IIOP_SSL_Transport.h File Reference

#include "orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_Current.h"
#include "tao/IIOP_Transport.h"

Include dependency graph for IIOP_SSL_Transport.h:

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  TAO::TAO::IIOP_SSL_Transport
 IIOP Transport designed to be "SSL aware," i.e. it is aware of the existence of the SSLIOP Transport. It makes sure that SSL session state from a previous connection is not associated with the non-SSL connection handled by this handler. More...


namespace  TAO
 Security ORB initializer.

Detailed Description

IIOP_SSL_Transport.h 79151 2007-08-01 09:04:36Z johnnyw

Ossama Othman <ossama@uci.edu>

Generated on Tue Apr 14 11:58:21 2009 for TAO_SSLIOP by  doxygen 1.5.8