function that is called by <ACE_OS::exit>, if non-null.
Originally in OS.h.