Components::AlreadyConnected | |
Components::BadComponentReference | |
Components::BadEventType | |
CosPersistentState::CatalogBase | |
Components::CCM2Context | |
Components::CCMContext | |
Components::CCMException | |
Components::CCMHome | |
Components::CCMObject | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ClientContainerInterceptor | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ClientContainerInterceptorRegistration | |
Components::ComponentId | |
Components::ComponentPortDescription | |
Components::Configurator | |
Components::ConfigValue | |
Components::ConnectionDescription | |
Components::ConsumerDescription | |
CIAO::Container | Common container interface definition |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ContainerClientRequestInfo | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ContainerInterceptor | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ContainerRequestInfo | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ContainerServantRequestInfo | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ContainerServerRequestInfo | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ContainerStubRequestInfo | |
CIAO::Context_Impl< BASE_CTX, SVNT, COMP > | Mixin base class for generated context |
CIAO::Context_Impl_Base | Non-template base class for Context_Impl |
Components::Cookie | |
CIAO::Cookie_Impl | A cookie implementation using an unsigned integer big enough to hold an address, even on a 64-bit machine |
CIAO::Cookie_Impl_init | Valuefactory implementation for Cookie_Impl |
Components::CookieRequired | |
Components::CreateFailure | |
Components::DefaultEnumeration | |
Components::DuplicateKeyValue | |
CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Activator | Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants |
CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Servant< COMP_SVNT > | |
CIAO::Dynamic_Component_Servant_Base | |
Components::EmitterDescription | |
Components::EnterpriseComponent | |
Components::Entity2Context | |
Components::EntityComponent | |
Components::EntityContext | |
Components::Enumeration | |
Components::EventBase | |
Components::EventConsumerBase | |
Components::Events | |
Components::ExceededConnectionLimit | |
Components::ExecutorLocator | |
Components::ExtensionComponent | |
Components::ExtensionContext | |
CIAO::ExtensionContext_Impl | |
Components::FacetDescription | |
Components::FinderFailure | |
Components::Transaction::HeuristicMixed | |
Components::Transaction::HeuristicRollback | |
CIAO::Home_Servant_Impl< BASE_SKEL, EXEC, COMP_SVNT > | Mixin base class for generated home servant |
CIAO::Home_Servant_Impl_Base | Non-template base class for Home_Servant_Impl |
Components::HomeConfiguration | |
Components::HomeExecutorBase | |
Components::HomeFinder | |
Components::HomeNotFound | |
Components::HomeRegistration | |
Components::IllegalState | |
Components::InvalidConfiguration | Shouldn't be here but is now here because of CIAO additions |
Components::InvalidConnection | |
Components::InvalidKey | |
Components::InvalidName | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::InvalidRegistration | |
Components::InvalidStateIdData | |
Components::Transaction::InvalidToken | |
Components::KeylessCCMHome | |
CIAO::Utility::NameUtility | |
Components::Navigation | |
Components::QoS::Negotiation | |
Components::NoConnection | |
Components::NoKeyAvailable | |
Components::Transaction::NoTransaction | |
Components::Transaction::NotSupported | |
CIAO::Object_Set< T, T_var > | A helper template class for maintaining and managing a set of object reference |
Components::PersistenceNotAvailable | |
Components::PersistentIdValue | |
Components::PolicyMismatch | |
CIAO::Port_Activator | Base class for port activations |
CIAO::Port_Activator_T< SERV, EXEC, CONTEXT, COMP_SERV > | Concrete class that implements the strategy for creating the right type of servant for the ports in question |
Components::PortDescription | |
Components::PrimaryKeyBase | |
Components::ProxyHomeNotSupported | |
Components::ProxyHomeRegistration | |
Components::PublisherDescription | |
Components::QoS::QoSConstraint | |
Components::QoS::QoSInstance | |
Components::ReceptacleDescription | |
Components::Receptacles | |
Components::RemoveFailure | |
Components::Transaction::RollbackError | |
Components::Transaction::Security | |
Components::SegmentDescr | |
CIAO::Servant_Activator | Activator that is registered with the POA for facet and consumer servants |
CIAO::Servant_Impl< BASE_SKEL, EXEC, CONTEXT > | Mixin base class for generated servant |
CIAO::Servant_Impl_Base | Non-template base class for Servant_Impl |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ServantContainerInterceptor | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ServantContainerInterceptorRegistration | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ServerContainerInterceptor | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::ServerContainerInterceptorRegistration | |
Components::Session2Context | |
CIAO::Session_Container | |
Components::SessionComponent | |
Components::SessionContext | |
Components::SessionSynchronization | |
Components::StandardConfigurator | |
CIAO::StandardConfigurator_Impl | Servant implementation for Components::StandardConfigurator |
Components::StateIdFactory | |
Components::StateIdValue | |
CIAO::Static_Config_EntryPoints_Maps | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::StubContainerInterceptor | |
Components::ContainerPortableInterceptor::StubContainerInterceptorRegistration | |
Components::SubscriberDescription | |
CIAO::Swap_Exec | |
CIAO::Swapping_Container | |
CIAO::Swapping_Home_Servant_Impl< BASE_SKEL, EXEC, COMP_SVNT > | |
CIAO::Swapping_Home_Servant_Impl_Base | |
Swapping_Servant_Impl | Mixin base class for generated home servant |
Components::Transaction::SystemError | |
Components::UnknownActualHome | |
Components::UnknownKeyValue | |
CIAO::Upgradeable_Context_Impl< BASE_CTX, SVNT, COMP > | |
CIAO::UpgradeableContext | |
Components::Transaction::UserTransaction | |
Components::WrongComponentType | |