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Deployment::NodeManager Interface Reference

import "Deployment.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void joinDomain (in Domain ciao_domain, in TargetManager manager, in Logger log)
void leaveDomain ()
NodeApplicationManager preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan) raises (StartError, PlanError)
void destroyManager (in NodeApplicationManager appManager) raises (StopError, InvalidReference)
void destroyPlan (in DeploymentPlan plan) raises (StopError)
ComponentPlans get_shared_components ()

Member Function Documentation

void Deployment::NodeManager::destroyManager in NodeApplicationManager  appManager  )  raises (StopError, InvalidReference)

void Deployment::NodeManager::destroyPlan in DeploymentPlan  plan  )  raises (StopError)

CIAO specific extension Destroy the NAM and all the associated NAs with this child_plan We can guarantee that the input DeploymentPlan is valid, since it is fetched from the cached DeploymentPlan of DAM, which has been validated before.

ComponentPlans Deployment::NodeManager::get_shared_components  ) 

CIAO specific extension Get all the shared components installed in this node

void Deployment::NodeManager::joinDomain in Domain  ciao_domain,
in TargetManager  manager,
in Logger  log

void Deployment::NodeManager::leaveDomain  ) 

NodeApplicationManager Deployment::NodeManager::preparePlan in DeploymentPlan  plan  )  raises (StartError, PlanError)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Feb 16 04:18:15 2006 for CIAO by  doxygen