CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl Class Reference

This class implements the ExecutionManger. ExecutionManager starts the execution process after the planning stage. More...

#include <Execution_Manager_Impl.h>

Collaboration diagram for CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Execution_Manager_Impl (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, const char *init_file, bool is_using_ami, bool is_using_active_object)
preparePlan (const Deployment::DeploymentPlan &plan, CORBA::Boolean commitResources)
getManagers ()
getManager (const char *plan_uuid)
virtual void destroyManager (Deployment::DomainApplicationManager_ptr manager)
virtual void destroyManagerByPlan (const char *plan_uuid)
virtual void shutdown ()
virtual void perform_redeployment (const Deployment::DeploymentPlan &plan)
getPlan (const char *plan_uuid)
virtual void finalize_global_binding (const Component_Binding_Info &binding, CORBA::Boolean add_connection)
 ****************** C++ Methods *************************
virtual void passivate_shared_components (const Component_Binding_Info &binding)
virtual void activate_shared_components (const Component_Binding_Info &binding)
virtual void add_shared_component (const Component_Binding_Info &binding)
virtual void remove_shared_component (const Component_Binding_Info &binding)
 Remove shared component.
virtual bool is_component_running (const char *name, const char *plan_uuid)

Protected Member Functions

find_node_application (const Component_Binding_Info &binding)
 Return the NodeApplication hosting the given biding.
CORBA::Short get_current_thread_priority (void)
virtual ~Execution_Manager_Impl (void)

Protected Attributes

CORBA::ORB_var orb_
 Cached ORB pointer.
PortableServer::POA_var poa_
 Cached POA pointer.
ACE_CString const init_file_
 Path to the initialization file.
bool is_using_ami_
 Whether we use AMI.
bool is_using_active_object_
 Whether we use active object based deployment.
DAM_Map map_
 A map which caches the DomainApplicationManager object ref.
< Component_Binding_Info
 A set of shared components and their location info.

Detailed Description

This class implements the ExecutionManger. ExecutionManager starts the execution process after the planning stage.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::Execution_Manager_Impl ( CORBA::ORB_ptr  orb,
PortableServer::POA_ptr  poa,
const char *  init_file,
bool  is_using_ami,
bool  is_using_active_object 


CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::~Execution_Manager_Impl ( void   )  [protected, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

Deployment::DomainApplicationManager_ptr CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::preparePlan ( const Deployment::DeploymentPlan plan,
CORBA::Boolean  commitResources 
) [virtual]

Template methods from ExecutionManagerDaemon, please see $CIAO_ROOT/DAnCE/Deployment/Deployment.idl for documentation

@ TODO:Need to check the return value......

Deployment::DomainApplicationManagers * CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::getManagers (  )  [virtual]

Deployment::DomainApplicationManager_ptr CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::getManager ( const char *  plan_uuid  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::destroyManager ( Deployment::DomainApplicationManager_ptr  manager  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::destroyManagerByPlan ( const char *  plan_uuid  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::shutdown (  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::perform_redeployment ( const Deployment::DeploymentPlan plan  )  [virtual]

Deployment::DeploymentPlan * CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::getPlan ( const char *  plan_uuid  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::finalize_global_binding ( const Component_Binding_Info binding,
CORBA::Boolean  add_connection 
) [virtual]

****************** C++ Methods *************************

If input <add_connection> is true, then it will add new connections which are across different assemblies. Otherwise it will remove the specified connections of this component.

@GD: Later we can add another method which could accept a list of bindings and do the batch job.

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::passivate_shared_components ( const Component_Binding_Info binding  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::activate_shared_components ( const Component_Binding_Info binding  )  [virtual]

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::add_shared_component ( const Component_Binding_Info binding  )  [virtual]

Add shared component information. This call will be made by DomainApplicationManager.

void CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::remove_shared_component ( const Component_Binding_Info binding  )  [virtual]

Remove shared component.

bool CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::is_component_running ( const char *  name,
const char *  plan_uuid 
) [virtual]

If the input component <name> was found in the internal cached shared component list, and the plan_uuid also matches, then this member function returns <true>, otherwise it returns <false>.

Deployment::NodeApplication_ptr CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::find_node_application ( const Component_Binding_Info binding  )  [protected, virtual]

Return the NodeApplication hosting the given biding.

CORBA::Short CIAO::Execution_Manager::Execution_Manager_Impl::get_current_thread_priority ( void   )  [protected]

Member Data Documentation

Cached ORB pointer.

Cached POA pointer.

Path to the initialization file.

Whether we use AMI.

Whether we use active object based deployment.

A map which caches the DomainApplicationManager object ref.

A set of shared components and their location info.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Apr 23 04:22:13 2008 for DAnCE by  doxygen 1.5.5