Activator_NT_Service.cpp | |
Activator_NT_Service.h | |
Activator_Options.cpp | |
Activator_Options.h | Definition of the Options class for the Implementation Repository |
Adapter_Activator.cpp | |
Adapter_Activator.h | This class implements ImR's Adapter Activator |
Forwarder.cpp | Definition of ImR_Forwarder |
Forwarder.h | This class implements ImR's forwarding ServantLocator |
ImR_Activator.cpp | |
ImR_Activator_i.cpp | |
ImR_Activator_i.h | This class implements the Implementation Repository |
ImR_Locator.cpp | |
ImR_Locator_i.cpp | |
ImR_Locator_i.h | |
INS_Locator.cpp | Implementation of the ImR's INS Locator class |
INS_Locator.h | This class implements the ImR's INS Locator class |
Iterator.cpp | This file declares ImR's iterator |
Iterator.h | This file declares ImR's iterator |
Locator_NT_Service.cpp | |
Locator_NT_Service.h | |
Locator_Options.cpp | |
Locator_Options.h | Definition of the Options class for the Implementation Repository |
Repository_Configuration.cpp | |
Repository_Configuration.h | Class to maintain the non-Win32 Registry Server Configuration. Also is a wrapper around ACE_Configuration_Heap class |
Server_Info.cpp | |
Server_Info.h | |
Server_Repository.cpp | |
Server_Repository.h | |
tao_imr.cpp | |
tao_imr_i.cpp | |
tao_imr_i.h | |
XML_ContentHandler.cpp | |
XML_ContentHandler.h | This is a content handler which helps update the existing xml file used for store server configuration |