ACE_InputCDR Class Reference

A CDR stream for reading, i.e. for demarshalling. More...

#include <CDR_Stream.h>

Collaboration diagram for ACE_InputCDR:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ACE_InputCDR (const char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int byte_order=ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER, ACE_CDR::Octet major_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION, ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION)
 ACE_InputCDR (size_t bufsiz, int byte_order=ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER, ACE_CDR::Octet major_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION, ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION)
 ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_Message_Block *data, int byte_order=ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER, ACE_CDR::Octet major_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION, ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION, ACE_Lock *lock=0)
 Create an input stream from an ACE_Message_Block.
 ACE_InputCDR (ACE_Data_Block *data, ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags flag=0, int byte_order=ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER, ACE_CDR::Octet major_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION, ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION)
 ACE_InputCDR (ACE_Data_Block *data, ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags flag, size_t read_pointer_position, size_t write_pointer_position, int byte_order=ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER, ACE_CDR::Octet major_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION, ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version=ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION)
 ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_InputCDR &rhs)
ACE_InputCDRoperator= (const ACE_InputCDR &rhs)
 ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_InputCDR &rhs, size_t size, ACE_CDR::Long offset)
 ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_InputCDR &rhs, size_t size)
 ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_OutputCDR &rhs, ACE_Allocator *buffer_allocator=0, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator=0, ACE_Allocator *message_block_allocator=0)
 Create an input CDR from an output CDR.
 ACE_InputCDR (Transfer_Contents rhs)
 Transfer the contents from <rhs> to a new CDR.
 ~ACE_InputCDR (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_wstring (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_string (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_bytes (size_t n)
 Skip n bytes in the CDR stream.
bool good_bit (void) const
 returns false if a problem has been detected.
const ACE_Message_Blockstart (void) const
int grow (size_t newsize)
void reset_byte_order (int byte_order)
void reset (const ACE_Message_Block *data, int byte_order)
ACE_Message_Blocksteal_contents (void)
 Steal the contents from the current CDR.
void steal_from (ACE_InputCDR &cdr)
void exchange_data_blocks (ACE_InputCDR &cdr)
ACE_Data_Blockclone_from (ACE_InputCDR &cdr)
void reset_contents (void)
char * rd_ptr (void)
 Returns the current position for the rd_ptr.
char * wr_ptr (void)
 Returns the current position for the wr_ptr.
size_t length (void) const
 Return how many bytes are left in the stream.
int align_read_ptr (size_t alignment)
bool do_byte_swap (void) const
int byte_order (void) const
ACE_Char_Codeset_Translatorchar_translator (void) const
 Access the codeset translators. They can be nil!
ACE_WChar_Codeset_Translatorwchar_translator (void) const
void char_translator (ACE_Char_Codeset_Translator *)
 Set the codeset translators.
void wchar_translator (ACE_WChar_Codeset_Translator *)
int adjust (size_t size, char *&buf)
int adjust (size_t size, size_t align, char *&buf)
void set_version (ACE_CDR::Octet major, ACE_CDR::Octet minor)
 Set the underlying GIOP version..
void get_version (ACE_CDR::Octet &major, ACE_CDR::Octet &minor)
 Set the underlying GIOP version..
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_boolean (ACE_CDR::Boolean &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_char (ACE_CDR::Char &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_wchar (ACE_CDR::WChar &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_octet (ACE_CDR::Octet &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_short (ACE_CDR::Short &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_ushort (ACE_CDR::UShort &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_long (ACE_CDR::Long &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_ulong (ACE_CDR::ULong &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_longlong (ACE_CDR::LongLong &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_ulonglong (ACE_CDR::ULongLong &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_float (ACE_CDR::Float &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_double (ACE_CDR::Double &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_longdouble (ACE_CDR::LongDouble &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_string (ACE_CDR::Char *&x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_string (ACE_CString &x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_wstring (ACE_CDR::WChar *&x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_boolean_array (ACE_CDR::Boolean *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_char_array (ACE_CDR::Char *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_wchar_array (ACE_CDR::WChar *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_octet_array (ACE_CDR::Octet *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_short_array (ACE_CDR::Short *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_ushort_array (ACE_CDR::UShort *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_long_array (ACE_CDR::Long *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_ulong_array (ACE_CDR::ULong *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_longlong_array (ACE_CDR::LongLong *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_ulonglong_array (ACE_CDR::ULongLong *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_float_array (ACE_CDR::Float *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_double_array (ACE_CDR::Double *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_longdouble_array (ACE_CDR::LongDouble *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_boolean (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_char (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_wchar (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_octet (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_short (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_ushort (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_long (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_ulong (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_longlong (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_ulonglong (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_float (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_double (void)
ACE_CDR::Boolean skip_longdouble (void)

Protected Attributes

ACE_Message_Block start_
bool do_byte_swap_
bool good_bit_
 set to false when an error occurs.
ACE_CDR::Octet major_version_
 The GIOP versions for this stream.
ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version_
 If not nil, invoke for translation of character and string data.

Private Member Functions

ACE_CDR::Boolean read_1 (ACE_CDR::Octet *x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_2 (ACE_CDR::UShort *x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_4 (ACE_CDR::ULong *x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_8 (ACE_CDR::ULongLong *x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_16 (ACE_CDR::LongDouble *x)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_array (void *x, size_t size, size_t align, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
ACE_CDR::Boolean read_wchar_array_i (ACE_CDR::WChar *x, ACE_CDR::ULong length)
void rd_ptr (size_t offset)
 Move the rd_ptr ahead by offset bytes.
char * end (void)
 Points to the continuation field of the current message block.


class ACE_Char_Codeset_Translator
class ACE_WChar_Codeset_Translator


struct  to_boolean
struct  to_char
struct  to_octet
struct  to_string
struct  to_wchar
struct  to_wstring
struct  Transfer_Contents

Detailed Description

A CDR stream for reading, i.e. for demarshalling.

This class is based on the the CORBA spec for Java (98-02-29), java class It diverts in a few ways: + Operations to retrieve basic types take parameters by reference. + Operations taking arrays don't have offsets, because in C++ it is easier to describe an array starting from x+offset. + Operations return an error status, because exceptions are not widely available in C++ (yet).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( const char *  buf,
size_t  bufsiz,
int  byte_order = ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER,
ACE_CDR::Octet  major_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION,
ACE_CDR::Octet  minor_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION 

Create an input stream from an arbitrary buffer. The buffer must be properly aligned because this contructor will *not* work if the buffer is aligned unproperly.See ACE_ptr_align_binary() for instructions on how to align a pointer properly and use ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT for the correct alignment.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( size_t  bufsiz,
int  byte_order = ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER,
ACE_CDR::Octet  major_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION,
ACE_CDR::Octet  minor_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION 

Create an empty input stream. The caller is responsible for putting the right data and providing the right alignment.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( const ACE_Message_Block data,
int  byte_order = ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER,
ACE_CDR::Octet  major_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION,
ACE_CDR::Octet  minor_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION,
ACE_Lock lock = 0 

Create an input stream from an ACE_Message_Block.

The alignment of the

  • data block is carried into the new ACE_InputCDR object. This constructor either increments the
  • data reference count, or copies the data (if it's a compound message block) so the caller can release the block immediately upon return.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( ACE_Data_Block data,
ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags  flag = 0,
int  byte_order = ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER,
ACE_CDR::Octet  major_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION,
ACE_CDR::Octet  minor_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION 

Create an input stream from an ACE_Data_Block. The <flag> indicates whether the <data> can be deleted by the CDR stream or not

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( ACE_Data_Block data,
ACE_Message_Block::Message_Flags  flag,
size_t  read_pointer_position,
size_t  write_pointer_position,
int  byte_order = ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER,
ACE_CDR::Octet  major_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MAJOR_VERSION,
ACE_CDR::Octet  minor_version = ACE_CDR_GIOP_MINOR_VERSION 

Create an input stream from an ACE_Data_Block. It also sets the read and write pointers at the desired positions. This would be helpful if the applications desires to create a new CDR stream from a semi-processed datablock.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( const ACE_InputCDR rhs  ) 

These make a copy of the current stream state, but do not copy the internal buffer, so the same stream can be read multiple times efficiently.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( const ACE_InputCDR rhs,
size_t  size,
ACE_CDR::Long  offset 

When interpreting indirected TypeCodes it is useful to make a "copy" of the stream starting in the new position.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( const ACE_InputCDR rhs,
size_t  size 

This creates an encapsulated stream, the first byte must be (per the spec) the byte order of the encapsulation.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( const ACE_OutputCDR rhs,
ACE_Allocator buffer_allocator = 0,
ACE_Allocator data_block_allocator = 0,
ACE_Allocator message_block_allocator = 0 

Create an input CDR from an output CDR.

ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR ( ACE_InputCDR::Transfer_Contents  x  ) 

Transfer the contents from <rhs> to a new CDR.

ACE_INLINE ACE_InputCDR::~ACE_InputCDR ( void   ) 


Member Function Documentation

ACE_InputCDR & ACE_InputCDR::operator= ( const ACE_InputCDR rhs  ) 

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_boolean ( ACE_CDR::Boolean x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_char ( ACE_CDR::Char x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_wchar ( ACE_CDR::WChar x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_octet ( ACE_CDR::Octet x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_short ( ACE_CDR::Short x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_ushort ( ACE_CDR::UShort x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_long ( ACE_CDR::Long x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_ulong ( ACE_CDR::ULong x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_longlong ( ACE_CDR::LongLong x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_ulonglong ( ACE_CDR::ULongLong x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_float ( ACE_CDR::Float x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_double ( ACE_CDR::Double x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_longdouble ( ACE_CDR::LongDouble x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_string ( ACE_CDR::Char *&  x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_string ( ACE_CString x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_wstring ( ACE_CDR::WChar *&  x  ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_boolean_array ( ACE_CDR::Boolean x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_char_array ( ACE_CDR::Char x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_wchar_array ( ACE_CDR::WChar x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_octet_array ( ACE_CDR::Octet x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_short_array ( ACE_CDR::Short x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_ushort_array ( ACE_CDR::UShort x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_long_array ( ACE_CDR::Long x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_ulong_array ( ACE_CDR::ULong x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_longlong_array ( ACE_CDR::LongLong x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_ulonglong_array ( ACE_CDR::ULongLong x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_float_array ( ACE_CDR::Float x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_double_array ( ACE_CDR::Double x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_longdouble_array ( ACE_CDR::LongDouble x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 

The buffer x must be large enough to contain length elements. Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_boolean ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_char ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_wchar ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_octet ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_short ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_ushort ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_long ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_ulong ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_longlong ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_ulonglong ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_float ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_double ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_longdouble ( void   ) 

Return false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_wstring ( void   ) 

The next field must be a string, this method skips it. It is useful in parsing a TypeCode.

false on failure and true on success.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_string ( void   ) 

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_bytes ( size_t  n  ) 

Skip n bytes in the CDR stream.

false on failure and true on success.

ACE_INLINE bool ACE_InputCDR::good_bit ( void   )  const

returns false if a problem has been detected.

ACE_INLINE const ACE_Message_Block * ACE_InputCDR::start ( void   )  const

The start of the message block chain for this CDR stream.
In the current implementation the chain has length 1, but we are planning to change that.

int ACE_InputCDR::grow ( size_t  newsize  ) 

Grow the internal buffer, reset rd_ptr to the first byte in the new buffer that is properly aligned, and set wr_ptr to rd_ptr + newsize

ACE_INLINE void ACE_InputCDR::reset_byte_order ( int  byte_order  ) 

After reading and partially parsing the contents the user can detect a change in the byte order, this method will let him/her change it.

void ACE_InputCDR::reset ( const ACE_Message_Block data,
int  byte_order 

Re-initialize the CDR stream, copying the contents of the chain of message_blocks starting from data.

ACE_Message_Block * ACE_InputCDR::steal_contents ( void   ) 

Steal the contents from the current CDR.

void ACE_InputCDR::steal_from ( ACE_InputCDR cdr  ) 

Steal the contents of cdr and make a shallow copy into this stream.

void ACE_InputCDR::exchange_data_blocks ( ACE_InputCDR cdr  ) 

Exchange data blocks with the caller of this method. The read and write pointers are also exchanged.

We now do only with the start_ message block.

ACE_Data_Block * ACE_InputCDR::clone_from ( ACE_InputCDR cdr  ) 

Copy the data portion from the cdr to this cdr and return the data content (ie. the ACE_Data_Block) from this CDR to the caller.

The caller is responsible for managing the memory of the returned ACE_Data_Block.

void ACE_InputCDR::reset_contents ( void   ) 

Re-initialize the CDR stream, forgetting about the old contents of the stream and allocating a new buffer (from the allocators).

ACE_INLINE char * ACE_InputCDR::rd_ptr ( void   ) 

Returns the current position for the rd_ptr.

ACE_INLINE char * ACE_InputCDR::wr_ptr ( void   ) 

Returns the current position for the wr_ptr.

ACE_INLINE size_t ACE_InputCDR::length ( void   )  const

Return how many bytes are left in the stream.

ACE_INLINE int ACE_InputCDR::align_read_ptr ( size_t  alignment  ) 

Utility function to allow the user more flexibility. Skips up to the nearest alignment-byte boundary. Argument MUST be a power of 2.

0 on success and -1 on failure.

ACE_INLINE bool ACE_InputCDR::do_byte_swap ( void   )  const

If true then this stream is writing in non-native byte order. This is only meaningful if ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE is defined.

ACE_INLINE int ACE_InputCDR::byte_order ( void   )  const

If do_byte_swap() returns false, this returns ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER else it returns !ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER.

ACE_INLINE ACE_Char_Codeset_Translator * ACE_InputCDR::char_translator ( void   )  const

Access the codeset translators. They can be nil!

ACE_INLINE ACE_WChar_Codeset_Translator * ACE_InputCDR::wchar_translator ( void   )  const

ACE_INLINE void ACE_InputCDR::char_translator ( ACE_Char_Codeset_Translator ctran  ) 

Set the codeset translators.

ACE_INLINE void ACE_InputCDR::wchar_translator ( ACE_WChar_Codeset_Translator wctran  ) 

ACE_INLINE int ACE_InputCDR::adjust ( size_t  size,
char *&  buf 

Returns (in buf) the next position in the buffer aligned to size. It advances the Message_Block rd_ptr past the data (i.e., buf + size). Sets the good_bit to false and returns a -1 on failure.

ACE_INLINE int ACE_InputCDR::adjust ( size_t  size,
size_t  align,
char *&  buf 

As above, but now the size and alignment requirements may be different.

ACE_INLINE void ACE_InputCDR::set_version ( ACE_CDR::Octet  major,
ACE_CDR::Octet  minor 

Set the underlying GIOP version..

ACE_INLINE void ACE_InputCDR::get_version ( ACE_CDR::Octet major,
ACE_CDR::Octet minor 

Set the underlying GIOP version..

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_1 ( ACE_CDR::Octet x  )  [private]

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_2 ( ACE_CDR::UShort x  )  [private]

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_4 ( ACE_CDR::ULong x  )  [private]

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_8 ( ACE_CDR::ULongLong x  )  [private]

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_16 ( ACE_CDR::LongDouble x  )  [private]

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_array ( void *  x,
size_t  size,
size_t  align,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 
) [private]

Read an array of length elements, each of size bytes and the start aligned at a multiple of <align>. The elements are assumed to be packed with the right alignment restrictions. It is mostly designed for buffers of the basic types.

This operation uses <memcpy>; as explained above it is expected that using assignment is faster that <memcpy> for one element, but for several elements <memcpy> should be more efficient, it could be interesting to find the break even point and optimize for that case, but that would be too platform dependent.

ACE_CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_wchar_array_i ( ACE_CDR::WChar x,
ACE_CDR::ULong  length 
) [private]

On those occasions when the native codeset for wchar is smaller than the size of a wchar_t, such as using UTF-16 with a 4-byte wchar_t, a special form of reading the array is needed. Actually, this should be a default translator.

ACE_INLINE void ACE_InputCDR::rd_ptr ( size_t  offset  )  [private]

Move the rd_ptr ahead by offset bytes.

ACE_INLINE char * ACE_InputCDR::end ( void   )  [private]

Points to the continuation field of the current message block.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ACE_Char_Codeset_Translator [friend]

The translator need privileged access to efficiently demarshal arrays and the such

friend class ACE_WChar_Codeset_Translator [friend]

Member Data Documentation

The start of the chain of message blocks, even though in the current version the chain always has length 1.

bool ACE_InputCDR::do_byte_swap_ [protected]

The CDR stream byte order does not match the one on the machine, swapping is needed while reading.

bool ACE_InputCDR::good_bit_ [protected]

set to false when an error occurs.

The GIOP versions for this stream.

If not nil, invoke for translation of character and string data.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Mon May 19 03:28:58 2008 for ACE by  doxygen 1.5.5