Global_Macros.h File Reference

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  ACE_No_Heap_Check


typedef void(* ACE_Service_Object_Exterminator )(void *)

Detailed Description

Global_Macros.h 82442 2008-07-28 13:11:29Z johnnyw
Douglas C. Schmidt <>
Jesper S. M|ller<>
and a cast of thousands...

This one is split from the famous OS.h

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ACE_Service_Object_Exterminator)(void *)

Service Objects, i.e., objects dynamically loaded via the service configurator, must provide a destructor function with the following prototype to perform object cleanup.

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Generated on Mon Oct 12 14:15:25 2009 for ACE by  doxygen 1.6.1