The ImplRepo_Service.exe can now also function as a Windows NT Service. The -c option can be used to install and remove the service (this requires Administrator access on the machine).
net start "TAO Implementation Repository Locator"
net start "TAO Implementation Repository Activator"
The Implementation Repository supports start and stop but not pause.
Any options that are specified along with -c install, will be saved in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TAOIMRActivator\Parameters and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TAOIMRLocator\Parameters. For example: ImR_Activator -c install -d 3 -l -m -o activator.ior -x persist.xml -t 30 -orbendpoint iiop://:9988 -orbdebuglevel 1
The order of arguments makes no difference, but you must run -c remove and then -c install if you want to change the parameters.
You can also manually change these using the typical regedit utility.