RepositoryManager_Impl.h File Reference

#include "RepositoryManagerDaemonS.h"
#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager_T.h"
#include "ace/Hash_Multi_Map_Manager_T.h"
#include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
#include "ace/RW_Mutex.h"
#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
#include "ace/SString.h"

Include dependency graph for RepositoryManager_Impl.h:

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  DAnCE::RepositoryManagerDaemon_i


namespace  DAnCE
 A struct which captures the binding information about a component.

Detailed Description

RepositoryManager_Impl.h 85557 2009-06-08 09:46:10Z johnnyw

Description: This file is the main implementation file for the RepositoryManager in CIAO. We have used a number of techniques in order to increase scalability of the RepoMan while still maintaining complience with the D&C spec

Stoyan Paunov

Shanshan Jiang <>

William R. Otte <>

Generated on Mon Jul 13 17:13:37 2009 for DAnCE by  doxygen 1.5.8