CEC_EventChannel.h File Reference

#include "orbsvcs/CosEvent/CEC_Factory.h"
#include "orbsvcs/CosEventChannelAdminS.h"
#include "orbsvcs/CosEvent/CEC_Defaults.h"
#include "orbsvcs/CosEvent/event_serv_export.h"
#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
#include "orbsvcs/CosEvent/CEC_EventChannel.inl"

Include dependency graph for CEC_EventChannel.h:

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  TAO_CEC_EventChannel_Attributes
 Defines the construction time attributes for the Event Channel. More...
class  TAO_CEC_EventChannel
 The CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel implementation. More...
class  TAO_CEC_EventChannel::TAO_CEC_EventChannel::ServantBaseHash

Detailed Description

CEC_EventChannel.h 77001 2007-02-12 07:54:49Z johnnyw

Carlos O'Ryan (coryan@cs.wustl.edu)
A new implementation of the COS Event Channel. This version does not rely on the RTEC in its implementation.

Generated on Mon Feb 9 21:03:59 2009 for TAO_CosEvent by  doxygen 1.5.8