PICurrent.pidl File Reference

Pre-compiled IDL source for the PortableInterceptor components in the ORB. More...

import "tao/PI/InvalidSlot.pidl";
#include "tao/PI_Forward.pidl"
#include "tao/Current.pidl"

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void set_slot (in SlotId id, in any data) raises (InvalidSlot)


module PortableInterceptor
typeprefix PortableInterceptor
local interface Current

Detailed Description

Pre-compiled IDL source for the PortableInterceptor components in the ORB.

PICurrent.pidl 76257 2007-01-02 10:02:38Z johnnyw

tao_idl -o orig -Gp -Gd -GA -SS -Sci -Wb,export_include="tao/TAO_Export.h" -Wb,export_macro=TAO_Export -Wb,pre_include="ace/pre.h" -Wb,post_include="ace/post.h" PICurrent.pidl

Function Documentation

void set_slot ( in SlotId  id,
in any  data 
) raises (InvalidSlot)

Variable Documentation

local interface Current

module PortableInterceptor typeprefix PortableInterceptor omg org

Generated on Mon Jul 13 16:36:48 2009 for TAO_PI by  doxygen 1.5.8