ACE_DLList< T > Class Template Reference

A double-linked list container class. More...

#include <Containers_T.h>

Inheritance diagram for ACE_DLList< T >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ACE_DLList< T >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void operator= (const ACE_DLList< T > &l)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
T * insert_tail (T *new_item)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
T * insert_head (T *new_item)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
T * delete_head (void)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
T * delete_tail (void)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
int get (T *&item, size_t slot=0)
void dump (void) const
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
int remove (ACE_DLList_Node *n)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
 ACE_DLList (ACE_Allocator *the_allocator=0)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
 ACE_DLList (const ACE_DLList< T > &l)
 Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.
 ~ACE_DLList (void)
 Deletes the list starting from the head.


class ACE_DLList_Node
class ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator< T >
class ACE_DLList_Iterator< T >
class ACE_DLList_Reverse_Iterator< T >

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class ACE_DLList< T >

A double-linked list container class.

This implementation uses ACE_Double_Linked_List to perform the logic behind this container class. It delegates all of its calls to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE ACE_DLList< T >::ACE_DLList ( ACE_Allocator the_allocator = 0  ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE ACE_DLList< T >::ACE_DLList ( const ACE_DLList< T > &  l  ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE ACE_DLList< T >::~ACE_DLList ( void   ) 

Deletes the list starting from the head.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
T * ACE_DLList< T >::delete_head ( void   ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

Reimplemented from ACE_Double_Linked_List< ACE_DLList_Node >.

template<class T>
T * ACE_DLList< T >::delete_tail ( void   ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

Reimplemented from ACE_Double_Linked_List< ACE_DLList_Node >.

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE void ACE_DLList< T >::dump ( void   )  const

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

Reimplemented from ACE_Double_Linked_List< ACE_DLList_Node >.

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE int ACE_DLList< T >::get ( T *&  item,
size_t  slot = 0 

Delegates to {ACE_Double_Linked_List}, but where {ACE_Double_Linked_List} returns the node as the item, this get returns the contents of the node in item.

template<class T>
T * ACE_DLList< T >::insert_head ( T *  new_item  ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

template<class T>
T * ACE_DLList< T >::insert_tail ( T *  new_item  ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE void ACE_DLList< T >::operator= ( const ACE_DLList< T > &  l  ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

template<class T>
ACE_INLINE int ACE_DLList< T >::remove ( ACE_DLList_Node n  ) 

Delegates to ACE_Double_Linked_List.

Reimplemented from ACE_Double_Linked_List< ACE_DLList_Node >.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class T>
friend class ACE_DLList_Iterator< T > [friend]

template<class T>
friend class ACE_DLList_Node [friend]

template<class T>
friend class ACE_DLList_Reverse_Iterator< T > [friend]

template<class T>
friend class ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator< T > [friend]

Reimplemented from ACE_Double_Linked_List< ACE_DLList_Node >.

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